
  • 网络Epoxy flooring;grep
  1. BYK助剂在环氧地坪漆中的应用

    Use of BYK Additives in Epoxy Floor Coatings

  2. 环氧地坪涂料固化物经43%硫酸溶液60℃、120h浸泡,质量变化率小于1.2%。

    The mass change fraction is less than 1.2 % when putting the floor coating matter into 43 % sulphuric acid solution 60 ℃ / 120h .

  3. 讨论了自流平环氧地坪涂料的组成和研制。

    The compostion and preparation of self-leveling floor coatings are discussed .

  4. 环氧地坪涂料在耐强酸环境中的应用

    The application epoxy resin floor coating in the strong acid resistant circumstance

  5. 东芝二期工程环氧地坪基层一次成活施工技术

    Comprehensive Construction Technique for Epoxy-Coated Concrete Floor in Toshiba Project Phase II

  6. 环氧地坪涂料中的固化剂浅述

    Brief Argument of the Curing Agent for Epoxy Floor Coating

  7. 环氧地坪一次成活施工技术

    One - formed Construction Technique of the Epoxy Floor Level

  8. 自流平环氧地坪涂料的研制及施工工艺

    Study of self-levelling Epoxy Floor Coating and Process of Construction

  9. 高性能薄涂型水性环氧地坪涂料的制备与施工工艺

    Preparation of Waterborne Epoxy Floor Paint with High Performance and Application Process Thereof

  10. 水性环氧地坪涂料的研制及性能研究

    Development and Performance Study of Waterborne Epoxy Flooring Coatings

  11. 彩色自流平新型环氧地坪涂料的研究

    Study of New Coloured Self-Levelling Epoxy Floor Coating

  12. 环氧地坪已成为我国发展速度最快的产业之一,引起众人的注意。

    Epoxy Floor China has become the fastest growing industries , cause people 's attention .

  13. 介绍了无溶剂自流平环氧地坪涂料生产的新工艺及其应用施工技术。

    The new productive technology and construction of insolvent autolevelling epoxy floor coatings were introduced in this paper .

  14. 环氧地坪涂料是近年来环氧树脂应用发展最快的领域之一。

    Epoxy floor coating is one of the fastest developed fields on the application of the epoxy resin .

  15. 环氧地坪较之水磨石、地面砖等有许多优点,文章详细介绍了某工业厂房的环氧地坪施工,供国内同行借鉴。

    This article introduces in details the epoxy floor level construction in a factory building to the foreign and domestic fellow members for reference .

  16. 作为环氧地坪涂料系列的中间漆,涂于封闭底漆或腻子之上,用来增加漆膜厚度和涂层的平整性。涂料机,用于油毡加工中为其底层织物、纸板或其他物品上胶

    For intermediate paint in epoxy floor coating series on sealer or putty to increase film thickness and smoothness . coating machine , linoleum-manufacturing , for applying paste to base fabric paperboard or other support

  17. 讨论了组成无溶剂环氧地坪涂料的环氧树脂、胺固化剂、低挥发性活性稀释剂、无机着色颜料、惰性填料和助剂等对涂层性能和施工性能的作用和影响,探讨了施工工艺条件。

    The influence of the ingredients of the title coatings , such as epoxy resin , amine curing agent , low volatile active diluents , inorganic pigments , fillers and additives on the performance of coatings film and application properties , and the application conditions are discussed .

  18. 纳米蒙脱土插层聚氨酯改性环氧彩色地坪涂料的研制

    Development of Nano-Intercalation Polyurethane Modified Epoxy Pigmented flooring Coatings

  19. 主要产品有:1、环氧树脂地坪;

    The main products : 1.Epoxy resin floor ;

  20. 业务范围有超平环保地坪、环氧树脂地坪、聚氨酯地坪、耐磨地坪等。

    Business ranging from Super Flat Burnish Floor , Epoxy Floor , Urethane Floor , Hardener Floor , Polish Floor , etc.

  21. 从环氧自流平地坪涂料的施工探讨其配方设计

    Formulation Design of Epoxy Self-Leveling Floor Coatings from Point of View of Application

  22. 新型无溶剂防静电环氧自流平地坪涂料

    New Non-solvent Static Electricity-conductive Self-leveling Epoxy Floor Coatings

  23. 低成本环氧防静电地坪底漆

    Low Cost Static Electricity Conductive Epoxy Floor Primer

  24. 报道了一种新型无溶剂型环氧自流平地坪涂料的制备。

    This paper reports the preparation of a solvent-free ( zero VOC ) epoxy-based coating for concrete floors .

  25. 是高性能建筑结构胶、环氧涂料、环氧地坪、环氧玻璃钢等领域理想的稀释剂。

    Is a high-performance structural plastic , epoxy paint , Floor , epoxy glass fiber reinforced plastics in areas such as the ideal of thinner .

  26. 研究了用新型TEG99环氧树脂配制性能优良的彩色自流平新型环氧地坪涂料,讨论了活性环氧稀释剂、脂环胺固化剂、填料等各组分对涂料性能的影响。

    Study was made of the performance Oriented coloured self levelling new epoxy floor coating prepared with new type TEG 99 epoxy resin . Effects of different components such as active epoxy diluent , alicyclic amine hardener and filler on coating properties were discussed .