
  • 网络Library Management System;uml;access;vfp;VB.net
  1. 基于IBMRFID中间件的图书管理系统构建

    The Library Mangement System Constructing Based On IBM RFID Middleware

  2. 用UML进行图书管理系统分析与设计

    Analysis & Design on the Library Management System with UML

  3. J2EE设计模式在公共图书管理系统的应用

    Application of J2EE Design Patterns in Common Library Management System

  4. B/S结构系统使得图书管理系统在局域网或者Internet网络上的部署更加灵活,另外也带来了更多的方便,只要使用浏览器即可实现系统的所有功能。

    The B / S structure system makes the deployment of library management system in LAN or Internet more flexible and convenient .

  5. 应用UML对图书管理系统建模

    Using UML Language to Model the Library Management System

  6. 基于UML的图书管理系统体系结构模型及实现

    Modeling Software Architecture and Their Implement Based on UML of Library Management System

  7. RFID图书管理系统前置终端设计

    The Design of the RFID Books Management System Prepositive Terminator

  8. 运用UML建模机制构建图书管理系统

    Establishment of library management system using UML

  9. 采用ASP技术和SQL技术开发完成信息安全系统,实现基于Web方式的图书管理系统。

    This system uses the ASP technology and SQL technology to complete and realize the information safety management system based on web .

  10. 数字图书管理系统及其相关技术探究基于J2EE的图书管理系统的分析与设计

    A Digital Library and Its Related Technologies ; The Analysis and Design of the Library Management System Based on J2EE

  11. 基于粒计算的Apriori算法及其在图书管理系统中的应用

    An Apriori algorithm based on granular computing and its application in Library management system

  12. 基于WAP的移动图书管理系统

    Mobile Library Management System Integrated with WAP

  13. 图书管理系统的设计方法比较多,而利用ASP设计的比较少。

    So the aim of this design is using the skill ASP to develop a management system with more alternative and higher function .

  14. 在Windows2000Advanceserver平台上,采用ASP、SQL和ACCESS2000数据库技术,开发基于B/S结构的图书管理系统。

    The book management system based on B / S structure is developed with ASP , SQL and Access 2000 on a platform of Windows 2000 Advance Server .

  15. 首先对UML的内容和特点作了一个简单扼要的介绍,然后用它来为一个交互式应用软件&图书管理系统建模。

    At first this text introduces the content and the features of UML and then uses UML to model an interactive application software & library management system .

  16. 该文借助RationalROSE软件,在对系统的需求分析之上,绘制了图书管理系统的类图,用例图以及时序图等。

    With the help of Rational Rose software , class diagram , use case diagrams and sequence diagrams of Library management system are drawn based on the Requirements Analysis of the system .

  17. 本文介绍了JSP技术的优点和技术细节,通过一个基于Web的图书管理系统的设计和实现,阐述具体利用JSP技术构造图书馆Web系统的体系结构、方法和步骤

    Discusses the role and technology of JSP in the construction of library 's Web System The author describes the frame and method and process of constructing Web system with JSP technology by designing and implementing a simple book management system

  18. 本文结合了SqlServer数据库与.NET平台开发的相关基础知识,主要完成对图书管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。

    In this thesis , the SQL Server database and . NET platform development , basic knowledge , the main library management system to complete the needs analysis , functional module division , database modeling , and has designed the database structure and application .

  19. 随着WAP的广泛应用,用移动终端上网的高校师生已经越来越多,这使得移动图书管理系统的应用成为可能。

    With WAP being utilized widely , more and more professors and students in university surf on the Internet with mobile terminals . The fact makes the application of mobile library management system possible .

  20. 在图书管理系统开发中使用Access与SqlServer数据库连接的技术,建立Access2000与SqlServer2000数据库的连接可在实现数据库的强大功能的同时,简化数据库的开发与维护工作。

    Introduce the apply of the connected technique of Access and SQL Server database in the book manage system . Connected the Access 2000 DBMS with the SQL Server 2000 databases can get the strong function of database , and at the same time to make the works easy .

  21. 对UML产生的背景及其基本模型进行了阐述,在对图书管理系统进行分析的基础上,结合软件工程和面向对象技术,设计了基于UML用例图、包图和顺序图的图书管理系统模型。

    This paper describes the background and the basic model of UML . Based on the analysis of Books Management System ( BMS ), combining software engineering with object-oriented technology , the BMS is modeled by the use case diagram , package diagram and sequence diagram based on UML .

  22. 文章介绍了利用PADL()函数在图书管理系统中自动生成图书编号的方法,以VISUALFOXPRO6.0为工具给出了相关的程序。

    This paper introduces to make use of the PADL () function in the method that the book manages the system in the automatic and born call number , end with the Visual FoxPro 6.0 for the tool give related procedure .

  23. 现在一般的个人电脑的存储容量动辄500G,完全可以存放一个小型传统图书馆的所有书籍。然而,传统的图书管理系统只是针对结构化的数据进行检索,其检索程度无法深入到知识的层面。

    Now the usual storage capacity of personal computers easily 500G , can store a small , traditional library all the books . However , the traditional library management system is only for structured data retrieval , the extent of their search were unable to penetrate into the knowledge level .

  24. 基于分布式多层数据库的图书管理系统的建立

    Establishment of Library Management System Based on a Distributed Multi-tier Database

  25. 系级资料室图书管理系统的开发及应用

    The Development and Application of Book Management System in Reference Rooms

  26. 在对图书管理系统数据库的查询中,速度是一个关键的指标。

    Retrieval speed is a critical index in library management system .

  27. 基于B/S模式网上图书管理系统的开发

    Developing Network Books Managing System Based on B / S Model

  28. 图书管理系统中图书编号的自动生成

    Create the serial number of book in the book management system automatically

  29. 一种与图书管理系统整合的随书光盘管理系统

    The Book-attached CD-ROM Management System Which Integrates With the Book Management System

  30. 在这种情况下,开发一套适合校情的图书管理系统也是迫在眉睫。

    Thus , it is imminent to develop a library management system .