
  • 网络good picture;good photo;great photo
  1. 王梅,那是你的一幅好照片。

    That 's a good picture of you , Wang mei .

  2. 要洗好照片,适当的曝光是必要的。

    A proper exposure to the light is needed to develop a good picture .

  3. 我做广告需要一些好照片,Stewart先生。

    I need some good photos for my advertising , Mr. Stewart .

  4. (口)照片我拍了一张王菲的好照片。(int.)嗯。

    shot ( n. ) I got a great shot of Faye Wong .

  5. S5还配备了较苹果公司(Apple)手机iPhone5S用处更多的指纹感应器,但其相机仍难以在暗光条件下拍出好照片来。

    It also has a fingerprint reader more versatile than that in Apple 's iPhone 5S , but a camera that still doesn 't take great pictures in low light .

  6. 我打赌你这些年肯定是拍了不少好照片。

    And I bet you have great pictures from these years .

  7. 捕捉一张好照片需要大量的工作。

    It takes a lot of work to capture a good photo .

  8. 我们想给竞选添几张好照片

    We just need a couple of good shots for the campaign .

  9. 这一展览会上有些好照片。

    There are some good photographs in this exhibition .

  10. 只有对准焦距才可以拍出好照片。

    You cannot take a good photograph unless the object is in focus .

  11. 拍好照片跟相机有关吗?

    Are good shots about having the right camera ?

  12. 一名摄影师必须学过摄影术,这样他才能拍好照片。

    A photographer must learn photography , thus he could take nice photographs .

  13. 我拍了一张王菲的好照片。

    I got a great shot of Faye Wong .

  14. 弗洛丽从来就拍不出好照片。

    Florrie had never been a good photographer .

  15. 它的特点,每个项链以及它的治疗特性好照片。

    It features nice pictures of each necklaces as well as its therapeutic properties .

  16. 明天就可以准备好照片吗?

    Will the pictures be ready tomorrow ?

  17. 这一次没能拍到什么好照片。

    No good photo for this trip .

  18. 也许有些好照片也说不定。

    There should be some good pictures .

  19. 如果你拍到好照片,你就知道你的相机并不是问题。

    If you take good photos , then you 'll know that your camera does not matter .

  20. 拍到好照片最重要的是睁开眼睛发现一个地方的神奇之处。

    Getting the right pictures is about opening your eyes to see what 's magical about a place .

  21. 但就算像我的手机这么老的机器,只有5兆像素传感器,也可以拍出好照片。

    But even an older phone like mine , which has a 5-megapixel sensor , can take great shots .

  22. 如果以上这些你没有全部做到,你的那些昂贵的专业镜头也没法得到好照片。

    If all of the above are not part of your everyday shooting technique then you 're likely not getting the most from your expensive lenses .

  23. 虽然这些动物很危险,我们还是要试图尽可能地靠近他们,这样我们就有可能拍到一些真正的好照片。

    We 'll try to get as close as possible to the animals , even though they 're dangerous , so that we can take some really good photographs .

  24. 假如我太靠近,你将不容易对准焦距,只有对准焦距才可以拍出好照片。

    If I 'm too close , you won 't be able to focus it easily . You cannot take a good photograph unless the object is in focus .

  25. 令人欣慰的是,你不用过多担心可能会刮到它,因为它不是那么的脆弱,也不是拍好照片的关键。

    Thankfully , you don 't have to worry quite so much about scratching it , since it is neither quite so delicate nor as critical to taking good pictures .

  26. 我和妻子都站在沙滩上,我们俩还都穿着搭配的衣服,指望着拍一张能显示家庭幸福的好照片,但事情进展有点不顺利。

    But my wife and I were all on the beach in the coordinating outfits and we really wanted to get one good picture to show off our happy family , but it wasn 't going so hot . '

  27. 想要拍出好照片,秘密在于千万别唠叨个没完,让大家“靠拢一点”。你只需要对着人群举起相机,带着热情,随心随机拍摄就好。当你看到自己上传的照片时,就是拍照真正的乐趣。

    The key is to avoid being a nudge , constantly telling everyone to " get together . " Just hold the camera above the crowd and snap wildly , randomly , intensely - the fun is seeing what you get when you upload the shots .

  28. 我没法给猫拍一张很好的照片。

    I can 't get a good shot of the cat .

  29. 冲洗好的照片被拿走了是因为我要装裱。

    The prints were gone because I was having them framed .

  30. 但那个相机依然能照出比任何手机都好的照片。

    But that camera still takes better pictures than any phone .