
tíng wài hé jiě
  • Out-of-court settlement;settle out of court
庭外和解[tíng wài hé jiě]
  1. 他们已决定撤销对那家报纸的指控,在庭外和解。

    They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court .

  2. 他们的律师都劝告他们庭外和解。

    Their lawyers advised them to settle out of court .

  3. 她同意支付4,000英镑的庭外和解赔偿金。

    She accepted an out-of-court settlement of £ 4,000 .

  4. 为了争取庭外和解,莫尔肯同意赔款。

    In an attempt to settle the case , Molken has agreed to pay restitution

  5. 法律专家说她的案子不会成为判例,因为它是庭外和解的。

    Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement

  6. 如果她同意庭外和解的话,得到的肯定会更多。

    She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court

  7. 据报道,她与C罗在2010年达成了一项庭外和解协议,涉及37.5万美元的款项,并同意永远不会公开指控。

    In 2010 , she reportedly reached an out-of-court settlement with Ronaldo involving a USD 375000 payment for agreeing never to go public with the allegations .

  8. 瑞银(UBS)昨日与美国政府达成庭外和解,了结了针对瑞士神圣不可侵犯的银行保密制度的最猛烈打击之一。

    UBS and the US government yesterday agreed an out-of-court settlement to resolve one of the most bitter assaults on Switzerland 's hallowed bank secrecy .

  9. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)与一家中国公司就有争议的对冲合约达成庭外和解协议,从而结束了对峙。然而,这可能为类似纠纷提供一个令人担忧的先例。

    Morgan Stanley has ended a confrontation with a Chinese company over disputed hedging contracts in an out-of-court settlement that may however provide a worrying precedent for similar disputes .

  10. 德国软件制造商SAP昨日暗示,可能与其美国竞争对手甲骨文(Oracle)达成庭外和解。该公司此前承认,其子公司TomorrowNow不当下载了甲骨文的软件。

    German software maker SAP yesterday signalled it could seek an out-of-court settlement with Oracle after admitting a subsidiary made inappropriate downloads of its US rival 's software .

  11. 据NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特报道,这笔款项是庭外和解协议中所规定的内容,协议由英国石油公司和在2010年的灾难事件后生病的民众所达成。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliott reports the payments are part of an out-of-court settlement reached with people who say they became ill after the 2010 disaster .

  12. 在庭外和解中,英国最著名的图书出版商之一麦克米兰(Macmillan)被勒令支付1800万美元赔偿,因为他们的一名代理商为了签订非洲的一个合同而行贿。

    One of Britain 's leading book publishers , Macmillan , has been ordered to pay about $ 18m in a court settlement over allegations that one of its agents offered bribes for a contract in Africa .

  13. Trafigura石油公司与象牙海岸政府达成庭外和解协议,避免了司法程序。目前,Trafigura已向有毒污染的受害者支付了2.25亿美元的赔偿。

    Trafigura has already paid $ 225 million in damages to the victims of the toxic poisoning in Ivory Coast in an out-of-court deal with the Ivory Coast government which legal proceedings in that country .

  14. 去年,双方达成庭外和解。

    Last year , the two sides reached an out-of-court settlement .

  15. 旧金山的案子是庭外和解的。

    Your case in San Francisco was settled out of court .

  16. 双方最终于2009年末达成庭外和解。

    The two sides eventually settled out of court late in 2009 .

  17. 那正是为什么我提出了庭外和解。

    Which is precisely why I offered her a settment .

  18. 我不会向她让步庭外和解。

    And I won 't offer her anything to settle .

  19. 他说“庭外和解好了”

    He says ," let 's make a deal . "

  20. 此案已在庭外和解.他们希望私了或法庭外和解。

    They are hoping to reach an out - if - court settlement .

  21. 她接受了4000美元的庭外和解。

    She accepted an out-of-court settlement of $ 4,000 .

  22. 他们希望庭外和解。

    They are hoping to reach an out-of-court settlement .

  23. 他们希望达成庭外和解。

    They are hoping to reach an out - of - court settlement .

  24. 我觉得那女人会接受庭外和解的。

    And I feel this woman wants to settle .

  25. 这两家公司在庭外和解了。

    The two companies settled out of court .

  26. 但眼下,此案已庭外和解,公开报道的问题也已告一段落。

    Now though , the settlement has put paid to those issues being aired .

  27. 如果法官同意,强生可能会更希望庭外和解。

    If the judge agrees , J & J may find a settlement attractive .

  28. 他们以庭外和解的方式解决了争端。

    They settled the quarrel out of court .

  29. 美国银行继续与其它要求类似庭外和解的投资者协商。

    The bank continues to fight other investor groups that are demanding similar settlements .

  30. 有些商业争端可以庭外和解.有些则需提出诉讼。

    Some business disputes can be settled out of court ; others require litigation .