
  1. 现代新体制雷达的不断涌现,对ECM干扰源提出了新的要求。

    With the development of modern radar , more and more requirements for the ECM jamming source are raised .

  2. MIMO雷达是最近几年提出的一种新体制雷达,鉴于其潜在的优势,受到雷达界的广泛关注。

    MIMO radar is a new radar system which has been proposed in recent years . Because of its potential advantages , MIMO radar attracts widespread concern .

  3. 借鉴多输入多输出(MIMO)技术在无线通信领域的发展及取得的巨大成就,雷达工程师将其应用于雷达领域,提出了一种新体制雷达&MIMO雷达。

    Motivated by the development and the tremendous achievements of multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) technique in the wireless communication field , a new radar system named MIMO radar is proposed recently .

  4. 逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)作为一种新体制雷达系统,具有很高的距离向和方位向分辨率,能够对运动目标成像。

    As a new radar system , the inverse synthetic aperture radar ( ISAR ) can get the moving-targets images , which has high range and azimuth resolution .

  5. MIMO雷达作为一种新体制雷达,是在传统相控阵雷达基础上的进一步发展,也是当前国内外研究的热点。

    As a new type of radar system , MIMO radar is the further development of traditional phased-array radar , and the research on MIMO radar is becoming a hot issue both at home and abroad .

  6. 收、发分置的双基地SAR是集双多基地雷达和SAR优点于一身的新体制雷达,也是当今SAR技术的一个发展方向,在军用及民用领域都具有良好的应用前景。

    For its ability of incorporating operational advantages of both bistatic / multistatic radar and SAR systems , it becomes an important development trend in SAR technology field and will play a significant role in military as well as civil applications in the future .

  7. TOA折叠分选法能够适应复杂的现代新体制雷达信号环境,例如大量丢失脉冲和干扰脉冲的情况以及PRI特殊变化的信号的情况,对实时分选方法是一种很好的补充。

    In the complex signal environment , such as signal of many losing pulses and jamming pulses , and special PRI signal , the TOA folding method is more effective than the difference histogram method .

  8. 基于电磁波的极化信息,提出了一种脉内线性调频(LFM)、脉间极化编码的新体制雷达信号。

    Based on the polarization information of electromagnetic waves , a new kind of radar signal is proposed in this paper , which characteristic is that Linear Frequency Modulation ( LFM ) signal is adopted inner pulses and polarization coded modulation is adopted between pulses .

  9. 超宽带(UWB)雷达是一种新体制雷达,它的信号带宽很宽,具有高距离分辨率(HRR),在雷达探测、成像、精确定位、目标识别等技术中得到广泛应用。

    Ultrawideband ( UWB ) radar is a new type of radar system , and it has high range resolution ( HRR ) because of broad bandwidth . Thus , UWB radar has extended application such as passive target identification , precise position 、 target imaging and discrimination .

  10. 讨论调频中断连续波(FMICW)在该体制雷达中的应用,分析该雷达发射波形的参数选取及其处理方法,为该新体制雷达的工程设计提出理论依据。

    The paper discusses the application of FMICW for this radar and analyzes the parameter selection and the processing method of the transmitting waveform . The paper also provides the theoretical reference for the implement of this radar .

  11. 超宽带新体制雷达的军事应用潜力及局限

    The Applications and Disadvantages of the New System UWB Radar

  12. 上述研究成果已用于研制的宽频段、宽带测频测向一体化新体制雷达侦察接收机。

    Signal processor of new system reconnaissance receiver is developed .

  13. 数字化多频连续波测距雷达是一种新体制雷达。

    Digitized multiple frequency CW radar is a kind of new system radar .

  14. 对于这种新体制雷达系统,有很多关键技术需要解决。

    There are many key technologies to be resolved for this new radar system .

  15. 随着雷达技术的飞速发展,新体制雷达不断涌现。

    With the rapid development of radar technology , advanced radar systems are coming forth .

