
xīn cí yǔ
  • neologism
  1. 从语义泛化角度探讨新词语。

    This article approaches neologism from the angle of semantic extension .

  2. 概念合成理论对汉语新词语的认知阐释

    Cognitive Analysis of Chinese Neologism from the Perspective of Conceptual Blending Theory

  3. 修订版收入许多新词语。

    Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition .

  4. 面向Internet的中文新词语检测

    Internet-oriented Chinese New Words Detection

  5. HSK等的出现,预示了或者代表了汉语新词语产生的一种新途径。

    HSK and the others of the sort coming into use indicate or represent a new way to create fresh Chinese words and phrases .

  6. 在语义的整合上,汉语新词语是基于理想化的认知模型(ICM-based)下而生成的,它反映了人们动态的心理运演过程。全文共分为四个部分,包括第一章绪论部分。

    As for the semantic interpretation of Chinese neologisms , there involves dynamic mental operation processes , and the meaning construction of them are more based on the ideal cognitive model ( ICM-based ) . This thesis is divided into four parts including the introduction .

  7. 新词语的预测

    A New Approach to Modelling Environmental Mixing and Transport Neologism Prediction

  8. 国俗新词语汉译英探索

    On translation of culturally - loaded Chinese new expressions into English

  9. 新词语的产生与发展研究

    Research on the Generation and Development of New Words and Expressions

  10. 第二章为新词语修辞造词法的统计分析。

    Chapter 2 , makes the statistical analysis of rhetoric word-formation .

  11. 新词语一直是语言学关注和研究的热点,在语言学研究中具有重要的地位。

    New words have always been concerned and researched in linguistics .

  12. 试论当代汉语新词语研究的两个问题

    On Two Aspects of the Research of Neologisms in Contemporary Chinese

  13. 新词语具有浓重的词彩;

    Some new words and phrases possess thick colors of language .

  14. 新词语在音节上呈现出多音节化的趋势,语多于词。

    The syllable of new words presents the tendency of increasing .

  15. 随社会的发展,词汇处于不断地变化之中,这种变化主要表现为新词语的大量涌现。

    With the development of society , vocabulary are changing constantly .

  16. 当代汉语新词语语素的表义关系考察

    The Semantic Relation between Morphemes and Meaning of Contemporary Chinese Neologisms

  17. 中国当代汉语新词语的流行及其特征

    Popularity and characteristics of the new terms in modern Chinese language

  18. 基于数据库的新词语中的方言词语研究

    The Study on The Dialect of Unlisted Words on Language Database

  19. 汉语新词语当代衍变的交往理论阐释

    Modern Chinese Neologism Variations from the Perspective of Communicative Action Theory

  20. 词语的理据性与英汉新词语生成方式的对比分析

    Analysis of Motivation and Word-formation of English and Chinese New Words

  21. 新词语时刻都在进入词汇中。

    New words are coming into the vocabulary all the time .

  22. 新词语产生的内部机制和外部原因

    Internal Mechanism and External Causes for the Birth of Neologisms

  23. 现代汉语二十年新词语管窥

    The New Words in Modern Chinese Language in the Past Twenty Years

  24. 汉语语境下的网络新词语研究

    The Study on the New Net Words of Chinese Context

  25. 英语新词语学习策略研究

    A study on the learning tactics of English new words

  26. 本章阐述了近十年来汉语新词语英译的现状及翻译困难。

    This chapter analyzes status Quo and difficulties Chinese neologisms C-E translation .

  27. 新词语不一定就是变异。

    Not all the new words and phrases are variation .

  28. 中国特色的汉语新词语英译刍议

    On the C / E Translation of New Words with Chinese Characteristics

  29. 通过这些汉语新词语,外国读者可以了解中国所发生的变化,了解到今天真正的中国。

    Foreign readers can truly understand China through Chinese neologisms .

  30. 论汉语新词语的英译借用

    On Borrowing in the C / E Translation of Chinese New Words