
  • 网络Photojournalist
  1. 她指责新闻摄影记者侵犯了她的隐私。

    She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy .

  2. 以色列定居者袭击了两名前来报导约旦河西岸巴勒斯坦人收获橄榄情况的新闻摄影记者。

    Jewish settlers attacked two news photographers covering the Palestinian olive harvest in the West Bank .

  3. 压力最大的工作入伍士兵消防员飞行员将军警察活动协调员公关经理公司高管新闻摄影记者出租车司机

    Most Stressful JobsEnlisted SoldierFirefighterAirline PilotMilitary GeneralPolice OfficerEvent CoordinatorPublic Relations ExecutiveCorporate Executive ( Senior ) PhotojournalistTaxi Driver

  4. 传奇新闻摄影记者埃迪·沃思

    Legendary New Photographer Eddie Worth

  5. 新闻摄影记者很早来了,以便能居高临下看到整个行进的队伍。

    The press photographers arrived early so that they could take up key positions overlooking the route of the procession .

  6. 她离开时一群摄影记者围着她。新闻摄影记者也在那儿,给纠察队拍照。

    She left amid a swarm of photographers . The newsreel people were there , taking pictures of the picket .

  7. 与此同时,传统媒体新闻摄影记者的收入面临严重下降。

    Meanwhile , the professional news photographers face a huge crisis for survival because of the decline income of traditional media .

  8. 新闻摄影记者比尔·比加特在报道“911”事件时,世贸中心的第二座双子塔倒塌,他不幸被掩埋于废墟之下。

    Bill Biggart was covering the events of September 11th and was Tragically killed as the second tower of the World Trade Center came down .

  9. 26岁的王瑶从来自122个国家的3981名摄影记者中脱颖而出,成为中国女新闻摄影记者跻身荷赛奖第一人。

    Showing off her talent amongst 3,981 press photographers from 122 countries , Wang Yao , 28 , became the first Chinese woman to win the award of World Press Photo .

  10. 与威斯布鲁克同处一队八年的前队友凯文-杜兰特对摄影的兴趣广为人知,他也作为球星看台网八月虚拟页面的新闻摄影记者参加了超级碗50周年的决赛。

    Kevin Durant , Russ 's former teammate of eight years , has a well-known interest in photography and attended Super Bowl 50 as a photojournalist for the august virtual pages of The Players ' Tribune .

  11. “如果你的船要停靠香港,就应当遵守国际规则,履行一定的程序。”他对ABC新闻的摄影记者说。

    " If your ship wants to stop by in Hong Kong , you have to follow the international rules and go through some procedures ," he told a camera crew from ABC News .

  12. 新闻记者和摄影记者们正等在总统府外。

    Press reporters and photographers were waiting outside the presidential palace .

  13. 他一抵达机场,就被一群新闻记者和电视摄影记者团团包围。

    When he arrived at the airport , a host of newsmen and television cameramen met him .