
duān diàn yā
  • terminal voltage
端电压[duān diàn yā]
  1. 通过自动模式达到发电机恒机端电压PID调节。

    Generator constant terminal voltage PID is achieved by Auto mode .

  2. 电缆长度对PWM逆变器驱动电机端电压的影响

    Effects of Cable Distance on the Terminal Voltage of Motor Fed by PWM Inverter

  3. 电噪声是指激光器端电压的涨落,也称为TEN。

    Electronic noise is the fluctuation of LD voltage , also called TEN .

  4. 利用MUSIC对故障相端电压进行谱估计,对所提出判据进行验证。

    The power spectrum of fault phase voltage is estimated by MUSIC to verify the correctness of criterion .

  5. 端电压模糊估算动力电池SOC的新方法

    A New Method of Fuzzy SOC Estimation for Dynamic Battery Using Terminal Voltage

  6. 基于RLS自适应滤波算法的电力有源滤波器直流端电压控制方法

    A Novel DC-Side Voltage Control Method of Shunt Active Power Filter

  7. 针对VRLA(阀控铅酸蓄电池)在浮充电过程中,单体电池的端电压会出现不平衡的问题,分析了其产生的原因。

    It is known that some cells present uneven terminal voltage during floating charge of VRLA batteries .

  8. 在该整流器中使用4个有源开关,以便在交流端电压上产生单极脉宽调制(PWM)电压波形。

    Four active switches are used in the proposed rectifier to generate a unipolar pulse width modulation ( PWM ) voltage waveform on the AC terminal voltage .

  9. 建立了以电池端电压和新旧程度为输入变量的BP网络,用实验数据对网络进行训练及检验。

    NACKS has run into a fast way of sound development A BP neural network with the batteries ' ending voltage and degree of new or old as inputs was established .

  10. 在计及发电机角速度误差信号和机端电压误差信号的目标函数基础上,PID参数用ITAE法对以变量Δω设计的控制器进行优化,改善了机端电压的品质。

    The parameters of the controller is optimized using the ITAE function and the stability of generator terminal voltage is improved .

  11. 动态电压恢复器(DynamicVoltageRestorer,DVR)装置是一种能够保护关键负荷免受供电端电压跌落、骤升等扰动的新型电力电子设备。

    A dynamic voltage restorer ( DVR ) is a power-electronic converter-based device that has been designed to protect critical loads from supply-side voltage sags and other disturbances .

  12. ANN控制方法能使发电机在负荷变化、甩负荷运行、电网故障以及发电机故障等各种工况条件下,发电机端电压保持稳定。

    ANN control strategy can make the voltage of generators stable in the course of load changed , load uninstalled , electrical network fault and generator fault and so on .

  13. 主电路为发电机机端电压经过三相不控整流电路、BUCK斩波电路、单相逆变电路、高频变压器降压电路、单相不控整流电路以及滤波电路后输出给励磁绕组。

    The main circuit is made up of three-phase uncontrolled rectifier , BUCK chopping circuit , single-phase inverter , high-frequency transformer , single-phase uncontrolled rectifier and filter .

  14. 介绍一种利用占空比与PWM电路补偿端电压之间的关系,设计的以差动电压放大器为核心构成的占空比测量电路;

    A duty ratio measuring circuit , which using differential voltage amplifier as core component , was designed utilizing the relationship between the duty ratio and the compensatory terminal of PWM IC .

  15. Matlab仿真结果表明:基于以上两种控制策略的UPFC能有效调节线路的有功功率及无功功率,保证节点电压及电容器端电压的稳定,证明该UPFC的设计方法是有效的。

    MATLAB simulation shows that UPFC can effectively regulate active power flow , re active power flow , voltage on bus and voltage on direct circuit capacitor .

  16. 稳压控制电路的作用是将输出端电压稳定在24V。

    The function of voltage regulator is to make 24V steady voltage output .

  17. 数字仿真计算结果表明,自校正励磁调节器能够自动适应同步发电机运行条件及网络结构的变化,可以获得比恒定增益的PID励磁调节器更好的发电机端电压和功角的响应特性。

    Results from the digital simulation show that the proposed self tuning PID regulator can yield better characteristics than the fixed gain PID regulator when both the operating condition of generator and network construction are changed .

