
tíng yuán
  • garden;grounds;yard;pleasance
庭园 [tíng yuán]
  • [garden;grounds] 与住宅相连的一块土地,通常把其全部或一部分用来种植果树、花草或蔬菜以供家用或相应地添置设备或建造建筑物以供休息

庭园[tíng yuán]
  1. 把池塘里的树叶和其他庭园垃圾清除干净。

    Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond .

  2. 我们在雕塑庭园中央观看萨宾人(Sabines)遭掠夺,却没有人能做半点儿事阻止;我们向米开朗基罗致敬,去科学博物馆,从城市周围的山坡观景。

    We watch the Sabines getting raped right there in the middle of the sculpture garden with nobody doing a damn thing to stop it , and pay our respects to Michelangelo , to the science museum , to the views from the hillsides around town .

  3. 建成时,宫殿及其庭园比城市本身面积还要大。

    When built , the palace and its grounds were more extensive than the city itself .

  4. 他房子周围的庭园很美。

    The grounds around his house are beautiful .

  5. 这图上的许多X记号标示出所有可以进那城堡庭园的地方。

    SE X-marks on the drawing designate all the possible entrances to the castle grounds .

  6. 把目光从东京的钢筋水泥移向大自然吧。早晨,在风景如画的滨离宫恩赐庭园(Hama-rikyuGardens)散步(门票300日元)。

    Swap out the city 's steel and glass for trees and grass during a morning stroll through the landscaped Hama-rikyu Gardens ( admission , 300 yen ) .

  7. 测定结果表明,庭园野生蔬菜维生素C含量超过一般栽培蔬菜,必需氨基酸和限制性氨基酸含量都比较高,是一类既有营养又有保健作用的食物资源。

    The result of analysis show that the wild vegetables grows in the home-garden have both vegetative function and effect of health care because of content of their Vc richer than common cultivated vegetable species and the high content of essential amino acid .

  8. 采用风景质量评价法中心理物理学派的SBE法,对沈阳市典型居住庭园的植物景观进行评价,最后得出真正受公众欢迎的、具有北方园林风格及特色的最佳植物配置模式。

    The residence gardens in Shenyang were evaluated for plant landscapes , and the optimal garden models were developed .

  9. 十大欧式建筑物外立面照明以暖色调光源为主,重点对建筑物顶部、中部、下部进行照明,突出各种建筑主体及外轮廓;文化娱乐广场照明采用26套6m高庭园灯;

    External facade lighting mainly adopts warm colour source , and focuses on roof , middle and down part of building , and protrudes building main part and external contour , entertainment square adopts 26 sets 6m high courtyard lamp ;

  10. 试论庭园经济的战略地位及前景

    On the strategic status and perspective of the courtyard horticulture economy

  11. 小修道院的庭园里有一台尚能用的水磨。

    In the grounds of the Priory is a working watermill .

  12. 以沼气为纽带的庭园生态经济模式及效益分析;

    Modes of methane-based home-garden ecological economy and its benefit analysis ;

  13. 浅析日本民族审美意识对庭园设计的影响

    Analysis of Influences of the Japanese Aesthetic Consciousness on Garden Design

  14. 庭园里有很多花。

    There are a large quantity of flowers in the garden .

  15. 南宁市被动式节能庭园景观设计的探讨

    Discuss on Passive Energy Saving Landscape Design of Nanning 's Garden

  16. 织网的螨虫,损害庭园植物和果树。

    Web-spinning mite that attacks garden plants and fruit trees .

  17. 维诺庭园中的无价之宝&美国国家插画博物馆

    Priceless Treasure in Vernon Court & The National Museum of American Illustration

  18. 沼气庭园&一种小型高效的生态经济系统

    Biogas Home Carden ── A high Efficient and Small Agroecosystem

  19. 中外庭园风格的历史沿革

    History and Development of Patio Garden Styles in China and Foreign Countries

  20. 在庭园角有些瓶子。

    There were some glass bottles in the garden corner .

  21. 泮溪酒店的建筑具有浓厚的岭南庭园艺术特色。

    Panxi restaurant has a strong horticulture characteristic of the south gardens .

  22. 不至于会辱没公爵庭园的树木。

    Trees that would not have disgraced a ducal park .

  23. 小秘道通往诗情画意的庭园。

    Little secret paths lead through a truly enchanting garden .

  24. 浅议空中庭园在现代高层建筑中的作用

    On the functions of air courtyard in modern high-rise building

  25. 谈建筑小区内的庭园艺术

    On the art of flower garden in the building quarter

  26. 参与式庭园生态经济建设培训。

    Participatory training of the construction of home-garden ecological economy .

  27. 古徽州民居庭园中的水景艺术

    Arts of Traditional Private Home Garden Waterscapes in Hui County of China

  28. 上海城郊别墅庭园绿化的植物配置初探

    Preliminary research on the planting arrangement of villa gardens in Shanghai suburbs

  29. 走遍整个庭园;看完整篇报告。

    Walked over the grounds ; looked over the report .

  30. 它对水份和肥料的要求一般,土壤也只要普通的庭园土壤即可。

    It likes average watering and fertilizing , and normal garden soil .