
  • 网络Time-Division Multiplexing;Time division multiplexing;TDM;TDMA;TDD
  1. 时分多路复用技术,时分多路转换,[港]分时多任务以小时为单位划分你的工作时间,用更少的人做更多的事情。

    Time division multiplexing Try working part of your day in off-hour times , to get more done with fewer people around .

  2. 这就叫做时分多路复用(time-divisionmultiplexing),即TDM。

    This is called time-division multiplexing , or TDM .

  3. E1信道时分多路复用器-时钟和同步问题及SUBE1的应用

    The Clock and Synchronism of the Time division Multiplexer of the E1 Channel and Application of the SUB E1

  4. TDM时分多路复用中央处理器的设计

    The Design of TDM Central Processor

  5. 而应用时分多路复用器的SUBE1功能可灵活地构成所需要的传输网络。

    And the SUB E1 function of the time divison multiplexer ( MUX ) can flexibly make up the transmission network that you want .

  6. 但是,有些专家认为,SONET的时分多路复用结构(TDM)太死,不利于灵活地提供服务或实现带宽共享。

    However , some experts say SONET 's TDM structure is too rigid for flexible provisioning or bandwidth sharing .

  7. 时分多路复用(TDM)技术作为最简单有效的复用方案,广泛应用于光纤传感器阵列设计中。

    As one of the simplest and most efficient schemes , time-division multiplexing ( TDM ) is applied to the design of fiber-optic sensor arrays widely .

  8. 随着数据通信、多媒体通信等业务的发展,E1信道的时分多路复用器(MUX)得到了广泛的应用。

    With the development of the data communication and the multimedia communication , the time division multiplexer ( MUX ) of Channel E1 is applied widely .

  9. 本文将叙述E1信道时分多路复用器的时钟和同步,和E1(SUBE1)的应用两个问题。时钟与同步是在应用中常会遇到的问题;

    The paper describes the clock and synchronism of the time division multiplexer of the E1 channel and the application of the SUB E1.Clock and synchronism are two questions that we frequently face in applications ;

  10. 本文提出了一种具有纠错功能的微机化时分多路复用(TDM)方案,并从数字传输损伤角度系统地对该方案进行了性能分析评价。

    In this Paper , a microcomputer-based time-division multiplexing system ( TDM ) with error-correcting function has been developed and its performance analysis has been made systematically from the point of view of digital transmission impairments .

  11. 本文提出了一种定时脉冲间隔调制(TPIM)技术实现时分多路复用。

    A new type of timed pulse-interval modulation ( TPIM ) technique in time-division multiplexing communications is proposed .

  12. 在时分多路复用(TDM)的信号系统中,用调制的取样脉冲沿时间轴压缩色度信号的同时,可使色度信号的频率匀化,从而克服信号的时间压缩与频带扩展的矛盾。

    In time-division multiplex analog video signal system , the chrominance signal may be compressed along the time axis with the modulated clock pulse by the luminance signal so that the frequencies of time-compressed signal become homogeneous .

  13. 然后采用TDMA时分多路复用技术对全网进行统一的时隙划分,其中簇内时隙划分采用并行方式,簇间时隙划分采用串行方式。

    Then it takes the whole network into a unified slot by adopting TDMA time-division multiplexing technology , in which slots in cluster are applied to a parallel mode and slots between clusters are applied to a serial mode .

  14. 定时脉冲间隔调制时分多路复用的研究

    A Study of TDM With Timed Pulse Interval Modulation

  15. 时分多路复用微波中继系统

    Microwave relay system using time division multiple

  16. 介绍了伪卫星应用中的远近效应问题和常用的解决方案,重点分析了采用时分多路复用技术来对伪卫星信号进行重新设计。

    The present paper introduces the design scheme , method , and problems in using sound-card and time-division multiplexing implement data collection .

  17. 本文介绍了一种新的脑电信号有线传输技术:经公共电话网络、通过一个调频信道、利用时分多路复用方式可同步传输多达20导联的脑电信号;

    A kind of EEG ( electroencephalogram ) tele transmission technology is introduced in this paper , up to 20 leads of signals can be transmitted synchronously using TDM technology in one FM channel through public telephone networks ;

  18. 通过时分或频分多路复用的方法,用单个信道传输多个报文。

    Use of one channel for several messages by timedivision multiplex or frequency division .