
  • 网络The Time Weekly;Zeit;Die Zeit
  1. 《时代周报》由广东省出版集团倾情呈献,创刊期即与《纽约时报》建立国内独享的内容合作。

    The Time Weekly is financially supported by Guangdong Publishing Group , and established a special share-mode cooperations with " New York Times " .

  2. 他是《日本时代周报》的前编辑。

    He is the former editor of the Japan Times Weekly .

  3. 格拉斯穿了一件红色羊毛衫,外面罩着厚花呢外套。他抿着白葡萄酒,多数时间都在谈论自己,以及作为一名公共知识分子,他的作品对我们的报纸——《时代》周报(DieZeit)——产生了多大的影响。

    Dressed in a red wool sweater and a thick tweed jacket and sipping white wine , Mr. Grass spent most of the time talking about himself , and how much his work as a public intellectual had influenced our paper , Die Zeit .