
  • 网络Chart Description;caption
  1. 纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)提供的图表说明,如果我们只着眼于平均情况,就会错失很多信息:

    This chart from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shows that we can miss a lot when looking at just the average experience :

  2. 下面的图表说明,对于这么大的HTML内容,压缩会对128K或更低速的线路上的传输时间产生积极影响。

    The following graph demonstrates that compression has a positive impact on transmission time for128K line speeds or less for HTML content of this size .

  3. 本文采用比较分析方法进行定性分析,辅以图表说明与定量分析,分析我国Bt棉种子产业化的影响因素与运行机制,为今后农业高新技术产业化理论研究提供实证经验支持。

    This paper applying comparing analysis , qualitative analysis , charts and quantitative analysis , analyzes the influencing factors of Bt cottonseed industrialization and its effective mechanism to provide demonstration experience for the researches of agricultural high-tech industrialization .

  4. 你们现在看到的图表说明了这个网络在欧洲的分布。

    The chart you are seeing shows the network in Europe .

  5. 并且用图表说明了半导体机械中的一种典型的应用。

    A typical application in semiconductor machine has been illustrated .

  6. 七:哪个图表说明了当前的出口情况?

    Seven : Which chart shows current exports ?

  7. 下面的图表说明了不同的生活方式对每个人的生态足迹的影响。

    The chart below illustrates how different lifestyles effect the eco-footprint of each person .

  8. 这张图表说明了经通胀调整后的实际利率有多低。

    The chart shows just how low real rates , adjusted for inflation , are .

  9. 采用了以规范性研究为主,对比分析、案例分析、图表说明为辅的方法。

    Adopted to normative research primarily , comparative analysis , case analysis , illustrations , supplemented by methods .

  10. 那儿有张图表说明了为所有类型汽车所推荐的轮胎气压。

    There 's a chart over there which shows the recommended tyre pressures for every make of car .

  11. 在具体研究中,本文引入了建立项目创新小组制度的思路和对高科技新产品进行资本运作的理念,通过大量图表说明了本文主张的运作方法和过程。

    Among the research , this text introduces how to set up project innovative groups and how to operate the capital .

  12. 文章还结合图表说明了不同土地出让方式下土地价格的形成并进行了对比;最后,运用房地产经济学中四象限模型理论分析了地价与房价的互动关系。

    Finally , using four-quadrant model in real estate economics this paper analyses the relationship between housing price and land price .

  13. 本文中采用了大量的图表说明,使文章明确清晰,便与阅读和理解。

    It adopted a great deal of chart in this text elucidation , make article definitely clear , then with read and comprehend .

  14. 使用超级链接关联相关的主题,实例和图表说明,并确保用户可以阅读到这些信息。

    Use hypertext to connect related topics , link to examples and illustrations , and generally make it possible for users to browse .

  15. 然后通过理论、数据和图表说明我国股票市场和货币政策之间存在着互相影响的关系。

    Then , the penman explains our country stock market and monetary policy relation affecting each other by theory , the data and the diagram .

  16. 本文利用大量试验数据及图表说明了齿轮胶合承载能力对此试验的结果及一些规律性的现象。

    The results and some patterns of phenomena of the relative test on scoring load capacity for gears are illustrated through a lot of data and graphs .

  17. 他身后的电子图表说明了一切:金价正在不断上涨,对通胀感到担忧的中国投资者希望赶上这波涨势。

    The electronic chart displayed behind him says it all : the price of gold is rising and Chinese investors , worried about inflation , want in on the trend .

  18. 此部分通过数据和图表说明,我国电子商务正蓬勃发展的现状,以及税收流失随着电子商务发展日益严重的现状。

    This part shows that E-commerce in our country is flourishing and increasingly serious status with the development of E-commerce . And it analyzes the reason for tax revenue loss under E-commerce .

  19. 第一部分是绪论,对客户关系管理产生的背景及发展现状做基本的介绍和回溯;论文研究使用了文献研究法、比较分析法、图表说明法。

    The first part is the introduction in which the author introduces the background of CRM and its current status . The author also introduces the research methods adopted in this paper : document analysis , comparison analysis and diagrams illustration .

  20. 事实上,这个图表说明,或许由于高薪蓝领工作(如制造业工作)的消失,大学学位对底层四分之一的工薪阶层来说更加重要。

    In fact , this graphic shows that a college degree has become more valuable even for the bottom quarter of earners , likely as a result of the evaporation of high-paying blue collar jobs , like those in the manufacturing industries .

  21. 在教育统计中随机变量的概率分布都近似于正态分布,通过利用数表、图表说明服从正态分布的概率计算,给学生实验能力评价提供了科学的依据。

    In educational statistics , all the probability distribution of random approximates the normal distribution . This article uses figures charts to express that the calculation of probability which obey the normal distribution provide the scientific accordance for the evaluation of students ' experimental ability .

  22. 这个图表可说明我的意思。

    This diagram will illustrate what I mean .

  23. Erl是一位资深的SOA架构师,他在书中使用了大量学习示例和图表来说明技术的每个方面,包括目标、概念、标准和设计最佳实践。

    Drawing on his experience as an SOA architect , Erl uses numerous case studies and diagrams to illuminate every facet of the technology , including goals , concepts , standards , and design best practices .

  24. (用例子、故事或图表)说明,阐明我再举个例子来说明这个难点。

    Let me give another example to illustrate this difficult point .

  25. 维修手册可向您提供修理汽车所需的图表和说明。

    A workshop manual gives diagrams and instructions for repairing your car .

  26. 图表右侧说明了如何在维持连续流通的同时,最大限度地减少在制品。

    The right-hand side of this graph explains how it minimizes WIP while sustaining continuous flow .

  27. 一是全文注意恰当地运用数据和图表来说明和分析问题,既加深了读者的直观感受,又加强了论述的可信度和说服力;

    This paper pay attention to using data and data and tables to illustrating and analyzing problems .

  28. 以大量图表形式说明了数字化水下地形测量系统的实用性及先进性。

    The article illustrates practicality and advanced of underwater topography system through a large amount of chart .

  29. 可以将配置源添加到工作区中(称为提供者),并绘制图表来说明其资源和关系。

    You add configuration sources to your workspace , called providers , and draw diagrams showing their resources and relationships .

  30. 一个系列展板将提出有关事实的问题,并且他们将目前的数字和信息图表来说明研究。

    A series of boards will raise questions about the facts and they will present figures and info-graphics to illustrate the research .