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  1. 主要包括康师尧在思想方面和技法方面的创新。

    Mainly includes Kang ShiYao in thoughts and techniques of innovation .

  2. 第二章对康师尧的艺术生平进行了简要的概述:第三章对康师尧的绘画思想进行了梳理。

    The second chapter of the art of the Kang ShiYao life summarizes briefly : the third chapter of Kang ShiYao drawing thought reviews .

  3. 康师尧不仅是长安画派的主要创始人之一,而且也是长安画派画家中唯一的一位以花鸟画著称画坛的。

    Kang ShiYao is not only " chang an school " one of the main founder , and also the " chang an school " in one of the only artist to painting of the painting is famous for .

  4. 作为长安画派中唯一一位执着于以花鸟画为主要艺术表现的画家,康师尧固守着属于自己的典雅与清新风格,从而给大气磅礴的长安画派带来了似水柔情的一面。

    Kang Shi Yao is only one of the main works of the school of flower-and-bird painting ; he sticks with his own style which is elegance and freshness . It is giving majestic Chang ' an Painting brings gentleness side .

  5. 包括他对生活的认识、坚持群众的观点以及对继承与创造辩证关系的正确认识;第四章主要介绍了康师尧在花鸟画领域的创新表现。

    Including his understanding of life , and to adhere to the mass of the ideas and for " inherited " and " create " dialectical relationship between the correct understanding ; The fourth chapter introduces the painting of the innovation of the field Kang ShiYao in performance .