
  • 网络flight dynamics;aerodynamic
  1. 基于Matlab的导弹飞行动力学仿真模型库设计

    Design of Simulation Model Library Of Missile Flight Dynamics Base on Matlab

  2. 研究表明,XML等先进建模及程序设计技术在飞行动力学仿真及战效研究中具有十分重要的应用价值。

    According to the research , the advanced modeling and program designing techniques like the XML are most practically valued in the flight dynamics simulation and the research of combat effectiveness .

  3. RTW在某型直升机飞控系统半物理仿真中的应用直升飞机飞行动力学

    Application of RTW in a Helicopter Flight Control System Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation

  4. 首先研究建立了制导火箭弹的飞行动力学模型,接着选择了适合火箭弹制导的GPS和INS组合方案,并组合导航效果进行了仿真分析。

    First studied establishes has guided the rocket projectile the aeronautical dynamics model , then chose has suited GPS and the INS combination plan which the rocket projectile guided , and the combined navigation effect has carried on the simulation analysis .

  5. 根据投放任务要求设计缩比可重复使用空间飞行器(RLV)投放轨迹,并建立飞行动力学基本分析框架。

    In this paper , flight trajectories were designed for a small-scale model of a reusable launch vehicle ( RLV ) according to the dropping missions .

  6. 然后,讨论了用于空战仿真系统的飞机飞行动力学模型(FDM)、雷达、火控系统、武器系统(导弹)等建模问题,其中雷达、火控系统及武器系统的建模以功能性建模为主。

    Then the modeling of flight dynamics model ( FDM ) which used in the air-to-air combat emulation system , radar , fire control system and arm system ( missile ) is discussed . Radar , fire control system and arm system mainly focus on functional modeling .

  7. 其主要原因是纵横向耦合飞行动力学模型待辨识参数多,灵敏度差异大,耦合严重,这会导致Hessian信息矩阵的严重病态。

    The main reason is there are too many parameters to be identified in longitudinal / lateral coupled model , at the mean time , these parameters are coupled seriously and have large differences in sensitivity . All the above features will cause the Hessian information matrix ill heavily .

  8. 直升机全量飞行动力学数值仿真模型及其实现

    A mathematical helicopter simulation model for flight dynamics and its realization

  9. 飞行动力学系统一体化实时仿真技术研究

    Real time simulation technique study of integration for flight dynamics system

  10. 建立带吊挂载荷的直升机飞行动力学模型。

    A helicopter mathematical model with a slung load is described .

  11. 大迎角非线性飞行动力学(一)

    Nonlinear flight dynamics at high angle of attack ( 1 )

  12. 根据飞行动力学理论,建立了舰载机滑跃起飞数学模型。

    A dynamics model of ski-jump takeoff on land was established .

  13. 舰炮发射与飞行动力学仿真研究

    Study on Dynamic Simulation of Launch and Flight for Naval Gun

  14. 直升机飞行动力学模型的验模方法研究

    Investigation of Verifying Method on the Helicopter Flight Dynamics Models

  15. 卫星编队飞行动力学与控制仿真软件设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Formation Flying Dynamics and Control Simulation Software

  16. 柔性弹丸飞行动力学研究弹性飞行器的传感器位置设计

    Flight dynamics of flexible projectiles positioning of sensors for flexible flight vehicles

  17. 以此为基础,建立了电控旋翼直升机的飞行动力学模型。

    Then the flight dynamics model of the ECR helicopter was constructed .

  18. 结冰飞行动力学特性与包线保护控制律研究

    Research on Iced Aircraft Flight Dynamics Characteristics and Envelope Protection Control Law

  19. 通用飞行动力学模型库的开发及应用

    Development and Application of the Common Flight Dynamics Models Library

  20. 一种通用直升机飞行动力学建模软件

    A Sort of Software for Universal Helicopter Flight Dynamics Modeling

  21. 微型飞行器非线性飞行动力学及控制技术研究

    Research on Nonlinear Flight Dynamics and Flight Control of Micro Air Vehicles

  22. 要取得胜利,你必须掌握很复杂的飞行动力学知识。

    In order to succeed , you must master intricate flight dynamics .

  23. 共轴式直升机飞行动力学仿真数学模型研究

    Research on a Mathematical Model for Coaxial Helicopter Flight Dynamics

  24. 旋转盘离心雾化熔滴飞行动力学与凝固进程

    Droplet dynamic and solidification progress during rotating disk centrifugal atomization

  25. 直升飞机飞行动力学飞翼式微型飞行器飞行动力学特性研究

    Research on Flight Dynamics of Flying Wing Micro Air Vehicles

  26. 绳索平流层飞行器动力学建模与仿真直升飞机飞行动力学

    Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of Tethered Stratospheric Aircraft ; helicopter flight dynamics

  27. 多航天器协同飞行动力学分解建模与控制

    Dynamical decomposition modeling and control of multi-spacecraft coordinated flying

  28. 弹道导弹滚动飞行动力学与控制研究

    Research of Dynamic and Control of Spinning Ballistic Missile

  29. 直升机飞行动力学建模及可视化研究

    Study on Modeling and Visualization of Helicopter Flight Dynamics

  30. 多管火箭随机发射与飞行动力学仿真

    Simulation of Random Launch and Flight Dynamics of MLRS