
  • 网络Library Project;Google Books Library Project;FDLP
  1. MillionBookProject和Google数字图书馆计划之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Million Book Project and the Digital Library Project of Google

  2. 本文通过对GooglePrint的运营模式进行深入的剖析,揭示了Google数字图书馆计划的发展概况,同时还探讨了Google数字图书馆的发展前景。

    By an analysis of the operational mode of Google Print , The essay gives us a view of the Google Digital Library Project , and it also discusses the developing environment and vision of this project .

  3. 从Google网络图书馆计划的成功启动看图书馆数字化发展

    Future of Digital Library from the Perceiving of Google Successfully Restarting Library Project

  4. Google的图书馆计划已在国外引起了极大的反响。

    The " library program " of Google has induced a huge reaction in overseas .

  5. Google数字图书馆计划对图书馆建设的促进和威胁研究

    The Research about Acceleration and Intimidation of Google 's Digital Library Program to the Library Construction

  6. GOOGLE数字图书馆计划及其启示

    Google Library Program and Its Implications

  7. 现在Google与百度都在中国推出了各自的图书馆计划,也必将对中国的图书馆事业造成深远的影响。

    Now Google and Baidu have implemented their respective " library program " in China , their program will create a profound influence to the cause of Chinese libraries .

  8. 这是中国作家首次对谷歌提出诉讼,凸显出谷歌构建数字图书馆计划依然存在的风险。这个图书馆可以为iTunes图书程序奠定基础,并可能改变整个出版行业的面貌。

    The case , the first brought against Google by a Chinese writer , underlines the risks that remain to Google 's plan to build a digital library which could lay the groundwork for an iTunes of books ' and potentially transform the publishing industry .

  9. 您当地的图书馆计划改进其服务和设施。

    Your local library intends to improve its service and facilities .

  10. 不过国会图书馆计划于明年再次讨论这一法律。

    But the Library does plan to revisit the law next year .

  11. 电子图书馆计划与馆藏分析

    An Analysis of Electronic Library Projects and Collections

  12. 一旦目录编撰完成,图书馆计划把这些收藏品公开展览。

    It plans to make the collection available for public viewing once cataloguing is complete .

  13. 人类文化遗产的数字化应用是数字图书馆计划的重要组成部分。

    The application of digitized civilization legacy plays an important role in the digital library project .

  14. 整个地区有集群的厌倦,幸存者和救援人员拉在破碎大块的建筑物和图书馆计划的深入,裂缝,希望找到有人还活着。

    Across the region there were clusters of weary survivors and rescuers pulling at broken chunks of buildings and peering into crevices in hopes of finding someone still alive .

  15. 这符合今天发布推行的“我的图书馆计划”的宗旨:尽我的一点绵力,参与把知识带入生活,使之变成所有新加坡人都可得到启发的现实。

    This is in line with the objective of the My Library Movement launched today : to do my humble part to help bring knowledge to life , making it real and inspiring for all Singaporeans .

  16. 此外,随着信息高速公路计划的逐渐实施,数字图书馆计划在全球的启动和蓬勃发展,使得图书馆电子文献资源和包括声音、图像、影像的复合文本资料收藏比重日益增加。

    In addition , with the implementation of the information highway project as well as the global start and rapid development of digital library project , electronic literature resources and collections of synthetic text materials including sound , picture and image are increasing day by day .

  17. Google图书馆合作计划的背景、目的与分析

    Google 's Library Plan and Its Background , Purpose and Analysis

  18. 图书馆资源计划(LRP)&图书馆数字化管理模式的研究

    Library Resource Planning ( LRP ) & Research on the Mode of Library Digital Management System

  19. 本文介绍了GooglePrint图书馆合作计划的主要内容,分析了其给图书馆带来的积极影响和挑战,最后提出了图书馆的对策。

    The paper introduces the main contents of Google Print Library Project , analyses the positive impact and challenges it has brought to library , finally the countermeasures are proposed .

  20. 我还能注册图书馆链接计划吗?

    Can I still sign up for the library links program ?

  21. 必须提供电子馆藏信息才能参加图书馆链接计划吗?

    Is electronic holdings information necessary for participating in the library links program ?

  22. 你赞成修建新图书馆的计划吗?

    A : Do you favor the plan to build a new library ?

  23. 大学图书馆战略计划与使命管理

    Strategic Planning and Mission Management of Academic Library

  24. 美国数字图书馆启动计划概述

    The Introduction of Digital Libraries Initiative Projects

  25. 市议会业已核准建造一座新的公共图书馆的计划

    The city council have now approved the scheme for the erection of a new public library

  26. 几个富人不肯出钱资助,使建立一座免费公共图书馆的计划遇到挫折。

    The refusal of several rich men to give anything in aid of establishing a free public library threw a wet blanket over the project .

  27. 数据挖掘在高校图书馆图书采购计划制订中的应用

    Application of Data Mining in Formulating Book Purchasing Plan for University Library

  28. 美国图书馆的九月计划及其启示

    The September Project of American Libraries and Its Inspiration

  29. 基于数据挖掘的高校图书馆图书采购计划辅助决策研究

    Research on Assistant Decision-making in Formulating University Library Book Purchasing Plan Based on Data Mining

  30. 图书馆计算机化计划计算机化锈花穿孔机

    Library automation project computerized embroidery punching machine