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  • 【电力】continuous spectrum
  1. 连续谱适合于描写钹的碰撞声。

    Continuous spectra are appropriate to the clash of cymbals .

  2. 基于CLEAN算法的非连续谱线性调频中断波信号处理

    Signal processing for discontinuous spectra FMICW based on CLEAN algorithm

  3. K边多道X光连续谱仪

    K - edge channel spectrometer for continuous X ray

  4. X射线连续谱的衍射峰

    A Study on The Diffraction of Continuous X-Ray Speetrum

  5. X射线连续谱的异常透射测量

    The measurement of X-ray continuum by abnormal transmission

  6. 连续谱X射线在ICT中辐射的散射研究

    Scattering research for continuous spectrum X-ray radiation in X-ray ICT

  7. 而对于金等离子体,它主要辐射x射线连续谱且其无论在波长还是在空间才后上强度分布都极为均匀。

    But for Au plasma , it mainly radiate continuous x-ray and its intensity is homogeneous distribution both in space and wavelength .

  8. 利用连续谱X射线辐射的Beer定律,研究了X射线二次射线与一次射线定量对比关系;

    Based on Beer law of continuous spectrum X-ray radiation the quantitative comparison relationship between the first-order and second-order radiation is studied .

  9. 为有效去除连续谱X光子的散射造成的图像伪影提供比较完善精确的修正模型和修正方法。

    And the precise accurate models and methods were presented for wiping out the false image efficiently , which resulted from photon scattering .

  10. 7fs超快强激光驱动Ar原子产生支持单个阿秒脉冲的高次谐波连续谱

    Generation of High-Order Harmonic Continuum Supporting Single Attosecond Pulse in Argon Driven by Intense 7 fs Laser Pulse

  11. X射线连续谱的衍射峰晶体定向中发现(100)和(001)晶面的一级衍射出现双峰;

    A Study on The Diffraction of Continuous X-Ray Speetrum In the experiment of crystal orientation , two peaks of X-ray diffraction were observed .

  12. 主要研究了连续谱X射线在透射式ICT中射入待测物质体内时发生的康普顿散射现象和二次射线辐射的散射问题。

    Compton scattering phenomenon and the second-order radiation of continuous spectrum X-ray transmitting into materials have been studied mainly .

  13. 相对论连续谱Hartree-Bogoliubov理论对Dy偶同位素链的研究

    Even Dy Isotopes in Relativistic Continuum Hartree - Bogoliubov Theory

  14. 连续谱采用自适应FIR滤波方法仿真,调制包络由高斯脉冲串组成。

    Continuous spectrum simulation is performed through adaptive FIR filter method . Amplitude modulation is formed by Gaussian pulse serials .

  15. 通过定义线谱与连续谱的光强比,定量地表征了线谱在总光谱中的相对强度,并给出了驱动声压对于OH自由基3条谱线光强比的影响。

    The relative intensity of the line spectrum in the total spectrum is expressed quantificationally by defining an intensity ratio of the line spectrum to the continuous spectrum .

  16. 这17个PG类星体中的绝大部分表现出光谱斜率和静止坐标系5100(?)处连续谱流量的反相关。

    Most of these 17 PG QSOs show anti-correlation between the spectral slope and the rest-frame 5100 (?) continuum flux .

  17. 非连续谱FMCW雷达信号分析与处理

    Signal analysis and processing for discontinuous spectra FMCW radar

  18. 测量激光聚变靶产生的软X射线时间变化连续谱的形状,可以知道许多X射线产生过程的详细动态记录,这有助于理解实验的热学条件。

    Measurement of the time-varying spectral shape of the soft X-ray continuum from laser-fusion targets can provide a detailed dynamical record of X-ray processes important to the understanding of thermal conditions in such experiments .

  19. 本文对两个连续谱问题(正、负KN谱问题)及一个离散谱问题进行了研究。

    Two KN spectral problems ( positive , negative ) and a discrete spectral problem are investigated in this thesis .

