
  1. 去B链羧端五肽胰岛素的结构研究&Ⅲ.高分辨核磁共振研究

    Structural studies on des - ( b-chain C-terminal pentapeptide ) insulin & ⅲ . high resolution NMR studies

  2. 分子置换法在去B链羧端五肽胰岛素晶体结构测定中的应用

    The application of the molecular replacement method in the determination of despentapeptide ( b26 ~ 30 ) - insulin crystal structure

  3. 去B链C端五肽胰岛素类似物的制备和性质

    Preparation and properties of des - pentapeptide ( 26 ~ 30 ) insulin analogues with shortened n - terminals of the B - chain

  4. 提示B链羧端五肽的去除并未严重改变其与受体结合有关的疏水面结构。

    This suggests that the removal of the C-terminal pentapeptide does not impair seriously the hydrophobic structure related to the binding with insulin receptor .

  5. 〔B25-Trp〕去B链C端五肽胰岛素酰胺的合成及性质

    Synthesis and Properties of [ B25-Trp ] Despentapeptide Insulin Amide

  6. 目的:研究精氨酸加压素C-端五肽片段ZNC(C)PR在大鼠脑内的结合位点。

    AIM : To study the binding sites of ZNC ( C ) PR , a C-terminal pentapeptide fragment of argipressin , in rat brain .

  7. 研究了胰岛素(Ins)和去B链羧端五肽胰岛素(DPI)的250兆周核磁共振,发现DPI、Ins核磁共振谱之间存在着差异。

    Studies have been made of the 250 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of insulin and DPI . Differences have been found between DPI and insulin spectra .

  8. 端午亦称端五,是我国最大的传统节日之一。

    Dragon Boat Festival , also known as end of Friday , our country are one of biggest traditional holiday .

  9. 肽的研究&Ⅴ.新的带保护基牛胰岛素A链氨端五肽和九肽的合成

    Studies on peptides & ⅴ . the synthesis of new protected N-terminal pentapeptide and nonapeptide of the A-chain of bovine insulin

  10. 如果在生活中拥有同样的机会,处于收入水平最底端五分之一的人中有很大一部分人本该进入最高收入阶层。

    A big share of those in the bottom fifth would be in the top if they had the same life chances .

  11. 氨基封端苯胺五聚体的合成及紫外光谱研究

    Synthesis of Amino-capped Aniline Pentamer and UV-Vis Spectral Study

  12. 拟建厦门东通道海底隧道工程位于厦门岛东北端的湖里区五通村与对岸同安区西滨村之间,方向北东NE50°,隧道全长约5.9km,其中海域段长约4.2km。

    Quasi-constructed Xiamen East Passage Submarine Tunnel Construction , NE50 ° in direction and about 5.9 kilometers in the whole length with about 4.2 kilometers ' sea area include , locates between the Wutong Village in Huli Region of northeast end of Xiamen Island and Xibin Village in Tong'an Region .

  13. 从电线折角端开始缠绕竹签五圈,将竹签抽出即成简易天线

    Step 3 : The Coil From the point that the wire bends , wrap it neatly around a skewer five times . You can then pull the skewer carefully from the loops . This forms the antenna .

  14. B链氨端去-肽(B1)羧端去五肽(B26&30)猪胰岛素的初步晶体学研究

    The preliminary crystallographic studies of des - B 1 - Des pentapeptide ( B 26 - 30 ) insulin