
  • 网络Sign;good sign;a good omen
  1. 心碎是个好兆头,说明我们曾经尝试过。——

    This is a good sign , having a broken heart . It means we have tried for something . -

  2. 纽约州阿姆斯特丹市AlpinHaus的经销商安迪•赫克(AndyHeck)称,在2009年作买卖相当困难,但是现在,销售业绩增长是建立信誉的好兆头。

    In 2009 it was hard to shift the things ; but now , says Andy Heck , a dealer at Alpin Haus in Amsterdam , New York , Growth in sales is a good sign that credit is opening up .

  3. 这些数据对于公司的前景不是个好兆头。

    These figures do not bode well for the company 's future .

  4. 各派之间的冲突对和平谈判不是一个好兆头。

    Conflicts among the various groups do not augur well for the future of the peace talks .

  5. 已经有问题了,这不是好兆头。

    Already there were problems . It didn 't augur well .

  6. 这是丰收的好兆头

    This augurs well for the harvest .

  7. 从程序上说,这次选举对更为棘手的立法进程来说并不是个好兆头

    The vote , on a procedural point , does not bode well for the passage of thornier legislation .

  8. 强劲的需求对其它首次公开发行(IPO)来说是个好兆头&例如中国建筑股份有限公司(ChinaStateConstructionEngineering),该公司可能融资高达60亿美元。

    The strong demand augurs well for other IPOs , such as China State Construction Engineering , which could raise as much as $ 6bn .

  9. 而实际上是贾斯汀走在前面,而珍妮弗在后面大步紧跟,这也不是个好兆头。Glass说。

    The fact that he is walking ahead and her stride is so wide to keep up isnt good either , Dr. Glass says .

  10. 更多具有国际化眼光的mba申请者出现,对未来数年的整体申请状况来说是个好兆头。

    The emergence of a more internationally-minded MBA applicant bodes well for overall applications in the years to come .

  11. FDA将作出最后裁决,但投票反对基因泰克,并不是一个好兆头。

    FDA will make the final call , but the vote against Genentech doesn 't bode well .

  12. 中国经济经历了半年的波动之后,强劲的PMI指数预示着未来几个月的好兆头。

    After a shaky half year for the Chinese economy , the strong PMI results bode well for the coming months .

  13. 此前在Evant公司任职期间,柯克伦曾经帮助该公司募集了110亿美元。对于King公司的IPO和雄心勃勃的增长计划而言,这份履历是个好兆头。

    Cochran previously helped raise over $ 11 billion while at Evant , which bodes well for King 's IPO and aggressive growth plans .

  14. 按照科学论派学者Brian的说法,他在弥补失去的时间——我知道这听起来不是好兆头

    He was , according to Brian the Scientologist , making up for lost time -- which I know sounds ominous , but isn 't necessarily ominous .

  15. 人们积极的回应说明这实际上是一个好兆头,虽然统计的HIV确诊病人总数中有新的病例加入。

    This is actually a good indicator that there are positive responses from the people although there are new cases that have also calculated that are added from the total cases of the confirmed HIV patients .

  16. 咨询公司RHRInternational董事长兼CEO、高管更替专家托马斯•萨博立多表示,通常而言,召回前CEO对一家公司可不是个好兆头。

    In general , putting an old CEO back in power is a bad sign for a company , argues succession expert Thomas saporito , who is chairman and CEO of consulting firm RHR international .

  17. 发达经济体的需求是个好兆头,澳新银行(ANZ)经济学家刘利刚在报告中写道。

    Demand from the advanced economies bodes well , Li-Gang Liu , ANZ economist , wrote in a report .

  18. 相比之下,尽管三星即将推出其大力宣传的GalaxyS6和GalaxyS6Edge系列,但消费者购买三星手机的兴趣继续降温,这不是个好兆头;

    By contrast , the fact that Samsung buying intentions continued to fall in despite the imminent launch of its heavily promoted Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge models does not bode well ;

  19. 因此,对于步履蹒跚的市场反弹而言,泄露了当下复苏真实程度的证据并不是好兆头&富时环球指数(FTSEall-WorldIndex)在10个交易日内下跌5%。

    So evidence filtering through of the true extent of recovery does not bode well for a faltering market rally – the FTSE All-World Index has fallen 5 per cent in 10 days .

  20. 纽约州阿姆斯特丹市AlpinHaus的经销商安迪•赫克(AndyHeck)称,在2009年作买卖相当困难,但是现在,“销售业绩增长是建立信誉的好兆头。”

    In 2009 it was hard to shift the things ; but now , says Andy Heck , a dealer at Alpin Haus in Amsterdam , New York , " Growth in sales is a good sign that credit is opening up . "

  21. 成渝高速的暴涨为中国最大住宅建筑公司中国建筑工程总公司(CSCEC)明日的首日交易,以及将在拟议中的深圳创业板上市的各家公司带来好兆头。

    The steep gains bode well for the trading debut of China State Construction Engineering Corporation , the largest home builder , which is expected to start trading tomorrow , and for companies that will list on Shenzhen 's planned new board .

  22. 她脸色阴沉,这可能不是好兆头。

    She was wearing a sullen expression which might bode ill .

  23. 他可能是个军官这可不是个好兆头。

    He may be an army officer not a good sign .

  24. 他打电话给你,这是个好兆头。

    The fact that he phoned you is a good sign .

  25. 这至少不是一个好兆头。

    This is , to say the least , an ominous sign .

  26. 对于全球经济增长而言,铜价疲软并不是一个好兆头。

    Weakness in copper is not a good sign for global growth .

  27. 这些销售额是又一年可观利润的好兆头。

    These sales figures are a good augury for another profitable year .

  28. 这些分歧对下周的会来说不是好兆头。

    These disagreements augur badly for next week 's meeting .

  29. 她在休息,这是好兆头。

    She 's resting , which is a good sign ..

  30. 要等待总是一个好兆头。

    It 's always a good sign when you have to wait .