  20. 用Fourier积分研究压力波的谱结构,建立起连续谱中的最大振幅与最大压力的实验关系曲线。

    It then studies the spectrum structure , of pressure waves with the aid of Fourier Integrals , and establishes the experimental relationship between the maximum amplitude of continuous spectrum and the maximum pressure .

  21. 利用单光子入射方法测量了高强度超短脉冲激光(130fs,1016Wcm2744nm)与固体等离子体相互作用产生的超快(ps)硬X射线(>30keV)能量连续谱。

    Utilizing single photon incident method , the hard X ray continuum from interaction of intense ultrashort laser ( 130 fs , 10 16 W / cm 2,744 nm ) with solid plasma is measured .

  22. 若腔场初始为热光场,腔场谱依Kerr效应强弱可为连续谱或分立谱。

    For an initial thermal field , the cavity spectrum can be a continuous band or discrete lines depending on the strength of the Kerr effect .

  23. 本文简介近年来在类星体的形态、红移、连续谱、X射线、巡天和面密度以及演化等方面的研究所取得的进展。

    This paper reviews some progresses in the field of quasar research made in recent years in morphology , redshift controversy , continuous spectrum , x-ray emission , optical survey , surface density and evolution of luminosity function , etc.

  24. 实验研究了超短脉冲激光辐照固体靶产生的超热电子温度,所用方法是测量超热电子在固体中韧致辐射产生的硬X射线(>30keV)能量连续谱。

    The temperature of hot electron generated from the solid target irradiated by ultrashort pulse laser has been studied experimentally . The method is to measure the hard X-ray continuum generated by the high energy electron bremsstrahlung process in solid region .

  25. 本文评述VLBI天体物理学的进展,特别是在河外连续谱天文学、星际脉泽、脉冲星和恒星等方面VLBI观测的主要结果。

    This paper touches the progress in VLBI astrophysics concerning some high lights of extragalactic continuum astronomy , interstellar masers and pulsars and stars from VLBI observations .

  26. X光管出来的X射线由连续谱和特征谱组成,连续谱是由一系列能量连续分布的光子组成,不同能量的光子穿过物质时会发生不同的衰减,称为射线的硬化。

    X-rays from cathode-ray tube contain continuous photons and characteristic photons . Continuous photons are composed of photons with different energies . Different attenuations will happen in photons with different energies when they pass through objects . It is called beam-hardening effect .

  27. 发现在等离子体形成的初期,辐射的主要成分是在很强的连续谱背景下混合着O2,O2+和O+激发的线状谱。

    At initial stage of plasma forming , the dominating radiation is a strong continuous background mixed with some lines of excited O_2 , O ~ + _2 and O ~ + .

  28. 类星体紫外发射线CⅣ的等值宽度与连续谱背景光度之间存在的很好的负相关性,即所谓的Baldwin效应,是连续谱光度与电离参量相关的结果。

    A strong anti-correlation between equivalent widths of the CIV emission lines and continuum luminosities of quasars , i. e. so called " Baldwin effect ", is due to the correlation between the continuum luminosities and the ionization parameters .

  29. 本研究结果证实了施肥与刈割对植物补偿生长的拮抗互作效应,也与反应连续谱假说(CRH)和限制资源模型(LRM)的预测一致。

    The study confirmed the antagonistic interaction between compensatory growth and interaction of fertilization and clipping , also consistent with the prediction of CRH and LRM .

  30. 利用散射光子倾斜同一角度时二次射线的强度微分方程导出了透过平行板的连续谱X射线二次和高次射线辐射强度公式,最终得到透射平行板的连续谱X射线的总强度。

    And the second-order radiation intensity differential equation which scattering photos tilt in same angle is used to derive the scattering intensity equation of the second-order and higher-order X-ray transmitting parallel . At last , general radiation intensity of continuous spectrum X-ray transmitting into parallel is got .