
  1. 系统中DSP承担核心的视频图像处理任务,而FPGA则作为视频采集单元,预处理单元以及视频显示单元。

    The DSP is the video processing core unit ; And the video capture unit , the video pre-processing unit , the video display unit are implemented in the FPGA .

  2. 甚至有些图像处理任务,如图像拼接,完全离不开图像配准的支持。

    Some image processing tasks-such as image stitching-can not do without the support of image registration .

  3. 而目前许多图像处理任务在处理复杂场景时要浪费大量时间与计算能力。

    However , many image processing algorithms waste much time and computational resource to deal with complex scene at the moment .

  4. 在图像处理任务中,若能够预先知道图像的几何正则方向,并充分予以利用,无疑会有助于图像的处理。

    If the geometrical regularity is known in advance to be made full use of , it can help a lot in processing the image .

  5. 一个任务负责初始化系统硬件资源,然后该任务挂起,进入系统图像处理任务,定位司机的嘴巴和眼睛,并分析是否处于疲劳状态,一旦发现眼睛或者嘴巴疲劳,立即唤醒软件中断报警。

    If it finds out that the driver is in a state of fatigue , it will awaken the software interruption immediately to give out phonetics warning .

  6. 由于多尺度几何分析具有诸多优良特征,所以它非常适合用于去噪、压缩、增强、恢复和特征提取等多方面的图像处理任务。

    As a result of multiscale analysis of many excellent characteristics , so it is very suitable for denoising , compression , restoration , enhancement , feature extraction and other aspects of image processing tasks .

  7. 很多图像处理任务非常依赖图像配准,图像配准是这些图像处理任务的必要前期处理,其结果的好坏也对整个图像处理产生巨大的影响。

    Most image processing tasks rely heavily on image registration . Image registration is a necessary pre-processing of these image processing tasks . Quality of its result is an enormous impact on the entire image processing .

  8. 大多数图像处理任务都是计算密集型的问题,数据量和运算量大,给实时应用带来困难,而图像并行处理技术是提高图像处理速度的最有效技术。

    Most image processing tasks are very computationally intensive . The amount of data involved and computing power required are very large , which bring great difficulties in real-time applications , while image parallel processing technology is the most efficient technology to improve image processing speed .

  9. 医学图像处理的任务主要有图像的预处理,如分解、消噪、增强、压缩、特征提取、图像配准与融合和三维重建等。

    The task of medical image processing includes the image pretreatment , such as decompose , de-noise , enhancement , compress , feature extraction , image registration and fusion and 3D reconstruction , so on .

  10. 然后,结合检测系统中玻璃干涉图像处理的任务,详细介绍了处理的各个步骤:通过实验比较,并结合干涉条纹图像的特点,选择中值滤波、动态阈值分割等技术对图像进行预处理;

    Secondly , the steps of the glass 's image processing are discussed in detail . Based on the experiments and the characteristics of interference fringe , we pre-process the images with median filter and image segmentation with dynamic threshold .

  11. 特征角点的提取是摄像机定标中图像处理的主要任务。

    Corner detection is the main task of the image processing in camera calibration .

  12. 文章围绕导弹预警卫星红外图像的信息处理任务,研究了云背景条件下的小目标检测问题。

    This thesis majors in the detection of small moving targets with clouds as the main clutters , and the work here belongs to the information processing task of the IR images captured by missile-surveillance satellite .

  13. 随着遥感科学的发展,遥感图像的分布式处理的任务变得越来越迫切。

    With the development of Remote Sensing , it becomes very important and imminent to implement the Remotely Sensed image distributed processing .

  14. 图像处理网格系统提供任务调度的基本服务,将图像处理算法封装成网格服务,供系统用户调用。

    The grid system for image processing provides some basic scheduling services , and deploys image processing algorithms as grid services which can be used by the system users .

  15. 图像分割是图像处理任务中最困难的任务之一,精确的分割决定着图像处理分析过程的成败,因此一直受到人们的高度重视。

    Image segmentation is one of the most difficult tasks in image processing , and accurate image segmentation determinates the success or failure of the image processing , therefore it has received the people to take seriously .

  16. 图像匹配是图像处理的基本任务之一,匹配效果将直接影响到其后续图像处理工作的效果。

    Image matching is a fundamental task in image processing , and the effect of matching directly works on the following processing steps .

  17. 图像分割是图像处理的中心任务,而准确的图像分割仍然是个难点,因此有必要对图像分割进行研究。

    Image segmentation is a main task in image processing , but to produce an accurate result of image segmentation is not an easy matter for us , thus carrying on image segmentation research is essential .

  18. 消除这些缺陷,即图像恢复,对于后续的许多图像处理任务至关重要。

    The undoing of these imperfections , i.e. , image restoration , is critical to many of the subsequent image processing tasks .

  19. 改善遥感图像的质量就成为遥感图像处理的重要任务。

    How to improve the images becomes the mainly task of the remote sensing processing .

  20. 此外针对双光谱图像融合特点还设计了支持中高层图像处理的多任务微内核,微内核采用了占先式的基于优先级的调度算法,有效地满足了系统的强实时性要求。

    In addition the multi-duties microkernel has been designed in support the high level image processing aimed at the characteristic double spectrum picture fusion , the microkernel has used the anticipate dispatch algorithm that based on the PRI , effectively has satisfied the strong real-timely request of the system .

  21. 通过详细分析条纹管激光成像系统对条纹图像数据处理软件的要求,深入讨论了条纹图像数据处理的任务,设计了条纹图像数据处理软件结构。

    The structure of data processing software is designed through analyzing in detail the demand of streak tube laser imaging system for its data processing software and discussing deeply about the data processing tasks .

  22. 图像配准在图像处理中是十分重要的,通常是许多现代图像处理和计算机视觉任务一个关键的预处理步骤,许多算法和技术已经被提出用来解决配准问题。

    The image registration takes an important part in image processing . It is a key preprocessing step in many modern image processing and computer vision tasks , and many algorithms and techniques have been proposed in order to resolve the registration problem .

  23. 提出一种并行图像处理递归算法时间离散细胞神经网络,基于常规微分方程比较法则设计“填空”这一图像处理任务模板参数。

    A parallel recursive algorithmdiscrete-time cellular neural network is proposed . A hole filling template is designed based on comparison principle of ordinary differential equations .

  24. 图像配准是计算机视觉、目标识别、图像重建、机器人视觉等领域中的关键技术和图像处理的基本任务之一。

    Image registration is one of the key technologies applied in computer vision , object recognition , image reconstruction and robot vision , etc. It is also one of the basic tasks in image processing .

  25. 由于MRI图像中的信息对医疗诊断特别重要,因此如何利用数字计算机与数字图像处理理论对被噪声污染的图像进行降噪处理便成为了MRI图像处理的中心任务。

    Because the information in the MRI is very important to medical treatment , it is a primary task that how to decrease noise from MRI by use of PC and digital image processing .