
  • 网络new product development process;New Product Development Flow;NPD
  1. 因此,如何使电信运营商真正实现以客户为中心开发新产品,满足客户的需求,构建适合电信运营商未来发展需要的新产品开发流程体系是本文的核心。

    Consequently , the importance of this paper is how to make the telecom operators build the new product development flow which will focus on the customers and satisfy the demand of the customers .

  2. 综述了国内外在新产品开发方面的研究现状,并分析了目前存在的主要问题:失败率过高,提出解决方法:构建符合电信运营商未来发展需要的新产品开发流程体系。

    Summarize the study actuality of new product development , and analyze the problem at the present , propose the solved method : build the new product development flow which is suit for the telecom operators .

  3. 最后,本文结合LG-PDM和面向设计院流程管理系统介绍了新产品开发流程管理系统(主要是项目管理和工作流管理)的运行实例和实施效果,为理论研究提供了有力的论据。

    At last , taking LG-PDM and the process management system of designing institute as the examples , the author presents the cases and the effects of the process management system of new product development ( mainly project management and workflow management ) to verify the above research .

  4. 以市场为导向的新产品开发流程管理体系研究

    The Research of Marketing-Oriented New Product Development Management System

  5. 新产品开发流程的管理及其优化

    Management and Optimization of New Product Development Process

  6. 济钢新产品开发流程再造研究

    Reengineering of New Product Development Process in Jigang

  7. 因此,对新产品开发流程的管理方法就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the management method of new product development process is particularly important .

  8. 中小企业新产品开发流程的高标定位研究

    Study on the High Benchmark Orientation of the New Products Development Program Flow in SMEs

  9. 汽车内饰件新产品开发流程管理及优化研究在更高层面上进行技术创新&从北美车展看汽车产品竞争方略

    The Process Management and Optimization Research on Automotive Interior Products Development Innovate in A Higher Level

  10. 作为对比,作者介绍了加拿大皇家银行和花旗银行在新产品开发流程及与流程相关的市场营销活动方面成熟的经验。

    As comparison , The author introduces the advanced experience of RBC and Citibank in the process .

  11. 笔者对新产品开发流程本地化过程中遇到的一些问题进行了分析。

    Through the analysis of the localization process local companies can optimize their new product development process .

  12. 新产品开发流程管理己经成为制造企业提升竞争力的重要途径。

    New product development process management has become an important way through which manufacturing enterprise can improve their competitiveness .

  13. 在新产品开发流程本地化过程中,项目团队成员所需要的项目管理知识及相关技能的培养是最重要的任务。

    Localization process in new product development process , project team members need project management knowledge and relevant skills therefore training becomes the most important task .

  14. 该公司作为一个中等规模的测井仪器制造企业,面临着严峻的考验,新产品开发流程的改进和提高就显得尤为重要。

    The company faces severe test as the log instrument manufacturing company with a medium-sized scale , so it seems particularly important to improve and upgrade new product development process .

  15. 因此,紧接着本文回顾了国际上在服务业新产品开发流程这一领域的研究,探讨门径管理系统脱颖而出的原因,之后详细地介绍了门径管理系统。

    Therefore , the article reviews the studies in the area of service development to discuss what the reasons to the showing of Stage-Gate , and then specifies the details of Stage-Gate .

  16. 并具体应用到了M公司新产品开发流程再造的研究中,开发费用节省了16.3%,开发时间缩短了41.5%,取得了预期的效果。

    And specific application to M company new product development process reengineering study , development cost savings for 16.3 % , development time reduced by 41.5 % , and achieved the desired effect .

  17. 在流程优化方面,根据流程优化的原则和方法,指出天津分行原有流程的不足,以风险审批流程和新产品开发流程为例说明天津分行是如何从满足客户需求出发进行流程优化的。

    Thirdly , on process optimizing , the author shows how SDBTJ carries on a new process optimizing by using accepted principle and means and an example of risk examination and new product development .

  18. 文中提出了流程再造预期达到的效果,并进一步阐明了再造后持续改善的思路,为M公司新产品开发流程再造的未来发展指明了方向。

    The article put forward the effect of the Process Reengineering is due to achieve , further explains the thoughts of sustainable improvement after Process Reengineering , points out the direction of further development of process reengineering for new product development of company M.

  19. 新产品开发流程管理已经成为制造企业提升竞争力的重要途径,但目前国内大多数汽车制造企业,特别是国内许多汽车零部件企业的新产品开发流程管理思想和工具不能满足其实际需要。

    Management of new product development process has been important approaches to increase competitive power of automotive manufacturing enterprises , while both the ideas of process management and the tools of management can 't satisfy the demand of most of automotive manufacturing supplier at present .

  20. 这些措施主要包括:项目开发团队管理、时间管理及成本管理,同时优化新产品开发流程及业务外包,并对实施效果进行全面评价。

    These measures include : Team-work management for new product development , Time management and Cost management , moreover process optimization and outsourcing type resource coordination process monitoring . Efficiency measures were implemented through the comparison of before and after analysis , whose results were overall evaluated .

  21. CIMS环境下制造企业新产品开发的工作流程研究

    Study on work process of new product development of manufacturing enterprise under the CIMS environment

  22. 展示了一种新产品开发的新流程和新理念。

    Show the new process and idea of the new product development .

  23. 在此基础上提出了新产品业务流程再造方案,包括阶段-关口新产品开发流程、成立项目小组、各阶段营销策略。

    On this basis , a new product business process is raised which includes of the process of reengineering new product , marking the establishment of the project team , the marketing strategies of the various stages .

  24. 分析了新产品开发各个阶段的知识集成问题,探讨了新产品开发流程中的知识流模型。

    Have a analysis on knowledge integration in the various stages of new product development , and discuss knowledge flow model in new product development process .

  25. 从新产品开发策略定位、新产品开发组织结构安排和新产品开发流程管理3个层次讨论了产品开发的成功之道。

    The road to successful development of new products is discussed from the angle of strategy position , organization arangement and program management involved in developing new products .

  26. 分析市场需求的变化与对新产品开发的新要求,提出基于快速成型技术的新产品开发一般流程,并以喷雾器的开发为例进行实例研究。

    Expounding the changes of market need and the new requests of product development , elaborated the general procedure of the application of RP to the exploit of new product , and explaining the procedure with an instance of atomizer .

  27. 汽车新产品开发能力是一个汽车企业核心竞争力的体现,而新产品开发流程则体现了企业新产品的开发能力。

    The new vehicle product developing capability is the core-competitiveness of an Automobile company , and the new product developing process is reflecting the company new product developing capability .

  28. 金融新产品的开发对于增强金融企业竞争优势有重要作用,而新产品开发的流程是影响金融新产品开发成败的关键因素之一。

    The new financial product development process , however , is one of the key successful factors to the new financial product .

  29. 网通集团作为国有大型电信运营商,却在新产品开发工作中依然存在新产品难以体现对客户的针对性,新产品开发过程中缺乏必要的风险控制,缺乏完整的新产品开发流程等问题。

    However , CNC as the state-owned telecom operator also has some problems in the new product development , such as lack of pertinence to customers , less risk control and incomplete procedure in the progress of the development .