- 网络Serial;serial publication

The computer can alter the Serials Librarian and produce a bindery notice .
Development and application of automatic tanker volume formation system . On the Formation of Serials
The replacement of the name " serial " for " periodical " is the ideological foundation of the formation and the document cataloguing is the main sphere of this formation .
The paper discuss the problems of ILAS 5.0 when printing catalog card , And provide good solutions and same problems which should be paid attention to working .
The Problems and the Solutions of Serials while Printing Catalog Card
Automatic Management of Successive Publication of Shanxi University Library and Further Development
Development of the union catalogue system of western language serials
New Serials MARC Bibliographic Record Level : Access Level Record
《 International bibliography of astronomy serials 》 and it 's computer retrieval system
Statistical Analysis of Serial Literature on Wheat Rust
International Centre for the Registration of Serial Publications
Management of the Electronic Serials in Electronic Age
Construction and Development of Periodical DB for MARC
A Discussion on Internet Electronic Serials Cataloguing
International Standard Serial Number - ISSN
On the Formation of Serials
The Fountainhead Theory of Serials
The international standard serial numbering and bar code printed together in 163 journals of universities and colleges , about 81.5 % ;
In net era we must construct a collection database of the serial publications so as to completely provide readers a computer retrieval .
To publish newspapers , a publishing unit must get approval of the Press and Publication Administration , national unified publication number and newspaper publication license .
It 's discussed on descriptions how to overall analysising the title , catching the common groud , persisting in descriptioned standards and giving consideration to the Serial characteristic .
Here , we see two bills in a sheet of32 that have had stars printed at the end of their serials numbers to denote that they are replacements .
Furthermore , domestic literature data of series publications has been the development direction of domestic literature resource share , especially the literature database of special series publication possesses Chinese characteristics .
We try to differentia and analyze the characteristic of various kinds of serials in order to provide a quick , accurate and accordant method to deal with problems in practice .
The title for Russian Serial on that Standarding descriptions which that inquire into approach a subject from different angles : some common series , fascicle and subordinated content , used to symbols .
The author investigated the signs of the China Standard Serial Numbering in 516 sci-tech periodicals published in 2005.Among which 94.57 % have the problems of non-standardization in sign names , printing style and printing position .
Magazines and journals are called periodicals because they are issued on a regular or " periodic " basis . Publications mentioned in the present Provisions means newspapers , periodicals , books and electronic publications , etc.
This paper aims to study the enterprise newspaper in new era . The enterprise newspaper is in the daily or weekly , bi-weekly form , which has a fixed name , published news reports as the main content of serials .
By comparing and analyzing the difference between the electonic serials and the printed serials , the concludes article that the future model of management should be changed . The electronic means will be primary , while the manual means will only be slave .
This paper introduces several relevant concepts , analyze the characteristics of the intellectual property rights of electronic publications and the intangible asset , and expounds the correlation between the digitalization of successive publications and the continuous accumulation of information the effect of their intangible asset .