
  • 网络Tibet;Tubod;Jean-Max Toubeau
  1. 图博主要产品为应用于汽车及锅炉行业的冷拔焊接钢管及电焊钢管。

    Our Products are Cold Drawn Welded Tubes ERW tubes mainly used in Automobiles Boilers .

  2. 这项新研究,我们选用生物钟和人类十分接近的(黄猩猩)果蝇,以初步洞察其偏好早起还是晚起的分子基础,研究队员埃兰图博在新闻发布会上解释道。

    In this new study , we have used fruit flies ( Drosophila melanogaster ), whose gene clocks are very similar to a human 's , to get a first insight into the molecular basis of morningness / eveningness preference , explained team member Eran Tauber in a press release .