
  • 网络Serial;serial publication
  1. 计算机可提醒管理连续出版物的馆员,并制作装订通知。

    The computer can alter the Serials Librarian and produce a bindery notice .

  2. 储油罐容积表自动编制系统的构成与应用连续出版物形成论

    Development and application of automatic tanker volume formation system . On the Formation of Serials

  3. serial对periodi-cal的名称取代是其形成活动的思想观念的基础。文献编目是连续出版物形成活动的主要领域。

    The replacement of the name " serial " for " periodical " is the ideological foundation of the formation and the document cataloguing is the main sphere of this formation .

  4. 本文根据ILAS(5.0)连续出版物管理子系统打印卡片目录遇到的问题,提出了多种可行的解决方案及在工作中需要注意的问题。

    The paper discuss the problems of ILAS 5.0 when printing catalog card , And provide good solutions and same problems which should be paid attention to working .

  5. 连续出版物输出卡片目录遇到的问题及解决方法

    The Problems and the Solutions of Serials while Printing Catalog Card

  6. 山西大学图书馆连续出版物自动化管理的进程及今后发展

    Automatic Management of Successive Publication of Shanxi University Library and Further Development

  7. 西文连续出版物联合目录系统建设

    Development of the union catalogue system of western language serials

  8. 西文连续出版物新书目记录等级&访问级记录

    New Serials MARC Bibliographic Record Level : Access Level Record

  9. 《世界天文连续出版物目录》及其检索系统

    《 International bibliography of astronomy serials 》 and it 's computer retrieval system

  10. 连续出版物小麦锈病文献的统计与分析

    Statistical Analysis of Serial Literature on Wheat Rust

  11. 国际连续出版物登记中心

    International Centre for the Registration of Serial Publications

  12. 电子时代的连续出版物管理

    Management of the Electronic Serials in Electronic Age

  13. 连续出版物机读目录数据库的建设与发展

    Construction and Development of Periodical DB for MARC

  14. 网络电子连续出版物著录探讨

    A Discussion on Internet Electronic Serials Cataloguing

  15. 国际标准连续出版物编号

    International Standard Serial Number - ISSN

  16. 连续出版物形成论

    On the Formation of Serials

  17. 连续出版物本源论

    The Fountainhead Theory of Serials

  18. 有163种(占81.5%)学报的国际标准连续出版物号与条码一起印刷;

    The international standard serial numbering and bar code printed together in 163 journals of universities and colleges , about 81.5 % ;

  19. 建立馆藏连续出版物数据库,为读者提供计算机检索,是网络时代的必然要求。

    In net era we must construct a collection database of the serial publications so as to completely provide readers a computer retrieval .

  20. 报纸出版单位出版报纸,必须经新闻出版总署批准,持有国内统一连续出版物号,领取《报纸出版许可证》。

    To publish newspapers , a publishing unit must get approval of the Press and Publication Administration , national unified publication number and newspaper publication license .

  21. 同时,对标准著录过程中如何全面分析、抓住共同点以及坚持著录原则和兼顾连续出版物特点提出了见解。

    It 's discussed on descriptions how to overall analysising the title , catching the common groud , persisting in descriptioned standards and giving consideration to the Serial characteristic .

  22. 在这里,我们看到了两个法案,32片有星星在其结束连续出版物印刷数量来表示,他们更换。

    Here , we see two bills in a sheet of32 that have had stars printed at the end of their serials numbers to denote that they are replacements .

  23. 而且连续出版物的国内文献数据已经成了国内文献资源共享的发展方向,特别是专业型的连续出版物文献数据库更富有中国特色。

    Furthermore , domestic literature data of series publications has been the development direction of domestic literature resource share , especially the literature database of special series publication possesses Chinese characteristics .

  24. 文章试图对各类连续出版物的特性加以辨析,以便在业务工作中碰到类似问题能够快速、准确、一致地作出判断。

    We try to differentia and analyze the characteristic of various kinds of serials in order to provide a quick , accurate and accordant method to deal with problems in practice .

  25. 本文就俄文连续出版物刊名项标准著录中的几个问题,从不同的角度进行了探讨,包括常见的丛刊类、分辑名及其从属内容、各种符号的使用。

    The title for Russian Serial on that Standarding descriptions which that inquire into approach a subject from different angles : some common series , fascicle and subordinated content , used to symbols .

  26. 对2005年出版的516种科技期刊的中国标准连续出版物号标志情况进行了调查。结果表明,有94.57%的期刊,其标志称呼、印刷格式和印刷位置不符合国家标准要求。

    The author investigated the signs of the China Standard Serial Numbering in 516 sci-tech periodicals published in 2005.Among which 94.57 % have the problems of non-standardization in sign names , printing style and printing position .

  27. 期刊杂志是有规律,或定期出版的连续出版物。本规定所称出版物,是指报纸、刊、书、子出版物等。

    Magazines and journals are called periodicals because they are issued on a regular or " periodic " basis . Publications mentioned in the present Provisions means newspapers , periodicals , books and electronic publications , etc.

  28. 本文旨在研究新时期那些在企业内部产生的、具有媒介性征的企业报刊,它是作为日报或周刊、旬刊、半月刊的形态,有固定名称,定期出版,以新闻报道为主要内容的连续出版物。

    This paper aims to study the enterprise newspaper in new era . The enterprise newspaper is in the daily or weekly , bi-weekly form , which has a fixed name , published news reports as the main content of serials .

  29. 文章通过对电子连续出版物和印刷型连续出版物的比较分析得出结论,在未来的连续出版物管理上要以电子手段为主,手工管理为辅,二者相辅相成。

    By comparing and analyzing the difference between the electonic serials and the printed serials , the concludes article that the future model of management should be changed . The electronic means will be primary , while the manual means will only be slave .

  30. 摘要文章对无形资产、知识产权等概念进行重新认识,并分析电子出版物的知识产权和无形资产特点;阐明连续出版物数字化与信息连续积累的相关性及其无形资产效应。

    This paper introduces several relevant concepts , analyze the characteristics of the intellectual property rights of electronic publications and the intangible asset , and expounds the correlation between the digitalization of successive publications and the continuous accumulation of information the effect of their intangible asset .