
  • 网络Strategic Business Unit;SBU;SBUS
  1. 它是一个把品类作为战略业务单位来管理的,着重于通过满足消费者需求来提高生意结果的流程。

    It is a strategic business units as the category to management , focuses on satisfying consumer demand to increase by business process of results .

  2. 在此基础上,对浙江省部分精神病专科医院精神科、心理科、老年护理科进行分析,论证了精神卫生行业可以实施以心理科和老年护理科为新的战略业务单位的多元化战略。

    The article analyzes the psychiatry departments , psychic departments and senile nursing department s in Zhejiang Province and discusses the multiple-factor operation strategy , placing psychic department and senile nursing department as the new strategic unit .