
  • 网络chinese search engine;Baidu
  1. 中文搜索引擎中的PageRank算法及实现

    Realization of PageRank algorithm in Chinese search engine

  2. 中文搜索引擎行业是近年兴起的一个新型行业,业内著名企业Google与百度的成功吸引了越来越多的资本与研究去关注该行业。

    The industry of Chinese search engine is a new business in these years . It 's a success of Google and BaiDu which the more capitals and the economic researches pay more attentions to .

  3. 基于P2P的分布式中文搜索引擎的应用研究

    Study and Application of P2P-Based Distributed Chinese Search Engine

  4. 旨在结合Web信息挖掘提高中文搜索引擎的查准率,为用户提供个性化的信息检索服务。

    We aim at increasing the precision rate of search engineer combining with web information mining to provide users with personalized information retrieval service .

  5. 为了克服传统的集中式搜索引擎的缺点,本文将搜索引擎结合P2P技术,提出了基于P2P的分布式中文搜索引擎。

    To conquer concentrative search engine drawback , this paper combine search engine and P2P technology , then brings forward the P2P-based distributed Chinese search engine .

  6. 在就中国用户电邮账户遭到黑客攻击发出警告10周之后,谷歌(Google)如其威胁的那样,在昨天终止了对其中国大陆的中文搜索引擎的审查。

    Ten weeks after raising the alarm over the hacking of Chinese users ' e-mail accounts , Google yesterday ended censorship of its local Chinese search engine as threatened .

  7. 实现一个可扩展、高性能、大规模的中文搜索引擎,核心是设计一个可扩展、高性能、大规模的Crawler。

    To design a extensible , high performance and large scale search engine , the core task is to design a extensible , high performance and large scale crawler .

  8. 着重分析主题指南类搜索引擎Yahoo的分类体系结构、分类原理、检索方式及性能评价;在此基础上,对我国中文搜索引擎的建设提出若干建议。

    Based on a thorough analysis of the classification structure , classification principles , retrieval ways and function of Yahoo , this paper gives some proposals to the construction of Chinese search engine .

  9. 基于PAT-tree的中文搜索引擎结果聚类算法

    PAT-tree Based Clustering Algorithms for Chinese Search Engine Results

  10. 互联网巨头谷歌(Google)的一些在华合作伙伴联名致函谷歌,言词恳切地表示,如果谷歌关闭旗下的中文搜索引擎,它们的业务将陷入危险,并要求获知谷歌对它们的补偿方案。

    Google Partners in China Issue Plea to Web Giant A group of Google Inc. 's partners in China have sent an impassioned plea to the Internet giant , saying their businesses are in jeopardy if Google closes its Chinese search engine and demanding to know how they will be compensated .

  11. 本文将PAT-tree应用于搜索引擎结果聚类领域,并在修改的PAT-tree基础上提出了一个新的中文搜索引擎结果聚类算法。

    This paper applied PAT-tree structure to the Chinese Information Retrieval field and proposed a new Chinese search engine results clustering algorithms based on our modified PAT-tree .

  12. 中文搜索引擎开发利用策略研究

    Research on the Strategies of Developing and Utilizing Chinese Searching Engine

  13. 大规模中文搜索引擎的用户日志分析

    Analysis of the User Log for a Large-scale Chinese Search Engine

  14. 基于全文搜索的中文搜索引擎设计技术

    The Design of a Chinese Search Engine Based on Full-text Retrieval

  15. 中文搜索引擎的自动分词算法

    Auto - partition Algorithms of the Chinese Character Search Engine

  16. 中文搜索引擎分类体系兼容互换工具的设计

    On the Design of Compatibility and Interchangeability Tools for Chinese Search Engines

  17. 中文搜索引擎用户检索式特征探析

    End User Searching Behavior on Chinese Search Engines Based on Query Analysis

  18. 论提高中文搜索引擎质量的途径

    The Way to Improve the Quality of Chinese Search Engine

  19. 中文搜索引擎的搜索结果重合率研究

    Study of Results Overlap and Uniqueness Among Major Chinese Web Search Engines

  20. 大规模中文搜索引擎的架构和设计技术

    Design and Implementation of a Large Scale Chinese Search Engine

  21. 基于中文搜索引擎网络信息用户行为研究

    Research on Web user behavior based on Chinese search engine

  22. 谈中文搜索引擎对网络信息的分类

    Talking about the Chinese searching engine and the classification of information on network

  23. 汉语分词对中文搜索引擎检索性能的影响

    Influence of Chinese Word Segmentation on Web Information Retrieval

  24. 中文搜索引擎检索语言研究

    A Study of Retrieval Language of Chinese Search Engines

  25. 使用户能够较全面地了解中文搜索引擎的功能特点。

    The search engineer 's function and feature overall .

  26. 基于中文搜索引擎的分词词典的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of lexicon based Chinese Search Engine

  27. 一种在线中文搜索引擎模型的研究

    The Research About A Chinese Searching-Engine Model In Online

  28. 中文搜索引擎查询与反馈词语特征研究

    Characters of Query and Feedback in Chinese Search Engines

  29. 中文搜索引擎分类体系的评价标准

    The Evaluation Standard for Chinese Searching Engine Category

  30. 中文搜索引擎现状及检索策略

    The Chinese Search Engines and Their Search Strategy