
  • 网络continuous-wave radar;cw radar;FMCW;LFMCW
  1. 连续波雷达信号识别与参数提取技术研究

    Study on Identification and Parameter Extraction of Continuous-wave Radar Signal

  2. 一种大多普勒容限的伪码调相连续波雷达

    Novel Phase-coded Modulation Continuous-wave Radar with Large Doppler Tolerance

  3. X波段伪码调相连续波雷达地杂波分布特性仿真与分析

    Model Analysis and Simulation of Land Clutter for PRC-CW Radar at X-band

  4. 测速雷达采用连续波雷达体制,利用DSP进行信号处理。

    The speed-measuring using CW radar system and using DSP for signal processing .

  5. 基于MAC序列的间断连续波雷达信号的研究

    Research on Quasi-Continuous Wave Radar Signal Based on MAC Sequence

  6. 给出了编码二相调制准连续波雷达信号处理机的硬件设计框图,并对A/D转换模块、FPGA模块、双口RAM模块及电源和时钟模块进行了电路设计。

    The hardware frame of QCW radar signal processor is offered . the circuit of ADC module , FPGA module , dual-port RAM module and power and clock module is presented .

  7. 以间断连续波雷达信号处理仿真系统为背景,从不同角度分析和研究了Visualc++与工程计算语言Matlab的接口技术。

    Based on the signal disposing simulation system of discontinuous and continuous wave radar , this paper analyzes and discusses the interface technology for Visual C + + and engineering language Matlab from different points of view .

  8. 经过外场的静、动态试验,系统最终达到的距离分辨率小于1.5m。调频线性度与零差拍线性调频连续波雷达的距离分辨力

    Using static and dynamic methods in the test , the range resolution of the system is less than 1.5 meter . Sweep Linearity Effect on Linear FMCW Radar Range Resolution

  9. 调频连续波雷达(FMCWR)具有分辨率高、信号动态范围大、对周围电磁环境干扰小、抗干扰能力强等特点,得到广泛应用,特别适用于海事交通管制系统(VTS)。

    In recent years , Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave Radar ( FMCWR ) is widely used in many fields for its eminent characteristics , such as high resolution , large dynamic range , low radiant pollution to environment and good performance in anti-jamming , especially for vessel traffic system .

  10. 线性调频连续波雷达的等效正交双通道性能

    The Property of Equivalent Quadrature Channels of LFM - CW Radars

  11. 一种准连续波雷达中频采样的新方法

    A New Method of IF Signal Sampling in Quasi CW Radar

  12. 连续波雷达测距中的解模糊技术

    De - ambiguous Techniques for Measurement of Range in CW Radar

  13. 最大熵外推算法在中断连续波雷达中的应用研究

    Application Study on Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation in Interrupted-continuous Wave Radar

  14. 基于多频连续波雷达的最优加权跟踪算法

    An Algorithm of Optimal Weight Track for Multi-frequency Continuous Wave Radar

  15. 连续波雷达测距时差仿真分析

    Simulation and Analysis of CW Radar Ranging for Time Error

  16. 平面阵连续波雷达自适应数字波束形成系统

    Planar Phased Array Adaptive Digital Beamforming System for CW Radar

  17. 噪扰下数字化多频连续波雷达的测距模糊问题

    Ambiguity Problem of Digitized Multiple Frequency CW Ranging Radar Under Noisy Condition

  18. 数字多频连续波雷达信号处理中的关键算法

    Key Arithmetics in Signal Processing for Digital Multi-Frequency CW Radar

  19. 其中运动目标的距离速度耦合是线性调频连续波雷达一个重要的研究方向,也是本文研究的重点。

    Range-velocity decoupling is one of important scientific research directions .

  20. 连续波雷达目标回波信号参数估计的克拉美-罗界

    Cramer-Rao Bound of Parameter Estimation of Target Echo Signal of CW Radar

  21. 可应用于调频连续波雷达进行频率测量,能有效地减小测频误差,提高距离分辨率。

    It can effective decrease the error and increase the distance resolution .

  22. 线形调频连续波雷达的动目标显示

    Moving Target Indication of LFM - CW Radar Linear Space

  23. 多频连续波雷达二次差频测距法的改进

    Improvement of Quadric Difference Frequency Base on Multiple Frequencies CW Ranging Radar

  24. 伪码调相连续波雷达接收单元数字化研究

    Study of the Digitalization of Pseudorandom Code Continuous Wave Radar Receiving Unit

  25. 相位编码准连续波雷达回波遮挡问题及解决方法研究

    Research on " Eclipse " Problem of Quasi-CW Phase-coded Radar and Solutions

  26. 线性调频连续波雷达的距离估算

    Range Estimation of Linear Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave Radar

  27. 调频线性度与零差拍线性调频连续波雷达的距离分辨力

    Sweep Linearity Effect on Linear FMCW Radar Range Resolution

  28. 连续波雷达的多目标检测与参数估计

    Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation for Continuous Wave Radar

  29. 一种采用变周期调频连续波雷达的多目标识别方法

    A Novel Method to Identify Multitarget by FMCW Radar

  30. 调频连续波雷达信号调制方式识别算法研究

    Algorithm for Identifying Modulated Modes of FMCW Radar Signals