
yè cóng
  • leafage;frondage
叶丛[yè cóng]
  1. 15~20d时,成簇突起形成幼叶丛,一些幼叶和叶状体的近轴面的基部出现叶腋分生组织。

    By 15 ~ 20 d , a cluster of young leaves and leaf-like organs formed and several axillary meristems initiated at the base of the adaxial side of these young leaves .

  2. 叶丛快速生长期是甜菜生长的需水临界期,这一时期缺水将严重影响产量。

    Water is crucial for beet yield during the phyllome speed - growth stage .

  3. 模式叶丛中光的分布

    Light distribution in modeled foliage groupings

  4. 紫罗兰花微露在叶丛间。

    Violets peeped among the leaves .

  5. 它在夏末开出宝石红的花朵,不过叶丛的颜色是关键。

    It has ruby-red flowers in late summer , but the colour of the foliage is the thing .

  6. 叶丛的颜色也很好看,奇特的叶子变成果酱红,叶片也变得多起来。

    The foliage colours well , too , with odd leaves turning cherry red and turning up the volume .

  7. 夜是深黑的,星星消失在云里,风在叶丛中叹息。

    The night is dark . The stars are lost in clouds . The wind is sighing through the leaves .

  8. 他眼中的远景是绿色的叶丛和林中的空地,或是闪着柔和的光,或为闪亮的光穿透。

    The vistas he saw were vistas of green foliage and forest glades , all softly luminous or shot through with flashing lights .

  9. 发生在宁夏甜菜上的一种病毒病的病株叶丛主要表现为黄化、焦桔和叶脉黄化坏死。

    A virus disease of sugar beet occurred in Ningxia showing symptoms of yellow s , parch blight and necrotic yellow vein of foliage leaves .

  10. 甜菜吸收和累积锰量最多的时期,是叶丛快速生长期至决根,糖分增长期;

    The period when sugarbeet had maximum amount of Mn absorbing and accumulating was from the foliage quick growing stage to root and sugar increasing stage .

  11. 一种产在美洲热带地区的棕榈树王棕属,树干高而无皮,大的羽状复合叶丛覆于其冠。

    Any of several tropical American palm trees of the genus Roystonea having a tall , naked trunk surmounted by a large tuft of pinnately compound leaves .

  12. 坚韧的叶鞘拱出了土壤,需要对突出体作辅助工作,但是随后出现在叶丛中的花蕾光润而娇嫩。

    Tough sheaths push through the earth and do the backwork needed for the emergence , but the buds which then emerge in clusters are silken and delicate .

  13. 用红外测温仪测定干旱麦田和湿润麦田的叶丛温差,是诊断小麦干旱之简便而有效的方法。

    Wheat water stress can be determined effectively and quickly by means of leaf temperature measured by an infrared thermometer in the drought field and the well watered reference plot .

  14. 文中分析了树干、枝、叶、叶丛及球果等拓扑结构并给出了华北落叶松形态结构参数表。

    The paper also analyzes the geometrical and topological structures of the whole tree , branche , leaf , leaf bunches and cone , and get the table of morphological structural parameters .

  15. 结果表明,小区产量、主花序长、叶丛期叶长叶宽及主花序角果数的优势较强。

    The results showed that 4 traits & seed yield per plot , length of main inflorescence , leaf length of seedling leafage and silique number on main inflorescence , had high heterosis .

  16. 至叶丛繁茂期,单株绝对吸磷量和对磷肥利用率均明显增高,但单株相对含磷量却明显降低;

    Both absolute uptake amount and utilization ratio of phosphorus fertilizer per plant were increased significantly till the leaves lush growing stage , but the relative amount of phosphorus per plant decreased notably .

  17. 甜菜生育期根据叶、根生长及糖分积累特点划分为苗期、叶丛形成期、块根增长期及糖分积累期。

    The Stage of Sugarbeet growth is divided into stage of seedling growth , rossette formation , tuber growth and sucrose accumulation based on the characteristics of leaf and root growth as sucrose accumulation .

  18. 一般6月上旬到8月初为叶丛快速生长期,个体生长中心在地上部,8月初叶丛达到最大,以后生长中心转移到地下。

    The experimental results showed that speedy-growth-period of leaf-fascicle is generally from the early June to early August , growth center of sugarbeet is aerial part during the period and it will transfer under ground after the period .

  19. 通经分析表明,促进6月份报的分化,7月份叶片及块根的发育,提高叶片/叶柄比值;8月下旬促进根的快速膨大,维持叶丛的光合性能是获得丰产高糖的关键所在;

    With the path analysis shown that , they are the keys for getting high yield and high sugar to promote root differentiation in Jun. and development of leaf blade and root , improve the ratio of leaf / petiole in Jul. ;