
  1. 从RH的时间构成、处理钢种结构及生产组织方式等方面,分析了影响RH能力的因素;

    Factors on treatment capability of RH were investigated from time constitute , treated steel structure and production organization .

  2. 同时,基于已有的AR(1)模型,提出了一种改进型AR(1)自回归模型,该模型能够利用历次服务器响应时间构成的时间序列,采用动态预测的方法来预测服务器响应时间。

    Then , an improved AR ( 1 ) model is proposed . Through this new model , the response time of a DNS server can be dynamic predicted using previous response time series .

  3. 以间歇移动流水线为研究对象,分析了其特点和作业时间构成,并使用KW启发式算法和改进的MY方法相结合的方法进行生产线工序组织设计,最后给出了流水线平衡状况的评价指标。

    At first the lines ′ characteristics and components of work time are analyzed . Then working procedures are designed using K-W ( Kilbriage-Weste ) heuristic arithmetic and M-Y ( Moodie-Young ) method . Finally the evaluating indexes for line balancing are presented .

  4. 生命是由每分每秒的时间构成的。

    Life is every minute of time from the composition .

  5. 质量、费用和时间构成项目的三大目标,是判断项目成功与否的关键因素之一。

    Quality , cost and time are key success criteria to a project .

  6. 历史神话化叙事的时间构成&《九月寓言》个案观察

    Time Composition in Mythologized Narration of History & A Case Study of The Fable of September

  7. 拖拉机是一个可修复系统,其无故障工作时间构成了一个随机过程。

    Tractor is a repairable system and its time of failure-free operation forms a random pro-cess .

  8. 如果有东西或某人延误了我们,我们认为它对我们宝贵的、有限的时间构成了威胁。

    If something or someone delays us , we see it as a threat to our precious , finite time .

  9. 动词情景的内部时间构成成分与它们的内在体性有着密切关系。体就是看动词情景的内部时间构成成分的不同方式。

    Aspects are the different ways of viewing the internal temporal constituency of a situation and can be classified into three oppositions .

  10. 明确的提出你需要的东西,包括满意的条件,时间构成。不要指望别人了解你的内心所想。

    Ask specifically for what you want , including conditions of satisfaction , and timeframes . don 't expect people to read your mind .

  11. 在文中首先介绍了延迟线原理、延迟时间构成及国内外对光纤延迟线的研究情况。

    In the article , the principle of fiber grating , composition of the delay time and research status at home and abroad are introduced firstly .

  12. 结果:RE组总的、卧位和立位反流时间构成比均显著高于正常组(P<001)。

    Results : The percentages of total , supine and upright acid exposure time in patients with RE were higher than those in controls ( P < 0 01 ) .

  13. 体育课教学中师生互动行为在互动主体构成与时间构成的总体特征是:以教师与学生之间的互动为主要形式,而学生与学生之间的互动为次要形式;

    The features of main body and times of the interaction of teacher-students is that the interaction of teacher-students is a main form , the interaction of student-student is a secondary form ;

  14. 一是研究对象多集中在人工拣选系统,很少涉及到分拣机系统,而人工拣选系统中订单处理总时间构成与分拣机系统差别很大。

    First is most related research focuses in manual order picking system , little refers to automated picking system . And the construction of order fulfillment time is different in both systems .

  15. 假定系统是可修的,逐次故障后的维修时间构成随机递增的几何过程,系统工作时间构成随机递减的几何过程。

    Supposing that the system is repairable , the successive survival time of the system constitutes a decreasing geometric process stochastically , while the consecutive repair time of the system constitutes an increasing geometric process .

  16. 该方法将载波频率和到达时间构成二维特征信息,并且首次引入结构函数和经验模态分解对雷达全脉冲序列的特征进行分析。

    The 2-dimension feature information consists of radio frequency and time-of-arrival in this method , which analyzes the feature of radar pulse sequences for the very first time by employing structure function and empirical mode decomposition .

  17. 我们生活的世界是由空间和时间构成的,我们生活在一定的空间里,同时跟空间同时存在的还有一定的时间,正是一定的空间和一定的时间组成了我们生存的世界。

    The world in which we live is made of space and time . We live in a certain space , at the same time there is a certain time existing with space , it is a certain space and time consist of the world we live in .

  18. 分析了时间序列构成、动态过程预测模型,研究了基于BP网络的人工神经网络预测技术。

    Time sequence construction , forecast modes on dynamic course and BP forecast modes are researched .

  19. (指时间)构成完整的范围或者时间。

    ( of time ) constituting the full extent or duration .

  20. 犯罪中止时间性构成条件探微

    An Exploration on Time Constructive Conditions of Discontinuance of a Crime

  21. 明确的提出你需要的东西,包括满意的条件以及时间的构成。

    Ask specifically for what you want , including conditions of satisfaction , and timeframes .

  22. 并在此基础上,对中国戏曲发生的时间和构成要素分别展开论述。

    And on this foundation , spreading discussion to the Chinese drama generation time and element .

  23. 而路由的失效时间等于构成该路由的所有链路的失效时间的最小值。

    The route broken time is equal to the minimum broken time of the links that construct the route .

  24. 这可能削弱美国的增长前景,在某段时间内构成一个与当前信贷市场问题无关的经济风险。

    That could reduce US growth prospects and has been an economic risk , unrelated to the current credit market woes , for some time .

  25. 从基督教末世论的历史概念到现代历史概念的转变过程,展现了历史时间的构成作用。

    It displays the construing function of historical time during the process of the transition from the concept of Christian eschatology to that of modern history .

  26. 这样得到一个包含分析数据的对象,它包含一个由时间点构成的数组,它们按照调用顺序排列。

    This provides an object containing the profile data , including an array of points , which are the timings for each call , in the order they were called .

  27. 本文认为成本本质上表现为资源配置的效率,资源耗用和时间因素构成成本的基本要素。

    Cost is the efficiency of resource allocation in essence , according to the author 's opinion , the foundational elements of cost comprise the utility of resource and the factor of time .

  28. 问题在于,受到较少监管的非银行金融机构,会用多长时间达到构成系统性威胁的规模,以及哪些金融中心会容许它们构成这种威胁。

    The question is how long it will take before less regulated non-banks reach a size where they pose a systemic threat and in which financial centres they are allowed to do so .

  29. 大多数与会者的判断是,相对于其边际效益,资产购买的边际成本不太可能在现在或相对较短时间内构成停止购买的充分理由,会议纪要显示。

    Most participants judged the marginal costs of asset purchases as unlikely to be sufficient , relative to their marginal benefits , to justify ending the purchases now or relatively soon , say the minutes .

  30. 在对16个技术站调查的基础上,运用现代统计分析方法,对中转车在技术站停留时间的构成和影响因素进行了全面分析;

    Through investigating sixteen technical stations of China railway , and applying statistic analysis methods , this paper analyses systematically the composition of average detention time of transit wagons at technical station and factors affecting it .