
xīn shè hé bìnɡ
  • consolidation
  1. 第一百七十三条公司合并可以采取吸收合并或者新设合并。

    Article 173 The merger of a company may be effected by way of merger or consolidation .

  2. 我国公司法规定了合并可采用新设合并和吸收合并两种形式。

    As stipulated in China Company Law , merger and consolidation are the two forms to be applied .

  3. 在这一部分中,作者列出了兼并、收购、购并(并购)、合并、新设合并、吸收合并等六个与公司购并相关的概念,并对公司购并行为进行了分类。

    In the part , the author lists six concepts concerning and makes classification of M & A action .

  4. 企业发生新设合并,合并企业视为首次注册企业。

    In case an enterprise is consolidated , the consolidated enterprise shall be regarded as an enterprise of initial registration .

  5. 按法律形式划分,可分为吸收合并、新设合并和控股合并。

    As for the standard in law , it can be divided into absorbing merger , startup merger and control merger .

  6. 新设合并,是指两个以上公司合并设立一个新的公司,合并各方解散。

    Newly established merge refers to two or more companies merge into one new company with the dismissal of each original party of the merge .