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  • 网络melee;Melee weapon
  1. 虽然如此,它的弧形表面在遭到攻击的时候能让近战武器偏出。

    However , their curved surface are excellent at deflecting blows from melee weapons .

  2. 新天赋武器专家被安置在战斗天赋树中,效果为增加所有近战武器的武器技能。

    New talent Weapon Expertise in the Combat tree , increases your weapon skill with all melee weapons .

  3. 在这个模式里,你按R拔出近战武器就会进入第三人称视角,使你在战斗时看得更清楚。

    In this mode if you draw you melee weapon with the R button your view will switch to third person perspective in order to grant you some more awareness during combat situations .

  4. 施展奉献将不再使你近战武器挥舞的时间重叠置。

    Consecration will no longer reset your melee swing timer when cast .

  5. 毫米波雷达在舰载近战武器系统中的应用现状和展望

    Applications and Prospects of Millimeter Wave Radar in Shipborne Close in Weapon Systems

  6. 仅装备钝的近战武器。

    Equip only nonlethal blunt melee weapons .

  7. 猎人很少使用近战武器,只是追求能给自己提供最好属性的武器&一般都是双手武器。

    Hunters rarely use their melee weapons and pretty much go for whatever gives the best stats , which is often the two-handed weapons .

  8. 最有效的是当它与其他近战武器如弯刀配合使用,不建议用它自身当武器使用。

    Most effective when used in conjunction with other melee weapons such as the machete , but not recommended for use on its own .

  9. 当你的英雄每回合第一次造成战斗伤害时,你可以重置他和你的一件近战武器。

    Ongoing : When an ally is destroyed by combat damage dealt by your hero with a weapon , put that ally from its owner 's graveyard into play under your control .

  10. 使用隐形和狡猾或使用新的武器包括火焰喷射器,手榴弹或近战武器,以保持在海湾的死,连跳在一个戏剧性的快艇逃逸。

    Use stealth and cunning or utilize new weapons including a flamethrower , grenades or melee weapons to keep the dead at bay , and even jump inside a speedboat for dramatic escapes .

  11. 同过组合“轻量化战斧”还有“毒药”,你就能拥有一柄可靠的近战武器,而其保证再微不足道的小伤口也能把他们放倒!

    By combining the Feather-Weight Axe and Poison , you can have a weapon that 's reliable in close combat , and that makes sure they stay down even from the most negligible of flesh wounds !

  12. 敏捷增加近战远程武器命中。

    Increases your hit rating with melee and ranged weapons .