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  1. 正是这种对传统风格的坚持使叶广芩在当代文坛独树一帜。

    Ye Guang-qin is special because of this style that persistence on traditional culture .

  2. 第三部分从源头入手分析叶广芩小说作品中悲剧的来源。

    The third part starts from the source analysis of Ye Guangqinnovels ' tragic origin .

  3. 认为叶广芩以伦理型生命观塑造人物的理想人格,以传统价值观作为人在现代社会遇到困惑时进行选择的行为准则。

    In my opinion , Ye Guang-qin shapes characters with ethic concept , takes traditional value as behavior guidelines when puzzled in modern society .

  4. 虽然失去了贵族的生活环境,但是叶广芩在经过了更广阔的中国传统文化精神的考察之后,仍然留有对传统文化的认同感和自豪感。

    Although the loss of noble living environment but that she was more the spirit of Chinese traditional culture study , still have the traditional cultural identity and pride .