
cài shū
  • vegetables;greens;dishes at a meal
菜蔬 [cài shū]
  • (1) [greens]∶青菜

  • 菜蔬果品

  • (2) [dishes at a meal]∶煮熟的菜肴

  • 吃不多儿,因那菜蔬太咸了些,不喜多吃。--《西游记》

菜蔬[cài shū]
  1. 我们有三道菜:汤、肉和菜蔬,还有水果。

    We had three courses : soup , meat and vegetables , and fruit .

  2. 她还在白宫官邸内开了个小菜园,种植一些廉价无污染的菜蔬。在这方面,有人经常把她同罗斯福夫人相提并论,后者在大萧条时期亲自在自家庭院内栽种蔬菜。

    She even grows pollution-free vegetables by herself in the garden of White House .

  3. 菜蔬少含卡路里,既可果腹,亦不增重也。

    Low in calories , veggies fill your stomach without making you gain weight .

  4. 这一切我都赐给你们,如同菜蔬一样。

    Just as I gave you the green plants , I now give you everything .

  5. 地必给你长出荆棘和蒺藜来,你也要吃田间的菜蔬。

    Thorns and waste plants will come up , and the plants of the field will be your food ;

  6. 埃及遍地、无论是树木、是田间的菜蔬、连一点青的也没有留下。

    Thus nothing green was left on tree or plant of the field through all the land of Egypt .

  7. 吃尽了他们地上各样的菜蔬,和田地的出产。

    And did eat up all the herbs in their land , and devoured the fruit of their ground .

  8. 乾草割去,嫩草发现,山上的菜蔬,也被收敛。

    The hay appeareth , and the tender grass sheweth itself , and herbs of the mountains are gathered .

  9. 将水果、茴香、菜蔬、核桃及橄榄一起放进碗中,加入已预备好之沙律汁即成。

    Combine the fruit , fennel , walnuts , olives and salad vegetables in a shallow serving bowl . Drizzle with the dressing .

  10. 因为你们将薄荷、芸香并各样菜蔬,献上十分之一,那正义和爱神的事却忽略了;

    For you give a tenth of the mint and the rue and every herb , and pass by justice and love for God .

  11. 在埃及遍地,雹击打了田间所有的人和牲畜,并一切的菜蔬,又打坏田间一切的树木。

    Throughout Egypt hail struck everything in the fields-both men and animals ; it beat down everything growing in the fields and stripped every tree .

  12. 凡活着的动物,都可以作你们的食物。这一切我都赐给你们,如同菜蔬一样。

    Every living and moving thing will be food for you ; I give them all to you as before I gave you all green things .

  13. 我的教训要淋漓如雨,我的言语要滴落如露,如细雨降在嫩草上,如甘霖降在菜蔬中。

    Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew , like showers on new grass , like abundant rain on tender plants .

  14. 因为这些菜蔬通常比人们在当地的食品店购买的蔬菜水果更新鲜,所以他们更愿意在这些集市购买。

    People prefer to shop for fruits and vegetables in these markets because it is usually fresher than the produce they buy at their local grocery store .

  15. 他使草生长,给六畜吃。使菜蔬发长,供给人用。使人从地里能得食物。

    He makes the grass come up for the cattle , and plants for the use of man ; so that bread may come out of the earth ;

  16. 因为如果没有菜蔬的原因是因为没有雨,那么这个事实也会使其他植物无法生长。

    Because if the reason there were no crops is because there was no rain , then that fact would also have prevented their being any other plants .

  17. 各个船上皆在后舱烧了火,用铁鼎罐煮红米饭。饭焖熟后,又换锅子熬油,哗的把菜蔬倒进热锅里去。

    Rice was boiled in iron cauldrons over fires in the stem , and once this was cooked the vegetables were fried in another pan of sizzling oil .

  18. 睡在尘埃的阿,要醒起唱歌。因你的甘露好像菜蔬上的甘露,地也要交出死人来。

    Awake and sing , ye that dwell in dust : for thy dew is as the dew of herbs , and the earth shall cast out the dead .

  19. 食则最重要的是菜蔬,主要是指采集而得的野菜,这既为先民日常所食用,也是饥民赖以活命度过荒年的依靠。

    The most important food is the vegetables , mainly refers to the collection from wild plants , which is hungry stay alive rely on spent the years of famine .

  20. 11神说:“地要发生青草和结种子的菜蔬,并结果子的树木,各从其类,果子都包着核。”

    Then God said ," Let the land produce vegetation : seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it , according to their various kinds . "

  21. 就如一块田地,吃过屡次下的雨水,生长菜蔬合乎耕种的人用,就从神得福。

    For ground that drinks the rain which often falls on it and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled , receives a blessing from God ;

  22. 那么,从表面上来看,这似乎与开场白中第三天发生的事相抵触,在那里,上帝使地长出植物和水果树,使地上覆盖着菜蔬。

    Now , on the surface , this seems to contradict what happened on day three in the prologue where God caused the earth to sprout plants and fruit trees to cover the earth with vegetation .

  23. 当春雨的时候、你们要向发闪电的耶和华求雨.他必为众人降下甘霖、使田园生长菜蔬。

    Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain ; so the LORD shall make bright clouds , and give them showers of rain , to every one grass in the field .

  24. 两家的父母各有一个大匣子,里面长着一棵小玫瑰和他们所需用的菜蔬。

    The children 's parents had large wooden boxes there , in which vegetables for the kitchen were planted , and little rosetrees besides : there was a rose in each box , and they grew splendidly .

  25. 来六7就如田地,吸收了屡次下在其上的雨水,并且生产菜蔬,合乎耕种的人用,就从神得享祝福;

    Heb . 6:7 For the earth , which drinks the rain which often comes upon it and brings forth vegetation suitable to those for whose sake also it is cultivated , partakes of blessing from God .

  26. 神说,看哪,我将遍地上一切结种子的菜蔬和一切树上所结有核的果子,全赐给你们作食物。

    And God said ,' Behold , I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth , an every tree with seed in its fruit ; you shall have them for food .

  27. 专家们致力于研究出更多在小规模种植菜蔬的方法,很多更多小规模种植园已经在进行阶段,这种小规模种植模式在将来的十年甚至更久得以迅速发展。

    Experts are coming up with ever more inventive ways of growing fruit and veg in small spaces , and small-scale horticulture - already on the rise - is likely to see an explosion in the next decade or so .