  18. 要实现UPFC控制可采取直流电容端电压的控制策略、串联变换器的控制策略和并联变换器的控制策略。

    The control strategy of DC-BUS vol-tage , series convertor and parallel convertor is presented respectively to achieve the system control of UPFC .

  19. 分析了LC滤波器对逆变器输出电流和机端电压的影响及滤波电容与电机之间的自激等问题,并据此提出了电抗参数和电容参数的具体设计原则和方法。

    The effects of the LC filter on the motor voltage and inverter output current were analyzed . A parameter design method was developed for the inductor and capacitor designs .

  20. 该仪器具有自动循环每个电池的端电压,自动均衡充电,实时显示实时评估电池容量、储存、记录和打印当月电池组工作情况与PC通讯。

    This device can equalize automatically the end voltage of battery by circulation examination and equalizing charge . It can show voltage in real time , assesses the capacity , store , and type battery working condition every month .

  21. 在此无功补偿模型中,除了考虑变压器变比、补偿电容、发电机端电压之外,控制变量采用TCSC的输出变量。

    In this reactive compensation model , besides considering transformer , compensation capacitor , generator bus voltages outside , The control variables using TCSC output variables .

  22. 研究基于PWM调节器控制的Boost型功率因数校正器,它不需要检测二极管整流桥输出端电压,也不需要使用乘法器,控制电路非常简单。

    The paper investigates the boost-type power factor corrector base on PWM modulator control . It 's not necessary to measure the output voltage of diode rectifier bridge and use multiplier . The control circuit is very simple .

  23. 最后完成了对系统硬件电路的设计,通过PIC单片机对太阳能输出电压、输出电流和蓄电池端电压信号的采集和处理,以达到系统最大功率跟踪的功能。

    Finally , the design of system circuit is completed . The output voltage and current of solar cell and the voltage of storage battery are collected and analyzed by PIC microcontroller .

  24. 首先,分析表明在UPFC输入端电压保持不变的情况下,线路无功潮流的变化实际上是由并联变换器提供的;

    Firstly , it is found that the shunt converter provides all the required reactive power during the change of power flow if the UPFC bus voltage is constant .

  25. 第二部分采用多输入单输出的自组织模糊神经网络和dq轴解耦控制策略并结合电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术来维持节点电压及电容器端电压的稳定。

    Self-organizing fuzzy neural network of multi-input-and-single-output , d-q axis decouple control and voltage-space-vector PWM control technique are adopted to regulate voltage on bus and voltage on direct circuit capacitor .

  26. 研究了蓄电池SOC的几种预测方法后,提出利用电池端电压与内阻联合来预测蓄电池SOC的方法,该方法可以提高预测的精度。

    After having studied the accumulator cell SOC several forecast technique , proposed that using the battery terminal voltage and the interface resistance union forecast accumulator cell SOC the method , this method may enhance the forecast the precision .

  27. 本文详细给出了电解液比重法、开路电压法和闭路电压法等几种检测SOC的方法,确定了蓄电池端电压为系统的控制参数。

    This paper gives several methods to detect SOC , such as electrolyte specific gravity method , open circuit voltage method and closed-circuit voltage method , regard the terminal voltage of battery as the control parameters of the system .

  28. 介绍了采用51单片机控制的谐波励磁发电机数字电压调节器,它运用先进的PWM和高频开关管实现对发电机输出端电压的控制。

    A new kind of digital automatic voltage regulator ( DAVR ) of harmonic wave excited generator controlled by 51 single chip computer was presented . The advanced control technology of PWM and MOSFET was used to control the output voltage of the generator .

  29. 然后从分析电路的各个外围引脚的功能入手,对整个电路的工作原理进行研究,如数字逻辑信号D0、D1、D2如何控制整个电路的输出,FB端电压与整个控制回路的关系及反馈机制。

    Analyze function of pins , then analyze the principle of operation , for example how digital signal control the output voltage , the connection between voltage of FB and control loop .

  30. 当端电压大于临界电压时,空调群特性可由Karlsson-Hill模型反映;

    When the voltage is above critical value , the Karlsson-Hill model is suitable .