
  • 网络cataloging;book catalogue
  1. 浅谈图书编目工作中的查重方法

    Talking about the Duplicate Checking Methods in the Books Cataloging Work

  2. 西文图书编目正题名选取的常见问题分析

    Analysis of Problems of Proper Title Selection in Western Languages Book Cataloging

  3. 利用Unicorn系统进行西文图书编目的方法

    How to Utilize Unicorn System to Catalogue Western Language Books

  4. 简要介绍了Unicorn系统,并阐述了该系统在西文图书编目过程中的作用,分析了引入此系统的优势。

    This paper introduces Unicorn System briefly , expounding its action and advantage in western language cataloguing .

  5. 利用网上免费数据进行西文图书编目

    Using the Free Data of Network for the Western Language Cataloguing

  6. 浅述图书编目工作与读者服务

    Preliminary Statement on the Books Cataloguing Work and Serving for Reader

  7. 档案编目与图书编目之比较

    COMPARE cataloging ; The Relation Between Archival Cataloging and Books Cataloging

  8. 普通图书编目数据质量控制之我见

    My Opinions on the Quality Control of Cataloging Data of Common Books

  9. 论全面质量管理下我馆中文图书编目工作的质量控制

    On Quality Control of Chinese Cataloging in Library under Overall Quality Management

  10. 中文图书编目正题名选取的几个问题

    Several Problems of Proper Title Selection in Chinese Book Cataloging

  11. 试论我国中文图书编目差异及其消除措施

    The Discussion about the Differences of Chinese Book Cataloging and the Solutions

  12. 网络环境下我国图书编目工作的发展趋势

    Development trend of books cataloguing work of our country under network environment

  13. 图书馆自动化建设中图书编目工作的质量控制

    Quality control of catalogue in the course of library automation

  14. 关于组建国家中文图书编目信息中心的设想

    Thoughts on the Cataloguing Information Center of National Chinese Books

  15. 网络环境下图书编目工作面临的挑战与对策

    The Challenge Faced by Book Cataloguing under the Network Environment and the Countermeasures

  16. 浅析图书编目数据质量的关键控制点

    Analysis of the Critical Control Points ( CCPs ) in Library Cataloging Quality

  17. 中文图书编目常见错误分析及探讨

    Analysis and discussion of the errors that often appear in Chinese book cataloging

  18. 图书编目利用外部数据源初探

    On the Use of Outer Date Sources on Cataloguing

  19. 试论中国古代图书编目的文化内涵

    On the Cultural Significance of Ancient Chinese Books Cataloguing

  20. 网络环境下提高图书编目工作效率之我见

    My Opinion on Increasing the Efficiency of the Cataloging Work under the Network Environment

  21. 浅谈联机联合编目规则及我馆图书编目工作

    Online cataloging regulation and our library cataloging work

  22. 网络环境下图书编目查重工作实践

    Practice in Cataloging Duplicate Checking under Networked Environment

  23. 图书编目数据的来源及应用

    The source and application of books cataloging data

  24. 图书编目树形列表的编程方法

    The Programming Methodology in Tree Listing Book Categorization

  25. 浅谈图书编目中的数据套录套录书目数据的利用探讨

    Discussion on the Data Downloading in Cataloging

  26. 专家系统在图书编目中的应用

    Expert System used in Cataloguing of Library

  27. 文献资源共建共享环境中柳州医专图书编目工作

    Cataloging Work of the Liuzhou Medical College in the Environment of Document Resource Sharing and Development

  28. 提高图书编目工作效率的对策

    Improving Work Efficiency of Library Cataloging

  29. 高校图书馆中文图书编目利用外部数据源探讨

    An Exploration on Usage of Outer Data Sources in Chinese Books Cataloging in Higher Institution Library

  30. 查重&探析网络环境下中文图书编目的方法和技巧

    Duplicate checking - On methods and skills of cataloguing of Chinese books under the network environment