
  • 网络Pre court;before trail
  1. 我国公诉案件庭前审查制度的重构

    Restructuring Pretrial Review System of Public Prosecution Cases in Our Country

  2. 笔者主要探讨刑事庭前审查程序问题。

    The author only wants to discuss the criminal pretrial procedure .

  3. 民事庭前准备程序反思与重构

    The Reconsideration and Rebuilding of Court Procedure Preparation for Civil Case

  4. 论刑事诉讼庭前证据开示制度

    The Evidence-discovering system in front of the court of criminal suit

  5. 第二部分对国外庭前审查程序制度进行了考察与评析。

    Part 2 investigates and analyses the foreign preliminary hearing procedure systems .

  6. 论我国的庭前审查程序改革

    On the Reform of Examination Procedure Before Trial in China

  7. 略论庭前供证的证明力与证据能力

    On Proof Reliability and Weight of Evidence of Testimony Provided Before Court

  8. 公诉案件庭前审查程序研究

    Research on Pretrial Review Procedure for the Public Prosecution Case

  9. 欧美民事诉讼庭前证据开示制度评析

    Analysis on the Evidence Discovery System of Euramerican Civil Litigation

  10. 第五,被害人庭前书面陈述的审查。

    Fifth , before victim courtyard , written statement examination .

  11. 刑事庭前审查程序研究民事诉讼审前准备程序研究

    The Study of Pre - trial Process in Criminal Procedure

  12. 刑事案件庭前审查及准备程序研究

    Study on Pretrial Review of Criminal Cases and Preparation Procedure

  13. 浅议庭前供述与当庭翻供的审查判断

    Discussion on Checkup and Judgment of Before-court Confession and On-Court Withdraw Confession

  14. 完善庭前民事证据交换制度的建议

    A Few Tentative Ideas on Perfecting Pre-trial Interchanging System of Civil Evidence

  15. 建立民事审判庭前听证程序初探

    On Installation of Previous Listen Procedure of Civil Trial

  16. 民事诉讼庭前证据交换制度研究

    Study the System of Evidence Exchange in Count of the Civil Procedure Law

  17. 我国刑事庭前审查程序的困境与出路

    The Plight and Outlet of the Criminal Pretrial Procedure

  18. 不允许在上庭前向媒体透露内幕。

    You 're not allowed to talk to the press before the trial .

  19. 刑事自诉、公诉案件庭前审查程序比较

    Inspection Process of the Criminal Cases of Private Prosecution Prior to the Court Trial

  20. 本文的研究主题是刑事庭前审查程序。

    The theme of this thesis is the Pretrial Review Procedure in Criminal Case .

  21. 三是改革和完善庭前调解程序制度;

    The third is a reform with perfect before the court intermediation procedure system ;

  22. 浅析我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》对证据的庭前陈述制度和庭前举证制度的规定海底争端分庭的程序

    On the Pre-trial Statement and Pre-trial Testimony System ; Proceedings before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber

  23. 庭前准备程序几乎包容了民事诉讼所有的原则和制度,体现了诉讼公正、效率和效益的多元价值。

    Almost all principles of civil process are involved in the procedure before court hearing .

  24. 最后,庭前会议是一个程序承载平台,某些具体程序或制度以庭前会议为程序载体,即以庭前会议的形式去进行。

    Finally , pretrial conference is a plat-form which can carry some specific procedures or systems .

  25. 民事庭前准备程序研究

    Study on Civil Pretrial Procedure

  26. 第三部分对我国庭前审查程序的目的及功能进行了论述。

    Part 3 investigates the purpose and functions of the preliminary hearing procedure systems in our country .

  27. 这种庭前审查方式的变革,对法庭的审理提出了新的要求。

    The change in the way of pre-trial review put in new demands in the trial court .

  28. 虽然在我国构建庭前审查程序存在着一定的困难,但是也有着三个有利的条件。

    Although constructing our pretrial review procedure have the some difficulties , but also have three advantageous conditions .

  29. 刑事庭前程序比较研究&兼论我国刑事庭前程序的重构

    A Comparative Study of the Criminal Pretrial Procedure & Also on the Reconstruction of Chinese Criminal Pretrial Procedure

  30. 最后,科学地技术处理审前程序的原则性规范与灵活性规范的关系,庭前交换证据应当确定为原则规范,交换证据的方法应确定为灵活性规范。

    Last , the relation between principle norm and flexibility norm in before-trial procedure should be dealt with scientifically .