
tú shū ɡuǎn yuán
  • librarian
  1. 图书馆员所理解的关键词与Internet搜索引擎中所使用的关键词不是同一概念。

    The concept of " Keyword " that the librarian understands is different from that of the searching engine on the Internet .

  2. 拜读贵公司在本日XX报上所刊登的招聘广告,得悉贵公司招聘一位图书馆员。

    On looking over todays newspaper my attention was attracted by your advertisement for a librarian .

  3. 为了对图书馆员的工作状态进行全方位的评价,开发了基于Web的高校图书馆员服务水平评价系统。

    In order to make omnibearing evaluation on librarians ' working condition , the Web-based evaluation system for university librarian 's service level has been developed .

  4. 从知识组织到知识创新,CKO与企业图书馆员能够发挥重要作用。

    In the course of the counterchange between knowledge organization and knowledge innovation , CKO enterprise librarians will play an important role .

  5. 文章从信息构建(IA)概念的内涵与外延两方面结合图书馆员的特殊职业身份与现代工作环境,提出了网络环境下图书馆员应具备的IA素养,为现代图书馆员的职业资格考评提供参考。

    This paper introduces the basic literacy for the librarian that belongs to Information Architecture fields through analyzing the intension and extension of the concept of IA . It provides the reference for professional qualification examination and evaluation of modern librarian .

  6. 到现在为止,我已经揭示了法律图书馆员对实现FDLP使命的重要性,更多的问题,也许是最重要的问题仍然存在。

    Now that I have shown the importance of law librarians to the mission of the FDLP , one more question , perhaps the most important of all , remains .

  7. 图书馆员如何迎接信息时代的挑战

    How the Librarians to Accept the Challenges of the Information Times

  8. 新时期图书馆员综合素质的培养

    The Cultivation of the Comprehensive Quality for Librarians in New Era

  9. 论新形势下高校图书馆员英语素质的培养

    On Development of English Capacity of University Librarians Under New Environment

  10. 组织视角的高校图书馆员职业生涯管理研究

    Study on the Career Management of College Librarians from Organization Perspective

  11. 信息时代高校图书馆员专业素质的评价

    Evaluation on Librarian Professional Qualities in University Libraries in Information Age

  12. 新形势下高校图书馆员业务培训探讨

    Discussion on the Professional Training of University Librarians under New Situation

  13. 网络环境下图书馆员职业素质的探讨

    Probe into the Vocational Quality of Librarians under the Network Environment

  14. 加强图书馆员劳动保护维护职工的健康权

    Strengthening Librarians ' Labor Protection and Maintaining Employees ' Health Right

  15. 加强继续教育提高图书馆员综合素质

    Strengthen and continue educating the overall qualities which improve library staff

  16. 图书馆员在服务转型期的职业素养建设

    The Construction of Librarians ' Professional Quality in Service Transition Period

  17. 关于促进高校图书馆员提高服务质量的思考

    Considerations about Accelerating the Improvement of University Librarians ' Service Quality

  18. EAP&改善图书馆员职业倦怠的帮助计划

    EAP : the Assistance Program for Improving the Burnout of Librarians

  19. 加强图书馆员职业道德素养,服务和谐社会建设

    Strengthen Librarian Professional Ethics Accomplishment , Serve Harmonious Society Construction

  20. 信息资源网络化环境下图书馆员的角色变化

    The Change of Librarian 's Roles Under the Information Resource Network Environment

  21. 知识经济条件下专业图书馆员的基本素质

    Essential qualities of a professional librarian under the condition of knowledge economy

  22. 高校图书馆员的素质发掘与资源开发

    The Qualities Discovering of University Librarians and the Development of information Resource

  23. 图书馆员外语水平亟待提高

    It Is Urgent for the Librarians to Increase Their Foreign Language Level

  24. 关于提高图书馆员学术研究能力的思考

    Thought on Improving the Academic Research Ability of the Librarians

  25. 新时期高校图书馆员再教育浅议

    ON the Reeducation of Academic Librarian in the New Period

  26. 学习型组织与图书馆员的继续教育

    The study organization in library and librarian 's continuing education

  27. 浅谈年轻的医学图书馆员应具备的素质

    Talk about the diathesis which young medical librarian must possess

  28. 本文对图书馆员如何实施个人知识管理进行了探讨。

    This paper explores how the librarian carries on personal knowledge management .

  29. 浅论新形势下图书馆员素质的提升

    A Brief Discussion on Improving the Quality of Librarian under New Situation

  30. 中专图书馆员应重视加强学术研究

    Librarians of Polytechnic School Should Pay Attention to Strengthening the Academic Research