
  • 网络The Child in Time
  1. 自1987年发表以来,《时间中的孩子》赢得了很多评论家的关注。

    Since its publication , The Child in Time has aroused many discussions in the public and among the critics .

  2. 第一章探讨了《时间中的孩子》中自然是如何被用来反抗人类/自然二元对立观。

    Chapter One considers how nature is used to rebel against human / nature dualistic hierarchy in the novel .

  3. 其代表作《时间中的孩子》和《赎罪》刻画了众多主人公经历挫折和磨砺艰难成长的故事。

    His masterpieces Time of the child and Atonement portrays stories that many heroes grew up toughly in the frustration .

  4. 《时间中的孩子》描写了斯蒂芬如何从丢失女儿的事件中康复的经历;《赎罪》刻画了一个13岁的小女孩如何通过赎罪而步入成熟的故事。

    Time of the child , describes how Stephen rehabilitated from the case of missing his daughter . Atonement , depicts how a 13-year-old girl matured through atonement .

  5. 心灵的孩子神奇的时间&伊恩·麦克尤恩《时间中的孩子》解读

    Title : The Child Within and Magic Time