  • dish;food;vegetable;greens
  • 供作副食品的植物:~市。白~。菠~。野~。蔬~。面有~色。

  • 主食以外的食品:~牛。~畜。~肴。~谱。名~。


(能做副食品的植物; 蔬菜) vegetable; greens:

  • 青菜

    green vegetables;

  • 咸菜


  • 野菜

    edible wild herbs;

  • 菜根 (儿)

    (inedible) root of a vegetable;

  • 种菜

    grow vegetables


(泛指副食) (non-staple) food:

  • 上街买菜

    go to the market to buy food


(经过烹调的蔬菜、蛋品、肉类等副食品) dish; item or course in menu (whether of meat or vegetable):

  • 川菜

    Sichuan dishes [cuisine];

  • 荤[素]菜

    meat [vegetable] dish;

  • 一道菜

    a course;

  • 做菜

    prepare the dishes; do the cooking;

  • 小菜

    pickled vegetables; pickles



  • 菜子


  • 菜油

    rape oil


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 菜丰

    Cai Feng

  1. 山野菜过氧化物酶(pod)同工酶的测定

    Determination to peroxide isoenzyme of wild vegetable

  2. HACCP质量控制体系在小袋装低盐化盐渍菜加工中的应用

    Application of HACCP quality control system on the process of lightly salinized and small package vegetable

  3. 你怎么有时间做了这么多菜?

    Whenever did you find time to do all that cooking ?

  4. 你只需加辣椒就能增加咖喱菜的辣味。

    You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies .

  5. 这道菜的味道和口感搭配得很奇特。

    This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures .

  6. 品尝一下这道新菜吧,是我们厨师长首创的。

    Try this new dish , created by our head chef .

  7. 这是一道简单易做的菜。

    Here 's a dish that is simple and quick to make .

  8. 这种葡萄酒很适合作鱼菜的佐餐酒。

    The wine makes a good accompaniment to fish dishes .

  9. 做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。

    Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe .

  10. 就我个人来讲,我总是偏爱意大利菜。

    Personally speaking , I 've always preferred Italian food .

  11. “尝尝这个吧。”她端上一盘菜说。

    ' Try this , ' she said , proffering a plate .

  12. 我以前从未做过这种菜,所以这是一个尝试。

    I 've never cooked this before so it 's an experiment .

  13. 先生,吃这道菜,我给您推荐一种白葡萄酒,好吗?

    May I suggest a white wine with this dish , Sir ?

  14. 做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。

    Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe .

  15. 这份菜单有受欢迎的传统菜,也有较为新奇的菜肴。

    The menu contained traditional favourites as well as more adventurous dishes .

  16. 菜谱定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。

    The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from .

  17. 要是有剩肉就做咖喱菜。

    Use any leftover meat to make a curry .

  18. 我们这顿午餐吃了五道菜,最后是咖啡和薄荷糖。

    We had a five-course lunch and finished up with coffee and mints .

  19. 为什么不吃今天的精选菜?

    Why not have the dish of the day ?

  20. 我炖个菜中午吃。

    I 'm making a stew for lunch .

  21. 要降低这道菜的热量,可用牛奶代替奶油。

    For a lower-calorie version of the recipe , try subbing milk for cream .

  22. 把菜切成细条。

    Cut the vegetables into thin strips .

  23. 还剩有炖锅菜吗?

    Is there any casserole left ?

  24. 在这盘菜上撒上盐。

    Sprinkle the dish with salt .

  25. 她先说不饿,接着却要了一份三道菜的大餐。

    Having said she wasn 't hungry , she then proceeded to order a three-course meal .

  26. 他们供应美味的法国菜。

    They serve good French cooking .

  27. 这道煨菜看上去令人作呕。

    The stew looked revolting .

  28. 丹做饭总是全份的:三道菜,外加一道甜食。

    When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards , with three courses and a choice of dessert .

  29. 一位女招待端来一道样子相当古怪的菜。

    One of the waitresses arrived with a very odd-looking dish .

  30. 炖野兔是厨师詹卡洛·莫里的招牌菜之一。

    Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri 's signature dishes