
  1. 从工业CT图像探测断面内边缘的小波分析方法

    Detecting edges within a cross section from ICT by wavelet method

  2. 海洋表面膜特征的SAR图像探测

    Detection of Sea Surface Slick Features Using SAR Image

  3. 分析这个结果后提出了提高CCD微光图像探测能力的几种途径。

    After analysis of the results , some ways of improving detective ability of LLL - CCD are proposed .

  4. 根据火灾发生时着火面积逐渐增大、火焰边缘抖动等特征,提出了一种基于BP网络的火灾图像探测系统。

    A fire image detection system based on BP neural network is presented in this paper according to the characteristics of fire , such as flaming area becoming larger and larger , fire edge wobbling , etc.

  5. 论文在对火灾图像探测识别、定位和灭火控制方法研究的基础上,运用ARM嵌入式技术把火灾图像探测和自主灭火有机的集成为一体,简化了消防设备布置,降低了成本。

    On the basis of research on fire image detection , recognition , and fire locating and controlling methods , this paper organically integrates fire image detection and automatic fire extinguishing , by applying ARM Embedded technology .

  6. 基于嵌入式系统的火灾图像探测系统设计

    Design of Image Fire Detection System Based on Embedded System

  7. 绿豆芽超微弱发光的二维图像探测

    Detection of ultra-weak bioluminescence emitted from sprouting mung bean

  8. 微光成像系统信噪比及图像探测特性研究

    Research on SNR and Image Detecting Property of Low Light Level Imaging System

  9. 基于光散射的火灾烟雾粒子激光图像探测技术研究

    Study of Laser Image Detection of Fire Smoke Particles Based on Light Scattering

  10. 激光水下偏振特性用于目标图像探测

    The Usage of Polarity Character of Underwater Laser Beam in Target Image Detection

  11. 一种火灾图像探测系统的研究

    The Study on a Fire Image Detection System

  12. 烟气湍流效应对火灾图像探测的影响

    Effects of Smoke Turbulence on Image-based Fire Detection

  13. 基于图像探测的早期火灾烟气模式研究

    Image detection based study of fire smoke model

  14. 一种总线制火灾图像探测系统的设计与实现

    A Bus-mode Fire Image Detecting System

  15. 准直器的好坏直接影响成像的分辨率。3)图像探测系统(包括中子转换屏)。

    Collimator has direct influence onthe resolution of the images . 3 ) Image detecting system ( including neutron conversionscreen ) .

  16. 烟气是火灾过程的重要物理现象,烟气的湍流效应是火灾图像探测的重要影响因素。

    Smoke is the important physical phenomena of fire . The turbulent effect of smoke is the main influencing factor of fire image detection .

  17. 研究分析了光电成像系统观察运动目标时对图像探测特性的影响因素和数学模型;

    The effect on the image detecting characteristic while photoelectric imaging system observes moving object is analyzed , and the mathematical model of it is presented .

  18. 文中分析了烟气颗粒团聚对火灾图像探测的影响,得出了基于烟气颗粒团聚的火灾图像探测的新判据。

    This paper analyzes effect of the smoke pellets reuniting on fire picture detection , and gives out a new criterion of the fire picture detection based on the smoke pellets reunite .

  19. 针对其测试原理.采用高灵敏度低噪声CCD器件作为像管输出图像的探测接收器.并引入数字图像处理技术。

    Based on its test principle , a highly sensitive and low noise CCD is adopted as the output image detector and the digital image processing technology is introduced .

  20. 提出了利用倾斜光栅分波,利用InGaAs图像传感器探测光强的光纤光栅传感阵列的波长解调方法。

    A novel fiber grating sensing interrogation system based on the titled grating and InGaAs image sensor is presented . 5 .

  21. ASAR数据与ETM+图像融合探测干旱区浅层地下水的应用

    Application of Combining ASAR and ETM + data Technology to Detect Shallow Groundwater

  22. 机载侧视雷达图像在探测沙漠腹地故河道中的应用研究

    The application of airborne SLA image in surveying fossil river course

  23. 一种基于纹理分割的遥感图像目标探测算法

    Approch of texture - based anomaly detection for remote sensing imagery

  24. 基于免疫抗体编码机理的卫星图像云探测

    Investigation of cloud detecting for satellite images based on immune coding principle

  25. 图像火灾探测中液晶光阀的特性

    Character of liquid crystal light valve in image fire detection

  26. 早期火灾烟雾的图像型探测技术的研究

    On Early Stage Fire Smoke Detection Technology on Image Processing

  27. 大空间早期火灾的双波段图像型探测方法

    Method of Early Fire Detection in Large Area Based on Double Band Images

  28. 用黑斑的椭圆性质在二值化图像中探测眼睛

    Using ellipse properties to find eyes in binary image

  29. 生物光子图像的探测概率和极限

    The Detecting Probability and Limit of Bioluminescence Image

  30. 基于分形的水声图像目标探测

    Fractal-based Detection of Objects in Underwater Images