
  • 网络time and space;Timing and Spacing;space and time
  1. 忘记旧方法,我们就能为新技能腾出时间和空间。

    We forget old ways to free up time and space for new skills .

  2. 绘画是凝固了的时间和空间的艺术。

    Painting is an art solidifies time and space for solidifying .

  3. 物质世界在时间和空间上是有限的。

    The physical universe is finite in space and time .

  4. 时间和空间上的远距离有一种奇妙的力量,可以使人的心灵平静。

    Great distance in either time or space has wonderful power to lull and render quiescent the human mind .

  5. 绿水青山就是金山银山,贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,加快形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,给自然生态留下休养生息的时间和空间。

    Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets . China must pursue the vision of innovative , coordinated , green and open development that is for everyone , accelerate forming spatial patterns , industrial structures , production and living modes that are resource-saving and environmental-friendly , and provide time and space for the natural ecology to rehabilitate .

  6. 转基因烟草中cryIa(c)基因表达水平与植株发育的时间和空间有关。

    The expression level of Cry IA ( c ) gene in transgenic tobacco plant was changeable during the development stages of tobacco plant .

  7. NAF多点乘算法是一个时间和空间效率都非常优秀的多点乘算法。

    The Sharmir-NAF algorithm is an excellent algorithm in efficiency and memory .

  8. 将计算机与网络技术应用于考试领域,特别是Web技术出现以后,使得考试不受时间和空间的限制,而且考试结果也更为准确和客观。

    Applying computer and network technology in the test field , in particular , after the emergence of Web technology makes test without time and space constraints , and the examination results are more accurate and objective .

  9. 文章在区别外资技术扩散效应与溢出效应概念的基础上,通过构建衡量外资技术扩散计量模型,从时间和空间的角度检验了以FDI为载体的技术扩散对中国区域经济增长的影响。

    Through the spatial and temporal viewpoints , by econometrics model , the effects of the technological diffusion via FDI on regional economic growth across China are tested .

  10. 本文研究的是大学课表安排问题,根据大学课表安排的特点并以优化时间和空间两种资源为目标,将课程分为P、Q两类。

    Aiming at optimizing the two resources of time and space , the courses are divided into category P and category Q , and chromosome codes and fitness evaluation are given to each category respectively .

  11. 关于DNA修复相关蛋白的表达与脑缺血-再灌注损伤的关系,多数作者主要观察了DNA修复相关蛋白的表达变化与缺血-再灌注后神经细胞凋亡之间存在的时间和空间关系。

    As to the relationship between DNA repair-related proteins and cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury , a majority of researchers concentrated on the temporal and spatial changes of DNA repair-related proteins and it 's correlation with neuronal apoptosis following ischemia-reperfusion .

  12. 近年的研究发现早期糖尿病视网膜中白细胞粘附增加,并与DR微血管损伤在时间和空间上一致。

    The current studies demonstrate that adherent leukocytes ( leukostasis ) in retina increase at early stage of DR , which are temporally and spatially associated with diabetic retinal microvascular injury .

  13. Doppler雷达的观测有较高的时间和空间分辨率,高精度的雷达观测在高精度天气分析和模式初始化方面有广泛的应用前景。

    Modern Doppler radars have the ability to scan large volumes of the atmosphere at high spatial and temporal resolutions . High-resolution radar measurements have provided unprecedented opportunities for high-resolution weather analyses and model initialization .

  14. 其生成一条句子的时间和空间复杂度是O(r+n),其中n是生成句子的长度或深度限制,r是给定上下文无关文法中产生式的数目。

    The time and space complexity for generating one sentence is O ( r + n ) , where n is the restricted length or depth of sentences and r is the number of productions in given CFG .

  15. 非线性亚临界对称不稳定扰动的e折时间和空间尺度,分别为5~8h和200~300km。

    The e-folding temporal and spatial scales of the nonlinear subcritical symmetric instability disturbance are respectively 5 ~ 8h and 200 ~ 300km .

  16. 随着计算机技术及Internet技术的发展,网络教学凭借其信息量大、交互性强、不受时间和空间限制等特点在教育领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of computer and Internet technology , network teaching is playing an increasingly important role in the field of education by its features of strong interaction , a large number of of information and regardlessness of time and space limits .

