
  • 网络New Orleans Saints;saints;Orleans Saints
  1. 在橄榄球界,新奥尔良圣徒队(NewOrleansSaints)不会很快就从美国橄榄球联盟(NFL)对其的处罚和禁赛中缓过劲来&该球队制订的奖励伤害对方队员行为的制度简直骇人听闻。

    In football , the New Orleans Saints will not soon recover from the penalties and suspensions imposed by the NFL for the team 's outrageous system of bounties for disabling opposing players .

  2. 四名新奥尔良圣徒队队员涉嫌参与赏金制度。

    Four members of the New Orleans Saints were suspended over the bounty program .

  3. 今天新英格兰爱国者队将迎战印第安那小马队,芝加哥熊队将迎战新奥尔良圣徒队,看看谁会进入最后的决赛。

    Today the New England Patriots will play the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears will play the New Orleans Saints to see who goes to the big game .