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tú móu
  • plot;scheme;plan;seek;conspire;have evil intentions
图谋 [tú móu]
  • (1) [conspire;plot;scheme;plan]∶谋划

  • 不能为子子孙孙图谋万年

  • (2) [have evil intentions]∶图财谋利

  • 图谋私利

  • (3) [seek]∶谋求

  • 图谋职业

图谋[tú móu]
  1. 桑迪和他才华横溢的助手杰米(jamie)图谋东山再起。

    Sandy and his brilliant lieutenant , Jamie , plot their comeback .

  2. 他在实施其图谋前被抓。

    He is caught before the plot can be carried out .

  3. 他被图谋报复的妻子拿刀捅死了。

    He was stabbed to death by his vengeful wife

  4. 该女士图谋攫取最高权力。

    The lady conspired to seize supreme power .

  5. 他图谋推翻政府。

    He plotted to overthrow the government .

  6. 他卧薪尝胆,图谋报复。

    He endured hardships to plan retaliation .

  7. 那人图谋你的钱财。

    The man has designs on your money .

  8. 我确信他在图谋闹事。

    I 'm sure he 's brewing trouble .

  9. 那些男孩在图谋捣蛋。

    The boys are brewing some mischief .

  10. 臭名昭著的大毒枭一直都在图谋越狱。

    The notorious drug-pusher has been contriving an escape from the prison .

  11. 铅封ID号和货单唯一关联,便于货运图谋。

    ID seals , the only association with the manifest for cargo management .

  12. v.图谋那两人企图盗取珠宝,然后卖给另一个国家的珠宝商。

    conspire The two men conspired to steal the jewels and then sell them to a jeweller in another country .

  13. 但分析师预测还会出现进一步的“图谋”要么是出现一位新竞购对手,要么sabmiller提高出价。

    But analysts predicted further machinations , either through the entry of a rival bidder or an increased offer from SABMiller .

  14. 上述人士表示,在另一名花旗驻伦敦员工举报之后,涉嫌操纵tibor的图谋被曝光。

    According to those people , the alleged attempts to influence Tibor were uncovered after another Citi employee in London reported the activity .

  15. 去年8月,随着法国的银行明显受到债务危机的威胁,法国企业联盟(Medef)负责人劳伦斯派瑞索(LaurenceParisot)宣称:一直以来,都存在一种旨在破坏欧元区稳定的心理战和图谋。

    Last August , as it became clear that French banks were threatened by the debt crisis , Laurence Parisot , the head of the French business federation , claimed : There has been a kind of psychological warfare and an attempt to destabilise the euro area .

  16. 有目的、有图谋或表现出有目的、有企图。

    Having or showing or acting with a purpose or design .

  17. 他们的人图谋推翻我就已经足够了。

    It is enough that his people conspire to overthrow me .

  18. 这是你有意图谋的呢,还是它自己发生的呢?

    Did you design this , or did it just happen ?

  19. 她追求权力时不顾他人刻意图谋的本性。

    The inconsiderate and single-minded nature of her pursuit of power .

  20. 任何分裂祖国的图谋都注定要失败。

    Any attempt to split the country is doomed to fail .

  21. 我们不能屈服于图谋分裂我们的人。

    We cannot give in to those who would divide us .

  22. 他在图谋颠覆政府。

    He is scheming for the collapse of the Government .

  23. 他们并未图谋逃跑。

    They made no attempt to escape / at escaping .

  24. 日本上述图谋引起中国的警觉。

    The above-mentioned plots by Japan triggered China 's alert .

  25. 老维科先生,很显然在策划什么肮脏的图谋。

    Old man wickles , caught red-handed in your foul monster-making scheme .

  26. 他在图谋打倒他的敌人。

    He is scheming the downfall of his rivals .

  27. 思想活动包括思考,打算与图谋。

    Mental acts comprise thinking , planning , devising .

  28. 任何分裂中国的图谋,都是不能得逞的。

    No plot to split China will ever succeed .

  29. 这些窃贼图谋进行一次大规模抢劫。

    A large robbery was attempted by the thieves .

  30. 他们把他丢在坑里,图谋杀死他;

    Plotting to kill him , they threw him into a dry well .