
tú wén diàn shì
  • teletext
  1. 看看结果是否上了图文电视。

    See if the results are on teletext .

  2. 从OSI参考模型看图文电视信息服务业务的扩充

    Information Service Enhancement of Teletext Based on Open System Interconnection Reference Mode

  3. 用FPGA实现图文电视中汉字显示系统

    Design of Chinese Character Display System in Teletext Using FPGA

  4. FPGA在图文电视接收电路中的应用

    The application of FPGA technology in teletext-receiving circuit

  5. 本文给出了调频指数和调相指数的统一定义式,并在此基础上,得出了β,W与调制信号参数的关系。图文电视解码器调试及误码率分析

    The paper gives a unified definition of the modulation coefficient . The Modulation of Teletext Decoder and the Analysis of the Coefficient of Error Code

  6. 本文简要介绍了图文电视的基本概念,详细描述了设计的基本思想和两个FPGA功能模块的具体实现。

    The paper gives an overview of basic conception of teletext , and describes the basic idea of the design and the implementation of the two FPGA modules in details .

  7. 基于W-CDMA的中文图文电视传输

    Transmission of Chinese teletext based on W-CDMA

  8. 简单介绍了基于小波变换的图像编解码原理,重点描述了小波变换在图文电视视频解码中的应用,给出了解码中的小波变换部分的MATLAB仿真。

    This paper gives a brief introduction about image encoding and decoding principles based on wavelet transform theory , together with the emphasis on its application in teletext video decoding . At the same time , emulation on MATLAB is carried out to appreciate the art of wavelet transform .

  9. 第八章谈论的是图文电视系统与全设计指导原则。第九章则针对IDTV输入与输出设备全设计进行初步探讨。

    Teletext system and relative universal design guideline will be discussed in chapter eight , and chapter nine explores an initial principle for IDTV input and output universal design .

  10. 单片集成块5246组成的图文电视接收系统

    The Teletext Receiving System Composed of a single chip IC 5246

  11. 面向对象的中文图文电视播出系统软件

    The Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Teletext Broadcasting Management Software System

  12. 我国的图文电视广播已经开始实际应用。

    Teletext broadcasting now begins its practical application in China .

  13. 用图文电视构成数据广播式的校园网络系统

    Constituting the Compus Network System of the Data Broadcasting Type

  14. GB/T15771-1995图文电视通道基本技术参数及测试方法

    Basic technical parameter and methods of measurement of teletext channel

  15. 维吾尔、哈萨克文图文电视演播软件的研制

    Development of software for teletext in Uighur and Kazak characters

  16. 基于数据轮播的图文电视广播系统设计

    Design of Videotex Broadcasting System Based on Data Carousel

  17. 我国代码方式图文电视广播差错控制码的开发

    Development of an error-control code for coded transmission teletext

  18. 图文电视接收原理及应用介绍

    The Principle of Teletext Receiver and Its Application

  19. 分析了图文电视的原理及发展现状。

    And the dissertation also discussed the development status of DVB teletext . 3 .

  20. 图文电视系统的发展及原理

    The Development and Theory of Teletext System

  21. 图文电视系统的关键技术和业务应用

    The key technique and application of teletext

  22. 图文电视广播国际发展述评

    A Review of Teletext Broadcasting Worldwide

  23. 图文电视原理简介

    The Introduction of the Teletext Principle

  24. GB/T14219-1993中文图文电视广播规范

    Chinese character system teletext broadcasting specification

  25. 图文电视微机接收系统

    A Microcomputer Receiving System for CCST

  26. 图文电视广播与接收技术

    Teletext broadcasting and receiving techniques

  27. 利用电视逆程作为交互电视的先导,采用了一种简单的设计方案,满足了图文电视节目的视频点播。

    A simple design is employed to achieve the video-on-demand of the teletext as the precursor of the interactive TV .

  28. 本设计是图文电视项目中的一个子项目,即设计图文电视中的汉字显示系统。

    The design presented here is a sub-project of teletext - using FPGA to design the Chinese character display system in teletext .

  29. 本文简要介绍了多媒体技术和图文电视技术及其在电视会议系统中的应用,并简介了由四川鼎天微电有限公司研制的多媒体图文电视会议系统。

    His paper introduces the advanced multimedia technology , the advancing teletext technology and their application and research in TV conference system .

  30. 本文介绍了代码制图文电视数字信道的测试及图文电视质量的主观评价。

    This paper presents the results of a successful experiment and subjective evaluation of the transmission quality on teletext in a digital channel .