  16. 一种新体制雷达合成宽带可行性分析

    The Feasibility Study on Synthetic Wide-Band of a New Type Radar and The Choice Principle of Sample Points

  17. 这对现役老雷达的改造和新体制雷达的研制具有积极意义。

    This is useful for the renovation of the old radars and the development of new radar system .

  18. 测频测向一体化新体制雷达侦察接收机研制&信号处理机甚高频与超高频测向器高频和甚高频测向仪

    Research and Development of New Integrative Radar Reconnaissance Receiver of Frequency and Direction Simultaneous Measuring & Signal Processor

  19. 作为一种重要的新体制雷达,采用超宽带技术的雷达在理论和技术上不断发展,并逐渐应用于实战。

    With the development of radar technology , the ultra-wide band radar is developed as one of important directions of new radar system .

  20. 通信技术、数据融合技术、新体制雷达等的发展促进了雷达组网技术的发展。

    The development of the communication technology , the data fusion technology and the new system radar speeds the development of radar netting .

  21. 近年来,利用机会照射源对目标进行探测或成像成为现代新体制雷达的研究热点。

    In recent years , passive radar detection or imaging using illuminators of opportunity gains much attention in the development of modern new radar system .

  22. 研究利用单一信号形式实现多种功能的新体制雷达具有迫切的军事需求和现实意义。

    It is of pressing military demands and practical signality to research utilizing single form of signal to realize new type wideband radar with multiple functions .

  23. 作为一种新体制雷达,其每个天线可以发射任意波形,将空间分集和波形分集的思想引入到雷达中。

    As a new radar , MIMO radar is capable of transmitting arbitrary waveform from each antenna element , so it can exploit waveform diversity and space diversity .

  24. 全时空探测雷达是近年来提出的一种新体制雷达,具有同时多功能、数据率灵活可调、目标识别能力强等优点。

    Ubiquitous radar is a new type of radar proposed recently , which can achieve simultaneous multi-function capability , flexible data rate and high ability in target recognition .

  25. 无源定位在有源雷达面临四抗威协时发展起来的新体制雷达,其在航空、航天、电子战方面具有十分重要的作用。

    Passive locating is new-type and has important effect on aviation , spaceflight and electronic warfare , which is developed since the active radar is threatened by four-counter measure .

  26. 随着新体制雷达的迅猛发展,空间电磁环境的日益复杂,雷达信号脉内调制方式识别和特征分析变得愈加困难。

    Radar signal intra-pulse modulation recognition and analysis have encountered challenges , as new system radars have rapidly developed and electromagnetism environment in space was more and more complex .

  27. 对于现役雷达体制而言,瞬态极化新体制雷达的研制以及其反隐身和目标识别的应用研究将是一个质的飞跃。

    For the system of present radar , the study of the instantaneous polarization new system radar and the use of the counter target hiding and target recognition will be advanced especially .

  28. 高频地波雷达作为一种新体制雷达,除了具有更加优良的探测性能之外也有它的局限性和缺点,这主要表现在它在高频段的生存能力。

    As a new radar system , high-frequency surface wave radar has more excellent detection performance but inevitable has its limitations and shortcomings , mainly reflected in failing to survive in the high frequency band .

  29. 正交信号雷达是伴随着新体制雷达发展而开始研究的,其各单元发射信号之间互不相关,采用这种体制的雷达将彻底改变传统相控阵体制雷达探测方式。

    The orthogonal signal radar is studied with new system radar . The cross-relation peak of this kind of signal is zero level . The new system radar can change the phase array radar detection mode .

  30. 分布式电子对抗技术作为一种重要的电子对抗手段,因其能够对各种新体制雷达实施有效干扰,已经越来越被相关领域研究人员所重视。

    Distributed electronic countermeasure technology , as an important method of electronic countermeasure , has received more and more attention from researchers in the relating fields , since it can disrupt many new system radars effectively .