
  • 网络round robin;Round-Robin;round-robin scheduling;robin
  1. 为了使强实时任务能得到及时调度,同时要兼顾到公平性原则,本文提出了一种混合式调度:软实时任务采用时间片轮转的调度算法,强实时任务是采用基于优先级的抢占式调度。

    As the hard task need scheduling in time , take into account fairness , this paper presents a hybrid scheduling , the soft time tasks with round robin scheduling algorithm and the hard time tasks are based on priority preemption scheduling .

  2. 多CPU控制系统时间片轮转调度的一种算法

    The Algorithm of Multi-CPU Control Time Flake Cycle Scheduling

  3. Linux把进程分为实时进程和非实时进程来处理,它采用时间片轮转和可剥夺调度优先级相结合的调度策略。

    Linux divides the process into real-time process and non-real time process . It makes use of scheduling policy in the combination of time-sharing quantum troll and deprivable scheduling priority .

  4. UC/OS-Ⅱ内核扩充时间片轮转调度算法的设计

    Extension of time slice circular scheduling in UC / OS - ⅱ kernel

  5. 详细介绍了基于时间片轮转调度算法的软件设计方法,并将该技术应用于本控制系统的软件编程中。

    Time slice circular scheduling algorithm is description in detail . And the algorithm is used in the control system programming .

  6. 改进之后的μC/OS-II操作系统可以创建相同优先级的任务,相同优先级任务采用时间片轮转的调度策略,不同优先级任务仍采用基于优先级的抢占式调度机制。

    After the improvement , the operating system μ C / OS-II can create the same priority task . Tasks with the same priority use the time piece rotation scheduling , and tasks with different priority still used priority-based preemptive scheduling .

  7. 该QoS控制系统依据端到端的准入控制结果,为时间敏感的语音数据流建立/维护流状态并保留网络资源,在数据传输阶段使用虚拟时间片公平轮转算法保证流的统计特性。

    This control system creates / maintains the flow states for time sensitive voice streams to reserve the network resources and guarantees the statistical traffic characteristics through the virtual round robin algorithm during data transmission according to the result of admission control .