• picture;chart;drawing;map
  • pursue;seek;covet;hanker after
  • 用绘画表现出来的形象:~画。~案。~谱。~鉴。

  • 指地图:《亚洲略~》。~穷匕见。

  • 画:画影~形。

  • 计谋,计划:宏~(亦作“弘图”、“鸿图”)。良~。

  • 谋取,希望得到:~谋。~利。企~。妄~。励精~治。唯利是~。


(绘画表现出的形象; 图画) picture; chart; drawing; map:

  • 地图


  • 蓝图


  • 剖面图

    sectional drawing;

  • 统计图

    statistical chart


(计划) plan; scheme; attempt:

  • 宏图

    great plan;

  • 别无他图

    no other aims;

  • 另作他图

    find another way out; work out a different scheme


(意图) intent; intention:

  • 良图

    good intention [intent]


(贪图) pursue; seek; covet; hanker after:

  • 不图私利

    do not pursue private ends;

  • 图省事

    try to do things the easy way;

  • 图一时痛快

    seek momentary satisfaction;

  • 图一时之苟安, 贻百年之大患。

    One moment's false security can bring a century of calamities.

  1. 这张图是房子的侧面。

    The picture shows a side view of the house .

  2. 他们把我带到放映室去看一张图。

    They took me into a projection room to see a picture .

  3. 图2显示了去年的销售数字。

    Last year 's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2 .

  4. 建筑师正在绘制新办公楼的设计图。

    The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices .

  5. 她做这份工作就图的是钱。

    She took the job purely and simply for the money .

  6. 库克于1768年绘制了新西兰的海岸图。

    Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768 .

  7. 此图表明了自20世纪80年代以来房价上涨的情况。

    The graph shows how house prices have risen since the 1980s .

  8. 文字和图分别编排后再进行混排。

    Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined .

  9. 新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里。

    Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library .

  10. 图中所示为叶的剖面。

    The illustration shows a section through a leaf .

  11. 两张平面图是按同一比例绘制的。

    Both plans are drawn to the same scale .

  12. 流程见示意图3。

    The process is shown schematically in figure 3 .

  13. 绘制一张身高与年龄对照的曲线图。

    Plot a graph of height against age .

  14. 结果如下面的图3所示。

    The results are represented in fig.3 below .

  15. 他随身带着一张街道平面图。

    He equipped himself with a street plan .

  16. 我给你画一张到我家的路线图。

    I 'll draw you a map of how to get to my house .

  17. 丙烯颜料可用来创作单一色调的大幅图块。

    Acrylic paints can be used to create large , flat blocks of colour .

  18. 这个示意图是按比例画的吗?

    Is this diagram to scale ?

  19. 我们试图标绘出潜艇的航线图。

    We were trying to plot the course of the submarine .

  20. 你确实刚正不阿,但图了什么呢?

    You 're being very scrupulous , but to what end ?

  21. 和一个感情用事的傻瓜在一起,我究竟是图什么?

    What the hell do I want with an emotional retard ?

  22. 结果以图表形式呈现在图1中。

    A graphical representation of results is shown in figure 1 .

  23. 这张图就会显示出这些群体之间的关联。

    The chart can then display the links connecting these groups .

  24. 德拉尔图是位优秀的运动员,赢得比赛也是理所当然。

    Derartu is an outstanding athlete and deserved to win .

  25. 道路标志图是同公用通道法规一致的。

    Pictures of road signs are matched with their Highway Code meanings .

  26. 这个项目是她图好玩儿才做的。

    It 's a project she 's doing for laughs .

  27. 希拉想帮助斯坦是另有所图的。

    Sheila had an ulterior motive for trying to help Stan

  28. 它装在一个别致的有漂亮图纹的塑料盒子里。

    It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics .

  29. 他们请我画些样品图。

    They asked me to do some sample drawings .

  30. 这正如下面的这幅简略图所示。

    This is represented in the schematic diagram below .