
  1. 中国核潜艇将接受首次海上检阅。

    China 's nuke subs up for maiden parade .

  2. 中国核潜艇在超过40年的运行时间中,一直保持着无事故安全纪录。

    China 's nuclear submarine has maintained an amazing safety record with no accidents in more than forty years .

  3. 另一起事件发生在2004年。当时,一艘中国核动力潜艇进入冲绳县石垣岛(IshigakiIsland)附近的日本领海。

    The second incident took place in 2004 when a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine entered Japanese territorial waters near Okinawa Prefecture 's Ishigaki Island .

  4. 中国的核潜艇似乎是世界上最嘈杂的核潜艇而且或许在海上非常脆弱。

    China 's nuclear submarines appear to be the noisiest nuclear submarines in the world and will probably be highly vulnerable at sea .

  5. 当中国核动力攻击潜艇计划在1960年后期内进入了全尺寸发展,核动力弹道导弹潜艇计划也产生进步。

    As China 's nuclear-powered attack submarine programme entered full-scale development in the late1960s , the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine programme was also given go-ahead .

  6. 中国拥有少量核动力潜艇,但它们无须获得许可,即可访问任何亚洲邻国的港口。

    China itself has a small number of nuclear-powered submarines but they are not required to obtain permission to visit the ports of any neighbouring Asian countries .