
  • 网络offshore engineering;Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering
  1. 海岸和近海工程研究的进展

    The Progress of Research in Field of Coastal and Offshore Engineering

  2. 吸力锚在国内近海工程中的首次应用与设计

    The First Application and Design of Suction Anchor in Domestic Offshore Engineering

  3. 理论模型试算表明,当浪高为0.3m时,就达不到近海工程高分辩率地震勘探的要求。

    The theoretical model test showed that the demand of offshore high-resolution seismic exploration can 't be met when height of wave is greater than 0.3m .

  4. 波浪传播变形数值模型的抛物型近似在近海工程大范围水域的波浪推算中应用十分广泛,本文就抛物型缓坡方程(PMSE)数值计算中波浪方向的计算作了分析。

    Parabolic equation method for water wave is widely used to simulate the wave propagation from offshore to inshore .

  5. 将Copula函数应用到近海工程中,用其建立了最大有效波高和最大风速的联合分布函数并检验,结果表明:Copula函数能够比较好的模拟实际的联合概率分布。

    Using copula method to ocean engineering , we establish the joint distribution function of the maximum wave height and the wind velocity and check it , the results show that the copula-constructed joint distribution function can well fit the observed data .

  6. 本文对PS-600的性能特点作了分析,结合在中国大连港口的试验,对PS-600用于近海工程扫海测量的有关问题进行了探讨,得出一些有益的结论。

    This paper analyses'the feature of the instrument , discusses some questions about its application with the test of the harbor in Dalian China and draw some useful conclusion for practice .

  7. 群桩等效计算及其在近海工程中的应用

    The Equivalent Calculation of Group Piles and Its Application in Offshore Engineering

  8. 海岸和近海工程学科中的科学技术问题

    Science and technology problems in coastal and offshore engineering

  9. 总体开发阶段若干近海工程数据的确定

    The Determination of Offshore Engineering Data at the Stage of Overall Development Planning

  10. 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering

  11. 近海工程高分辨率地震探测静校正技术

    Static corrections of offshore high-resolution seismic survey

  12. 近海工程船主要尺度要素及线型设计特点与分析

    Design Feature and Analysis of Principal Dimensions and Lines for Greater Coastal Service Engineering Ships

  13. 基于可靠性分析的近海工程结构分析与评价

    Reliability-Based Analysis and Reassessment for Offshore Structure

  14. 全覆盖高精度扫海测量已成为近海工程测量的主攻方向,精密扫海测深仪的研制日益受到各沿海国家的重视。

    Full covering and hight accuracy sweeping survey is becoming the main direction of off-shore engineering survey .

  15. 中国造船工程学会第五届近海工程学术委员会简介

    A brief introduction about 5-th offshore engineering committee & chinese society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

  16. 最新海洋环境和近海工程数值模型及程序简介

    A brief introduction of novel numerical model and computer progams in ocean enviroment study and offshore engineering

  17. 水深测量对于水利、航运、近海工程等具有重要作用。

    Water depth mapping plays an important role in water conservancy , shipping , offshore project and so on .

  18. 因此,波浪作用下海床和建筑物地基的动力响应研究在海岸和近海工程领域具有重要意义。

    So the response of the seabed and structure foundation under waves is very significant in coastal and offshore engineering .

  19. 根据前人的研究成果,综述在海岸和近海工程中波浪与构筑物相互作用时,波浪力的几种计算方法。

    Several calculation methods of wave force under the interaction between structures and wave of coast and offshore engineering are introduced .

  20. 随着近海工程的发展,桩基被广泛地应用于近海平台、港口码头等。

    With the development of offshore engineering , pile foundation had been widely used in the offshore platform , port pier , etc. .

  21. 所以在近海工程及环境问题的研究中,必须首先要对潮流场有一个详细的了解。

    During the research of offshore project and its environment problem , we must have a detailed understanding of the tide field first .

  22. 水深测量是航运、水利、近海工程、水资源利用等方面的一项重要工作。

    Depth survey of coastal water is an important work in aspect of shipping , water conservation , and coastal project and so on .

  23. 在港口、海岸及近海工程中,波浪作用下的海床和结构物响应是涉及海床本身和建筑物稳定性的重要研究课题。

    In port , coastal and offshore engineering , the seabed and structure response under waves is an important research subject with respect to their stability .

  24. 近二十年来冲击荷载的预报在海岸和近海工程设计中越来越受到重视,已形成一个新兴课题。

    In the recent twenty years , the forecast of wave slamming loads in the design of coast and offshore engineering has become a new subject .

  25. 桩基因其具有许多独特的功能,而日益广泛应用于高层建筑、重型厂房、桥梁、近海工程等诸多领域,成为工程建设中很重要的一种基础类型。

    Pile is a very important structure which has many advantages and it has been used in high building , factory , bridge , offshore , etc.

  26. 本文的三维物理模型试验在大连理工大学海岸与近海工程国家重点实验室的综合水池中进行。

    The physical model test was carried out in the multidirectional basin at the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering , Dalian University of Technology .

  27. 不同状态海水中钢铁材料的腐蚀速度在近海工程中是很重要的腐蚀研究参数。

    Since seawater is recognized to be very corrosive for metals , it is necessary to study the corrosion and its protection of structural steel in seawater .

  28. 因此,研究循环孔隙水压力作用下砂床土体的力学行为对海岸和近海工程有重要意义。

    Therefore , it 's very important to study the mechanical behavior of sand soils under the action of cycle pore water pressure for coast and offing engineering .

  29. 在近海工程与海港工程中大量采用的桩基结构物在恶劣海况的强烈动荷载作用下会进入非线性状态并危及结构物的安全。

    Pile foundation structures in inshore projects and seaport projects would go into nonlinear state and endanger the safety of the structures under the atrocious and intense ocean dynamic load .

  30. 基于近海工程实践和水平荷载作用下单桩的变形特征,本文介绍了等效桩的一种新的物理模型和计算公式,并结合实例,详细阐述了这种等效桩的计算方法。

    Based on practice of offshore engineering and deflection characteristics of single pile under horizontal load , this paper presents a new physical model and calculation formula for the equivalent pile .