
  • 网络connecting bands;Strap;Bonding Bar;bond strap
  1. 轴丝与线粒体衍生体之间的连接带3条;

    There are three connecting bands between mitochondrial derivatives and axoneme .

  2. 突触形态结构可塑性检测显示:标准环境对照组较标准环境模型组突触数密度和面密度较大(P0.01),连接带平均面积也较小(P0.01)。

    The results of detecting synaptic plasticity : Compared with the model group of standard environment , in the control group of the standard environment synaptic numerical density and the surface density was significantly larger ( P0.01 ), and the average area was lesser ( P0.01 ) .

  3. 输送系统包括构成一连接带的七条横杆。

    The conveying system consists of seven cross-bars forming a link-belt .

  4. 叶脉采样的代表部位为叶片与叶主脉的连接带和采用混合样分析的可行性。

    The sampling part was in the connective zone between midrib and blade .

  5. 湖滨湿地是陆地和湖泊水体的连接带,具有重要的生态功能。

    Wetland is the conjunction of lake and terrene and has important ecology function .

  6. 在起动后,新卷附在连接带和穿过机组。

    At startup , a new coil is attached to the starter strip and threaded into the line .

  7. 眼外肌滑车及其连接带的主要成分为Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型胶原纤维、弹力纤维及平滑肌。

    The main composition of the Pulley and Pulley Band were collagen (ⅰ and ⅲ type ), elastic and smooth muscle .

  8. 游离面有极少量粗短的微绒毛,侧面有紧密连接带与AT-Ⅱ细胞相连。

    A few thick short microvilli are seen at dissociative side , and connected with AT - ⅱ by the tight junction .

  9. 本实用新型公开了一种微型空气过滤鼻塞。它包括滤块和连接带,滤块设置在连接带的两端。

    The utility model discloses a mini air filtration rhinobyon comprising a filter block and a jointing strip , the filter block is provided on the ends of the jointing strip .

  10. 一种印刷电路板上的接导线用端子由连接带与垂直连接于连接带一侧的端子组成。

    The utility model relates to a wiring terminal on a printed substrate , comprising a connecting band and a terminal which is vertically connected with one side of the connecting band .

  11. 红山文化分布于蒙古高原与东北平原的连接带,是古代北方民族迁徙、交融的重要区域,具有鲜明的民族性和区域性特征。

    Hongshan culture , distributed over the joint area of Mongolia Plateau and Northeast Plains which is an important area for the migration and the blend of the ancient north nationalities , has its distinct national and regional characters .

  12. 然而,通过仿真实验已经证明,在瓶颈链接中,当一个无响应的高带宽连接同带响应的连接在RED网关竞争带宽时,会拥有超过公平共享的带宽。

    However , it has been proven through simulations that an unresponsive bandwidth-greedy connection gets a larger than fair share of the bandwidth at a bottleneck link when competing with responsive connections at a RED gateway .

  13. 输送带连接是带式输送机中很普遍的问题,大部分输送带连接工艺在文献中都有细致的介绍。

    Gemel connection for adhesive tape is a namal question in belt conveyor , parts of these technique had been introduced in some document .

  14. 推覆体的泥盆系地层生物繁盛,门类众多。作为连接造山带加里东一海百、印支阶段重要一环的泥盆系对恢复造山带沉积和构造演化意义重大。

    As all important link between the Caledonian and Hercynian tectonic stages , the Devonian strata in the belt has all along been considered as the key bed to decipher the sedimentary and tectonic evolution in the study area .

  15. 对于通过Web控制台执行的系统管理和云环境访问,我们的架构包括加密的VPN连接,以及带身份和访问管理的基于角色的安全性。

    For systems administration and cloud environment access through a web console , our architecture includes VPN connections with encryption , and role-based security with identity and access management .

  16. 属性时,返回的连接字符串不带密码。

    Object that has been opened , the connection string is returned minus the password .

  17. 它由一个马达、一个咖啡罐以及一个连接的传动带构成。

    It was a motor and a coffee can and a little band between them .

  18. 管道连接不应带螺纹。

    Piping connections shall not be threaded .

  19. 主动轮、从动轮以及固定轮之间连接有网带;

    The driving wheel , the driven wheel and the fixing wheel are connected by a mesh belt .

  20. 而潮沟是淤泥质潮滩的另一典型地貌类型特征,它连接着盐沼带和光滩。

    Tidal channel is a typical geomorphic type of silty tidal flat . It links salt marsh and mudflat .

  21. 由连接在脚踏带上的双螺旋桨提供动力,潜艇的时速可达到8公里,并能下潜至6米深。

    Powered by twin propellers connected to a pedal belt , the mini-sub can reach speeds of8 kilometers an hour and can reach depths of6 meters .

  22. 这款安全带头枕,超软细羊毛材质,便于牢固地连接在安全带上。睡眠时舒适惬意,孩子伴着它进入梦乡,再也不必担心颈部抽筋了。

    No more kinks in the neck while they sleep , let them drift off to dreamland with this super soft micro-fleece pillow that attaches easily and securely to the safety belt .

  23. 塑料座式伸缩隔离带:又称一米线,就是能够自由伸缩连接的隔离带,被银行、医院、地铁等商务和公共场合广泛使用。

    The Recoilable-Belt Rail with plastic base , also referred to as " one meter line " in China , is a retractable isolation rail extensively applied in banks , hospitals , metro and other public places .

  24. 为提高地形绘制效率,针对规则格网地形瓦片提出了内旋连接法三角形条带生成算法,针对TIN瓦片模型引入了面向条带优化的三角形条带生成算法。

    To improve the rendering efficiency of terrain , the method of inter-rotating connection triangle strip generation algorithm for raster terrain tiles is put forward , as well as the strip-optimized oriented triangle strip generation algorithm for TIN terrain tiles is introduced . 4 .

  25. 机械设备机体螺纹连接管泄漏的带压消除技巧

    The Disposal Skill of Machine Equipment Thread Pipe Leaking with Pressure

  26. 该钢筋在任意截面处都拧上带有内螺纹的连接器进行连接或拧上带螺纹的螺帽进行锚固。

    This bar can be connected with the jointer at any cross section or screwed with the nuts with female screw for fixing .

  27. 建议竖缝剪力墙和钢框架梁采用开竖向槽孔的高强度螺栓摩擦型连接,以实现带竖缝钢筋混凝土剪力墙不承受竖向荷载,只承受水平力的设计思路;

    Slit holes are recommended in the connection between slit wall and the top beam to realize the design philosophy of slit wall for carrying horizontal load only ;

  28. 机器人在阿里巴巴在上海新开的盒马鲜生实体店里跑来跑去,把做熟的食品放在一条将厨房与餐桌连接起来的传送带上。

    At one of its new Hema grocery stores in Shanghai , rolling robots take cooked food out onto a sort of runway that connects the kitchen to seating .

  29. 等离子体显示器与电路的连接是用热压连接带连接的,热压连接和屏是用各向异性导电膜采用热压成型技术进行连接。

    The screen and circuit of Plasma display Panel ( PDP ) are connected by heat seal connectors ( HSC ), while the screen and HSC are connected by heat seal technique with Anisotropies Conductor film ( ACF ) .

  30. 一种汽车安全带舒适度调节器,包括拉手1、细钢柱2、摩擦胶柱3、连接框架4、弹簧5和连接带6组成。

    A conform regulator for automobile safety belt comprises a handle ( 1 ), a thin steel column ( 2 ), a friction rubber column ( 3 ), a connection frame ( 4 ), two springs ( 5 ) and a connecting belt ( 6 ) .