
  1. 切勿近火!

    Keep away from fire !

  2. 当“天问一号”在停泊调相轨道上再次到达近火点时,需要再次刹车,进入停泊轨道,并在该轨道上进行多次调整,保证着陆器和巡视器在预先设定的时间、地点着陆火星。

    When the Chinese probe reaches the periareion for the second time , it will brake again to perform an orbital maneuver and make sure the lander and rover of Tianwen-1 can complete the landing on Mars at the scheduled time and place .

  3. 有利的火山岩储层多发育在近火山口相带。

    The favorable volcanic reservoir mainly develops near crater facies belts .

  4. 这只瓶不得放在近火处。

    This bottle must not be stood close to the fire .

  5. 不要把汽油罐放在近火处。

    Don 't stand cans of petrol near the fire .

  6. 远水救不了近火。

    A slow remedy cannot meet an emergency .

  7. 在取暖时太近火的人被灼。

    He warms too near that burns .

  8. 远水难求近火。

    Water after quench not fire .

  9. 矿工们休息近火,他们持有长期使用撬棍撬,从火山口硫。

    Miners rest near a fire , holding long crowbars they use to pry the sulfur from the crater .

  10. 避免接触有腐蚀性的化学物品,切勿近火或高温烘烤,避免接触硬、尖物,以免损坏;

    Keep away from corrosive chemical , fire and high temperature , hard or sharp objects to avoid any damage .

  11. 敌人的油罐被击中爆炸起火。不要把汽油罐放在近火处。

    The enemy 's gas tank was hit and went up in smoke Don 't stand cans of petrol near the fire .

  12. 中国的经济仍有希望保持增长,但是远水救不了近火,对于目前的金属市场并没有提振作用。

    China 's economic growth is still hope , but far from immediate help for the current metal markets did not boost the role .

  13. 储运:宜存放阴凉处,避免高温,不可近火,勿与氧化剂共储运。

    Store & shippmeng : store in cool place , avoid high temperature , taking away from fire and profibit to store with oxidant agent .

  14. 提出用高温近火方法来改善矩形截面冷拔型钢表面残余应力的工艺探索。

    The technical investigation of relieving residual stress on the surface of rectangular cold drawn section by means of high temperature heat treatment was provided .

  15. 缺点:不耐酸尤其不耐矿物酸,不耐紫外线,无自熄性,不能近火。

    Faults : no acid especially not resistant to mineral acid , not ultraviolet radiation resistant , no self-extinguishing RTV silicone compound , not near fire .

  16. 强积金是供款人到65岁才可以领用,不少人认为此乃「远水不能救近火」。

    As one may not draw any money from one 's MPF account until one is65 , many think those injections too remote to be of any help .

  17. 刘振贤:这样的利好其实已经说了很多,但就是没有实质性举措,所以市场也没办法,走势还是很疲软,远水救不了近火。

    Liu Zhenxian : so good in fact have put it , but there is no substantive initiatives , so there is no way market , the trend is still very weak , much immediate help .

  18. 梅格停止了训导,点上了灯。艾美不用人说,就离开了安乐椅。乔则坐起来把鞋子挪近火边,一时忘却了疲倦。

    Meg stopped lecturing , and lighted the lamp , Amy got out of the easy chair without being asked , and Jo forgot how tired she was as she sat up to hold the slippers nearer to the blaze .

  19. 它以近水救近火的方式弥补了民事诉讼程序在救济权利上的滞后性弊端,有利于确保将来判决的执行、及时保护权利人的权益。

    It " put out a fire near the water " approach to make up for the rights of civil proceedings in the lag relief defects , help ensure that future enforcement of sentences , in a timely manner to protect the interests of right holders .

  20. 祭司亚伦的后裔,凡有残疾的,都不可近前来将火祭献给耶和华。

    No descendant of Aaron the priest who has any defect is to come near to present the offerings made to the Lord by fire .

  21. 那只猫离火太近,尾巴让火给烧焦了。

    The cat had her tail singed through sitting too near the fire .