
cài niǎo
  • rookie;noob;green hand;poultry raised for meat
  1. 对于自大的美国人来说,NBA就是世界篮球的中心。而他只是一个来自外大陆的菜鸟。

    For the condescending Americans , NBA is the heart of basketball world , while Yi is no more than a green hand .

  2. 虽然在菜鸟赛季没有为BoysHigh贡献太多,但霍金斯还是成为出现在不可战胜的全城头名球队中的第一个高一球员。

    After not playing much at Boys High until his junior year , Hawkins was All-City first team as a junior for an unbeaten team .

  3. 四年前的今天,恰巧是同一天,我开办了一个时尚博客,名叫菜鸟风尚(StyleRookie)。

    Four years ago today , exactly , actually , I started a fashion blog called Style Rookie .

  4. 当艾佛森在菜鸟赛季那次著名的crossover过掉乔丹之后,年轻球员开始模仿他场上场下所做的一切。

    After Iverson infamously crossed over Michael Jordan during his rookie season , younger players in particular began to emulate both his on - and off-court style .

  5. 并且他的菜鸟赛季是NBA停摆后的缩水赛季,他们仅仅打了66场常规赛。

    Also his rookie season in 11-12 was the lockout year where they only played 66 regular season games .

  6. 在这部9月22日在美国Fox电视台首映的犯罪题材电视剧中,“菜鸟”侦探詹姆斯•戈登担当起了这项惩恶扬善的重任。

    In Fox 's crime TV series Gotham , which premiered on Sept 22 , rookie detective James Gordon takes on the responsibility .

  7. 美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)对这些数据表示怀疑,并调查了其物流部门菜鸟网络(CainiaoNetwork)的账目及其对旗下众多业务部门间交易的申报。

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission has queried the numbers , as well as probed how Alibaba accounts for its Cainiao Network logistics unit and its reporting of transactions among its many businesses .

  8. 《菜鸟老警》制片人AlexiHawley也有所行动!

    The Rookie showrunner Alexi Hawley has pitched in too !

  9. 本书讲解非常详细,对于“菜鸟级”(first-time)建导师可以作为参考脚本;对于有经验的建导师可以作为筹划会议时的备忘手册。

    The Guides are detailed enough to serve first-time facilitators as a script-for more experienced practitioners , they can be used as reminders when planning a meeting .

  10. 斯托弗的菜鸟班被下载了上千次,这足以让2K的人认识并接触到他,并带他去面试。

    Stauffer 's rookie class was downloaded hundreds of thousands of times , making enough of a splash for 2K to reach out to him and bring him in for an interview .

  11. 对菜鸟歌者JulietPetrus来说,这些场馆“是个在世界另一边开始生涯的机会”,这个32岁的中西部移民说。

    For fledgling singer Juliet Petrus , those venues " could be the chance to start a career on the other side of the world ," says the32-year-old Midwesterner .

  12. 菜鸟Uber和Lyft不止争夺乘客,它们还争抢司机。相比向牌照所有者交份儿钱,司机或许更倾向于把佣金交给这些新老板。

    New kids Uber and Lyft not only compete for passengers , they compete for drivers too , who may prefer to pay commission to these new players than the flat fee to the medallion owner .

  13. 密西西比队第四秒,从他以菜鸟身份踏入球场的那一刻起,就是联盟(NFL)最好的防守球员,他将改变我们对橄榄球的认识,我们从另外角度在看一遍。

    Four mississippi . Lawrence Taylor is the best defensive player in the NFL | Lawrence Taylor , and has been from the time he stepped onto the field as a . He will also change the game of football as we know it ... and we 'll look at it with the one more time .

  14. 我的意思是,他肯定认为我是个菜鸟。

    I mean , he thinks I 'm a total fish .

  15. 男士洗面奶对你来说管用么,菜鸟?

    Is that man lotion working for you there , probie ?

  16. “我讨厌那菜鸟的味道”的心情。

    Of a I hate the smell of charred flesh mood .

  17. 我知道你没那么棒的,菜鸟。

    I knew you weren 't that good , probie .

  18. 菜鸟梅琪佩顿和她的车贺比。

    Rookie driver Maggie peyton , in a car she calls herbie .

  19. 明的时尚观:你是时尚菜鸟吗?

    Ming on Fashion : Are you a fashion disaster ?

  20. 我不认为菜鸟看过太多的警察片。

    I don 't think probie 's been watching enough cop shows .

  21. 菜鸟应该学着少管闲事。

    Cabin boys should learn to mind their own business .

  22. 具有优美结构以及经过重构的代码,在菜鸟的眼里,是笨拙而粗陋的。

    Well-structured and refactored code can look awkward to an untrained eye .

  23. 这些菜鸟,都撑不了很久。

    Joey : These new kids , they never last .

  24. 开密室会议及派菜鸟投手上场也没有扭转颓势。

    Neither have closed-door meetings or trying out rookie hurlers .

  25. 好吧,我的确放了菜鸟一马。

    All right , I cut the probie some slack .

  26. 专业的军人的行动是很好预测的但战场往往充满了菜鸟。

    Professional soldiers are predictable ; the world is full of dangerous amateurs .

  27. 押注让一名菜鸟经营一家跨国企业显然不合情理。

    Gambling on a greenhorn to run a multinational clearly makes no sense .

  28. 新鲜书菜浅析菜鸟棉籽粕去毒新法

    A New Method for the Detoxication of Cottonseed Meal

  29. 他带一队菜鸟上战场。

    He led a team of crows into battle .

  30. 但我没时间教菜鸟

    But I don 't have time to be anyone 's training wheels .