  17. 同时Internet技术的发展使得通过网络进行信息管理工作的技术手段和载体发生了革命性的变化,Internet的开放性、分布性的特点和基于Internet的巨大的计算能力使得考试突破了时间和空间的限制。

    While the development of Internet technology lets the technical means and carriers of information management to revolutionary change . the openness and distributivity of Internet , and the huge computing power based on Internet break through the restrictions of time and space .

  18. 目的探讨核心蛋白聚糖(decorin,DCN)在小鼠牙齿发育过程中的时间和空间分布特点及意义。

    Objective To study the expression of decoton ( DCN ) in the developing tooth of postnatal mice .

  19. R型因子分析可通过研究地质变量在时间和空间上的组合、变化和分布特征而形成地质概念,并恢复地质过程,指示物质来源。

    The R-factor analysis method can be used to produce geological concepts , restore geological process and predict origin of ore-forming materials by studying the association , variation and characteristics of distribution of geological variables in space and time .

  20. 结合震例研究强震前水平位移场在NS向和EW向的时间和空间的分布特征。

    The authors studied the temporal and spatial distribution of the horizontal displacement fields in EW component and NS component before strong earthquakes by analyzing strong earthquake examples .

  21. 多维数据立方体是数据仓库和OLAP服务器的主要数据组织模型,多维数据立方体格的实现占用大量的时间和空间资源。

    Multidimensional data cube is the major data model of Data warehouse and OLAP server , but implementation of Multidimensional Data Cuboids lattice is really time-consuming and space-consuming task .

  22. 本文对渤海、黄海、东海在1920~1994年期间0m、50m、100m、200m层温盐观测资料的时间和空间分布做了统计分析。

    Time and space distribution of temperature and salinity on Om , 50m , 100m and 200m from 1922 throuth 1994 is studied statistically .

  23. 生物的扑翼飞行本质上是一种具有时间和空间对称性的节律运动,由中枢模式发生器(CPG)所产生和控制。

    The flapping-wing flying of living things is essentially a kind of rhythmic movement possessing the symmetry of time and space and is produced and controlled by central patterned generator .

  24. 对比经典Petri网模型,提出了基于时序CPN的交叉路口车辆控制模型,从时间和空间上对车辆的流通进行描述。

    Compare with the model of classical Petri net , the model of vehicles traffic through intersection based on timed CPN was presented , and the vehicles traffic was described by time and space dimensions .

  25. 与传统的颜色量化算法相比,该算法降低了时间和空间复杂度,提高了检索的准确率,易将图像的先验信息融合到SVM的核函数中,提高了分类效果。

    Comparing with the traditional color quantization algorithms , the complexity of time and space decrease and the retrieval accuracy is improved . The transcendental information can be syncretized into the nucleus function of SVM to improve the effect of classification .

  26. 格子Boltzmann方法是使用时间和空间完全离散的微观动力学模型来模拟流体宏观行为的一种新方法。

    The lattice Boltzmann method , which can simulate the macroscopic behavior of fluid flow , is relatively new approach that utilizes micro-dynamics model in which space , time , and particle velocities are all discrete .

  27. 研究表明:第一特征向量能很好地代表北太平洋HST年代际尺度上的时间和空间变化特征。

    It is shown from the study that the first climate mode can well represented the main temporal and spatial features of HST in the North Pacific Ocean .

  28. 在利用概念格挖掘关联规则方面,本文首先将基于量化概念格的关联规则挖掘算法与Apriori算法进行比较与分析,说明了前者在时间和空间性能上的优势。

    In mining association rules based on concept lattice , firstly it compares the algorithm of mining association rules based on quantitative concept lattice with Apriori algorithm , and shows the performance advantages on time and space of the first one .

  29. 为了降低时间和空间复杂度,该方法包含两个技术:k-mer查找和压缩字母。

    In this study , we combine two techniques , k-mer lookup and compressed alphabets , to achieve reduction in the time and space complexity of pairwise alignment .

  30. 时间和空间分辨发射光谱方法被用来研究短脉冲(5ns)激光烧蚀钛靶过程中产生的等离子体羽。

    Emission spectroscopy with spatial and temporal resolution was used to analyze the plume generated by the short pulse ( 5ns ) laser when it ablate Ti target .