
  • 网络handle
  1. 考虑环柄对循环图交叉数的影响,并且给出了循环图交叉数的上界。

    This paper considers the handle affecting the crossing number of circular graphs and gives upper bounds for its crossing numbers .

  2. 大型野生食用菌驯化栽培研究初报&Ⅰ.江西高环柄菇的生物学特性

    STUDIES ON DOMESTICATION CULTURE OF A LARGE-TYPE WILD EDIBLE BACTERIUM ( THE FIRST REPORT ) & ⅰ . Biologic Properties of Jiangxi Lepiota Procera ( Scop . exFx ) Gray

  3. 对两种蕈菌毒素鉴定:豹斑毒鹅膏菌致幻类型毒蕈,毒素成分中不含有毒伞肽;褐鳞环柄菇同时含有毒伞肽和毒肽2种活性物质。

    Two types of mushroom extract and identification of bacteria for toxin was Leopard type of hallucinogenic drug Amanita mushroom toxin composition does not contain toxic umbrella peptide ; brown scales while loop handle toxic mushroom umbrella peptides and peptide two kinds of toxic substances .

  4. 极大本质平环组在柄体及压缩体中的嵌入

    On Maximal Collections of Essential Annuli in a Handlebody or a Compression Body

  5. 紧张部急性穿孔后鼓环和锤骨柄阳性细胞数量增加,穿孔边缘无阳性染色。

    The positive cells increased after perforation in the annulus and handle of malleus region , but no immunostaining cells were found at the edge of perforation .