
  • 网络leafy vegetables;leaf vegetable
  1. 施氮是提高叶菜类蔬菜产量的有效措施,然而过量施氮也会对蔬菜产量和品质产生不良影响。

    Nitrogen application could greatly increase yield of leaf vegetable , but excessively applied nitrogen would have a bad influence on yield and qualities of vegetable .

  2. 可见,在温室栽培条件下施用生物有机肥料可以提高叶菜类蔬菜产量、品质和降低土壤盐分的累积。

    The above results indicated that applying biological organic fertilizer to greenhouse culture can effectively increase the yield , improve the quality of leaf vegetable and decrease salt accumulation in soil .

  3. 土壤pH与叶菜类蔬菜对Cd的生物富集程度呈显著负相关。

    The concentrations of Cd in leafy vegetables had significant negative correlation to soil pH.

  4. 叶菜类蔬菜Cd、Pb污染规律及其改良效果研究

    Research on the Foliage Vegetable Pollution Rule in Cd 、 Pb Contaminated Soil and the Improvement Effect

  5. 研究区域的叶菜类蔬菜主要受Pb、Hg、As的污染。

    The vegetables in Guiyang city suburbs were polluted by Pb , Hg and As .

  6. 本论文通过田间试验,研究了稀土、微肥和硝化抑制剂对叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量、产量和养分吸收以及维生素C和可溶性糖含量等品质指标的影响。

    So the effects of applying rare earth element , 5 micronutrient fertilizers and 3 nitrification inhibitors on nitrate , nitrite contents and other qualities in pakchoi were studied with plot experiment at 2 sites .

  7. 叶菜类蔬菜的富集系数和迁移系数均大于其他种类蔬菜,故不适合在Cd污染土壤上种植。

    The coefficients of Cd enrichment and coefficient transfer of Leafy vegetables were large than other kinds of vegetables , thus these vegetables were not suitable for planting in soils polluted with Cd .

  8. 选用适宜肥料是合理利用和修复Cd污染土壤的途径之一,但有关磷肥对土壤-叶菜类蔬菜系统中Cd迁移的影响未得到普遍认识。

    Proper fertilization practices could remedy Cd contaminated soil effectively . But the knowledge regarding effects of phosphorus ( P ) fertilizers on Cd transfer within the soil-vegetable system had not been widely recognized .

  9. 测定了的它们富集系数K值,叶菜类蔬菜的K值为0.2~0.5,油菜籽为0.26,粮食作物为0.05~0.11,瓜果类蔬菜为0.01~0.07;

    Enrichment factors ( K ) of them were counted . K values of the leaves of vegetables , rapeseed , cereal crops and fruits of vegetables are 0.2 0.5 , 0.26 , 0.05 0.11 and 0.01 0.07 respectively .

  10. 叶菜类蔬菜中硝酸盐含量随氮肥用量增加呈上升趋势,其中菠菜最为明显,追肥后10d出现硝酸盐积累高峰。

    Nitrate content of leaf vegetables increased with higher fertilizer application , and it reached summit after ten_day top application , which spinach was most obvious .

  11. 五种重金属在不同蔬菜中的贡献率范围从2.4%-60%,其中Pb在叶菜类蔬菜中的贡献率高达60.0%,As在豆类蔬菜中的贡献率也达到49.2%。

    Five kinds of heavy metals contribution rate range from 2.4 % to 60 % in different vegetables . Among , there was the highest contribution rate was 60.0 % of Pb in leaf vegetables , and the lowest contribution rate was 49.2 % of As in beans vegetables .

  12. 低硝酸盐叶菜类蔬菜水培技术研究

    Study on the hydroponics technique of leaf vegetables with low-nitrate content

  13. 两种复合肥在叶菜类蔬菜上的应用效果比较

    Comparison of the Effects of Two Complex Fertilizers on Leafy Vegetables

  14. 叶菜类蔬菜气调保鲜包装研究

    Research of the MAP Technology for Keeping Fresh of Leaf Vegetables

  15. 叶菜类蔬菜的工厂化育苗与生产衔接初报

    Preliminary Study on Connection of Industrial Nursing of Leaf Vegetable to Production

  16. 安庆市售叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐含量的调查及污染评价

    Investigation and Evaluation of Nitrate Pollution of Leafy Vegetables in Anqing City

  17. 莴笋是我国南方较为广泛种植的叶菜类蔬菜,重庆地区种植面积也较大。

    Lettuce is the leafy vegetable widespread grown in the south China .

  18. 不同叶菜类蔬菜利用硝态氮的生理生化机理研究

    Studies on Physiological and Biochemical Character of Different Foliage Vegetable in Utilizing Nitrate

  19. 叶菜类蔬菜害虫生态控制系统组建及其效益评价

    Establishment of Ecological Control System Against Leaf Vegetables Pests and Its Benefit Assessment

  20. 叶菜类蔬菜不同部位的硝态氮累积对氮肥的响应

    Response of Nitrate Accumulation in Different Parts of Leafy Vegetables to Nitrogen Supply

  21. 一般叶菜类蔬菜食用部位含污量普遍较高,果菜类蔬菜食用部位含污量较低。

    Generally , the edible-leaf-vegetable 's pollutant contents are higher than the edible-fruit-vegetable 's.

  22. 土壤硝酸盐含量是影响叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐含量的主要土壤肥力因素。

    The positive relationship was observed between the content of nitrate in foliage vegetables .

  23. 高铁酸钾对叶菜类蔬菜中3种有机磷农药的降解作用研究

    Studies on the Degradation of Three Organophosphorous Pesticides in Leafy Vegetables by Potassium Ferrate

  24. 叶菜类蔬菜除砷外,镉、汞、铅等进入临界级。

    The cadmium , mercury and lead in leaf vegetables accessed to the critical level except arsenic .

  25. 这可以从整个谷物,豆类,谷类,绿色叶菜类蔬菜,新鲜水果等。

    This can be derived from whole grains , legumes , cereals , green and leafy vegetables , fresh fruits etc.

  26. 叶菜类蔬菜油麦菜、上海青、芹菜的镉含量分别为0.014、0.0100、。

    Cadmium content in Leafy vegetables such as romaine lettuce , greengrocery and celery respectively was 0.014 ? mg / kg , 0.010 ?

  27. 不同蔬菜的食用部位硫含量是不同的,一般叶菜类蔬菜中硫含量高于果菜类蔬菜。

    The edible-position sulphur content of the different kinds vegetables are not alike . Generaly , edible-leaf-vegetable 's sulphur content is higher than edible-fruit-vegetable 's.

  28. 37.1%的叶菜类蔬菜、9%的瓜类蔬菜和4%的豆类蔬菜超过国家食品污染物限量标准;

    37.1 % leafy vegetable , 9 % gourd vegetable , and 4 % leguminous vegetable exceeded the maximum levels of contaminants in foods .

  29. 对长沙市蔬菜生产基地春夏季节3种叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐含量进行测定并与对应的菜园土壤8个肥力因素进行相关分析。

    The experiment on testing nitrate content of foliage vegetables and soil fertility was conducted in spring-summer season at vegetable base of Changsha , China .

  30. 叶菜类蔬菜中的亚硝酸盐含量及其变化速率均明显高于瓜果类和根茎类蔬菜。

    The nitrite contents and its change speed in leaf vegetables was obviously higher than that in melon or fruit vegetables and root or stem vegetables .